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Now, where did I leave my sonic screwdriver?

Feb 11 2009 07:04 am   #1FetchingMadScientist
Since my muse seems to have taken a trip in the TARDIS with a strange little man in a pinstripe suit, and it may be of interest to others here, I thought I post some news about the Bafta Awards. (That's the British version of the Oscars, in the States.)  Noel Clarke, known to Dr. Who fans as "Mickey 'The Idiot' Smith" won an award for "Rising Star."  Which, I guess, would be "Best New Actor" at the Oscars.

  Way to go, Mr. Clarke!

(Now, if I could just get the TARDIS to take me back to Sunnydale......)
"Never a fetching mad scientist about when you need one." -Spike