BSV Forum - General - Artwork

New BSV Banner/Header & Button by Mitashade

Aug 14 2009 09:14 pm   #1Mitashade
I felt the need to make a new banner for BSV. It started when I was looking through the skins, and I had an urge to make my own. I also made a button if anyone wants to use it to link back here: I do.

Hope you like! If you want to use it, just let me know, and credit moi. You can see all my other work at my LJ Master Artwork List (there's lots, lol).
Aug 15 2009 05:25 am   #2nmcil
NICE WORK - great to have some new graphics for the site
” Recent evolutionary models have demonstrated what politicians have long known: the best way to get people to collaborate and to think like a group is to identify an enemy and charge that “they” threaten “us.”

Michael Tomasello is co-director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology.
Aug 15 2009 11:19 am   #3BloodyHell
Me likey :)
I think it's time for a new banner and this one is very good!
Out. For. A. Walk...Bitch.

Icon by  xheartrockx
Aug 23 2009 11:52 pm   #4Mitashade
Thanks! Glad you guys like it. :D

I'd love to get to make a new skin for the site. That would be a ton of fun. I just finished making another LJ comm layout, so I'm in the mood now, lol.