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BtVS Books?

Mar 04 2008 11:42 pm   #1Indigo Stevens
Ok, I just came across some books on Amazon for BtVS that I didn't know existed. The Deathless, Bad Bargain, Blackout (that one had Spike on the cover *grin*), One Thing or Your Mother, Carnival of Souls, etc., etc., etc.

My questions are these: when did these books come out and are they cannonical (fits in the BtVS timeline)? Also, anyone know where I can find a master booklist so I know what book came out when, should I decide to order them.

Thanks for any info.

Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping... ...waiting... And though unwanted... ...unbidden... it will its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us... guides us... Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank... Without passion, we'd be truly dead ~Angelus, BtVS Season 2, Passion episode
Mar 05 2008 12:16 am   #2nmcil

I wonder if maybe there is a Buffy group that is dedicated to the Buffyverse novels - that might be a good starting point -

” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Mar 05 2008 12:27 am   #3Nika
The Buffy books aren't canonical and never have been according to Joss, though to get them published he has to approve them. Or is it Fox, one of them.
"Perhaps a great love is never returned."

-Dag Hammersjold
Mar 05 2008 01:29 am   #4Eowyn315
We already have a thread about the Buffy novels here, where pretty much all these questions are answered. Here is the list of novels in chronological order of the series. None of the novels are considered canon. Joss doesn't get to approve them, Fox does.
Writing should feel easy, like a monkey driving a speed boat.
Mar 05 2008 02:31 am   #5Indigo Stevens
Thank you Eowyn :)

Passion. It lies in all of us. Sleeping... ...waiting... And though unwanted... ...unbidden... it will its jaws, and howl. It speaks to us... guides us... Passion rules us all. And we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion, maybe we'd know some kind of peace. But we would be hollow. Empty rooms, shuttered and dank... Without passion, we'd be truly dead ~Angelus, BtVS Season 2, Passion episode