BSV Forum - Writing - Canon

Spike calls Buffy what?

Dec 31 2008 03:18 pm   #1Spikez_tart
Okay, fan wankers, this question is for the truly obsessed.  Does Spike ever call Buffy by her name in front of anyone else?  Or does he always call her Slayer or something smart alecky? 
If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
Dec 31 2008 04:23 pm   #2Legen
not that i can ever recall. i don't really have the dvds to look it up, or really the time. but i don't think he ever called her that around her friends. i think when she was dead he refered to her like that around them, but then you know she wan't actually there.
Your heart will break, your tears will fall, but don't be suprised, if there is someone there, to catch you when you fall. Becuase you, yes you, are awesome.
Dec 31 2008 05:33 pm   #3Scarlet Ibis
I'm pretty sure he called her Buffy when he found out her friends kicked her out of her own house.  "Buffy has done this and that for you," etc.  He's called her Summers in front of people as well several times.  He definitely says it in "Him."
"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
Dec 31 2008 06:01 pm   #4TammyDevil666
Yeah, he calls her Buffy in the beginning of "Him."  When he reaches out to her and she flinches away, I'm not sure of any other time.
When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you, and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You're a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy.
Dec 31 2008 08:22 pm   #5maryperk
He calls her Buffy to Willow while drunk in Lover's Walk.  I remember looking for it a long time ago to find out.
Dec 31 2008 10:29 pm   #6Spikez_tart
Thanks Fans I knew I could count on you, although I see that Legen is lagging behind on Total Obsession  :)
If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
Jan 01 2009 05:02 pm   #7sosa lola

"Good enough for Buffy..." Spike said to Xander and Anya in Entropy...

I actually believe he called her "Buffy" a lot, even when he's around her friends.

Jan 01 2009 05:36 pm   #8Spikez_tart
Obviously, I need to watch all episodes again with Spike and Buffy and create a database along with a list of every time somebody wears a red hood.  Thanks all.
If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
Jan 01 2009 06:02 pm   #9slaymesoftly
When he throws her the knife so that she can kill the demon in the house in Season V, he calls her "Buffy" to get her attention.  I think he uses her name fairly often here and there once they've become non-enemies.
I am not a minion of Evil...
I am upper management.
Jan 04 2009 12:44 am   #10Spikez_tart
When he throws her the knife - no one else is there.  He calls her Buffy in private a number of times. 
If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
Jan 04 2009 09:45 pm   #11nmcil

Spike calls her Buffy several times, but mostly the episodes are when he is being presented in a more favorable light, with the exception of "Yoko Factor" - here are some of the episodes, I am sure there are others -

The Yoko Factor
Something Blue
First Date

” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Jan 04 2009 09:48 pm   #12Scarlet Ibis
In "Out of My Mind," he rants "Buffy, Buffy, Buffy!" to Harmony.  Buffy's not there, sure, but he doesn't refer to her as slayer or anything.  He also calls her Buffy a number of times in front of Angel and the gang.
"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
Jan 05 2009 01:40 am   #13Spikez_tart
Sadly - a fine theory is blown.
If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
