BSV Forum - Writing - Canon

Xander compliments Spike

Aug 07 2012 02:04 am   #1ginar369
I have this memory of Xander saying that Spike was compact and well muscled. I think it was from an actual episode.  But I could be wrong. Does anyone know?
Aug 07 2012 03:48 am   #2Spikez_tart
XANDER: No one is judging you. It's understandable. Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled.

It's in Intervention. 
If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
Aug 07 2012 01:01 pm   #3ginar369
XANDER: No one is judging you. It's understandable. Spike is strong and mysterious and sort of compact but well-muscled.

It's in Intervention. 

Thank you!
