BSV Forum - Writing - Canon

Gem of Amara

Aug 10 2008 09:54 am   #1dawnofme
Hey, resident BTVS canon experts.  And, anyone else who wishes to impart their wisdom.  Most of you know that my WIP, In Harm's Way, is a Gem of Amara fic.   Or, at least, that's what I'm aiming for.  

I've done some searching and I'm trying to not mess with canon while giving the ring certain powers that could have been possible, but never brought up on the show. 

Now, I'm writing a bit in that would give a little back story to the ring.  So I got to thinking and then researching on what is known about the Gem in canon.  I didn't come up with a whole lot.  If there is already back story for the ring, then I don't want to mess with it in my fic.

So, what do you know about the Gem of Amara?  I'm even interested to know if any of the writers said interesting things about it in interviews.
Aug 10 2008 06:14 pm   #2Eowyn315
Yeah, there's really not much said about it at all - as Giles puts it, "conveniently vague." I think everything we know about it, Giles says in the episode. I don't recall any interviews about it.
Writing should feel easy, like a monkey driving a speed boat.
Aug 11 2008 11:29 pm   #3pfeifferpack
The only official thing I know is the one bit of dialogue in Harsh Light of Day:

The only official thing I know is the one bit of dialogue in Harsh Light of Day:

Giles : It's uh, the vampire equivalent of the Holy Grail. The source of some enormous power, was convienetly vague. Oh, here it is, yes. There was a great deal of vampiric interest in locating it during the, uh, oh the 10th century. Questing vampires combed the earth, but no one ever found anything.. It was concluded that it never existed.

I have a plot bunny that I'll eventually do with my take on its origins but there is no canon otherwise that I know of and I've looked about quite a bit.
They didn't even know it was a ring much less what it would do:
Harmony : So is it doing it? Do you feel it. I mean, you don't look different, if you were wondering. I thought maybe you'd look taller or glow or something. Hmm.

Giles : Well, Buffy, any vampire that gets his hand on this is going to be essentially unkillable.

From "In The Dark" on AtS we learn little more:
Doyle holds up a hand:  “And I’m sure we’ll be interested in that later, but right now can we concentrate on the mother-load Angel just hit?” .....

Doyle:  “Since the accessory is priceless and renders it’s wearer 100% unkillable if he’s a vampire.”
Cordy:  “Unkillable?  Whew.  You mean not even stakes?”
Doyle:  “Not nothing. Not stakes, not fire, and the best thing is not even sunlight.  (to Angel)  I mean just think of it man.  Poolside tanning, bargain matinees, - plus I know a couple of strip clubs that have a fabulous luncheon buffet, I mean, it’s – I’ve heard.”

Other than that it's pretty much just us little ole fic writers to take it and run.  Hope that helps.

