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Dark= Bad?

May 26 2007 07:33 pm   #1Guest


Warning: Slight spoilers for Spiderman 3


Saw "Spiderman 3" a week or so ago, and first let me say that I loved it, and didn't even notice it was like 3 hours.  Usually, if I see a three hour movie, there's a moment where I'll be like "damn, what time is it?  Is this shit over yet?"  but did not at all while watching this film.

Peter Parker, decked out in black, being consumed by the outside in by this "venom."  He begins to dress better, he does a geeky dance down the street (no real difference there), he tries to approach the ladies, his hair is better, no glasses... he gets revenge (of sorts) on the people who have hurt him, particularly Mary Jane who dumped his ass.

I thought that last bit was hilarious.  And, it was her own fault when she got hit in the face for trying to stop a fight between a hugely muscled bouncer, and a guy who she knew had super human powers.

I liked "Dark" Peter.

I root for the "bad" or "dark" or "evil" guys.  Clark Kent and his martyrdom and extreme superiority complex disturbs me.  I like Lex Luthor.  I liked Dan on "One Tree Hill" better when he was bad (excluding the killing his brother thing). Sawyer.  And Spike- love, love, love, love, LOVE him.

Having snark, or a backbone, or seeking revenge or whatever is awesome, and kick ass.  What's the deal?  Why does Peter want to be "good," when his "bad counterpart" wasn't all that bad to begin with?

So in short, go with the darkness.  Let the dark guide you.  Hell if anything, it'll make things more interesting.  Seriously, who wants to be around a smiling, goody goody all the damn time?

May 26 2007 07:34 pm   #2Guest

Whoops- that was me, Scarlet.

On mom's laptop, and didn't have automatic sign in.

May 26 2007 10:10 pm   #3GoldenBuffy

I knew it was you. When I started reading I was like this is Scarlet, lol. I agree, I like the bad boys and I'm thrilled that Peter kinda embraced his darker half. I can't wait to see this movie. Three hours huh? Well if I sat through Malcolm X I can do Spider Man.

And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along
May 26 2007 10:17 pm   #4Scarlet Ibis

Omg- GB, did my profane language give me away?  I didn't mean to do that- I straight copied this from a blog that I wrote, and thought to myself "hmm, this kidna applies here to," and posted it without rereading what I wrote.  I have a different way of writing comments and stuff here as opposed to how I write my blog- I try to watch my language here.  So sorry if anyone was offended. 

And I don't think I've seen Malcolm X from beginning to end straight through.  Goodfellas, the Departed and Titantic, and only the last one made me gag and wonder when it was gonna be over...

Oh, and I *so* loved Tom Cruise's Lestat, and his Vincenet in "Collateral."

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
May 26 2007 11:01 pm   #5GoldenBuffy

No, it's just your style of writing, lol. Certain people I can pick out just from their writing. I'm pretty sure I know you, Zoe, Marie, and a few others.

I haen't seen Collateral yet, maybe I'll got rent it if they have it today. Have to take back the Ring and the Ring two.

And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along
May 26 2007 11:11 pm   #6Scarlet Ibis

(claps hands) Oh, you must see it!! Collateral is sooooooo great.  I saw it twice when it was out in theatres.

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
May 27 2007 04:06 am   #7TwilightChild

  'Dark' Peter didn't go dark, he went emo.  lol.  At least, that seemed to be the deal with his hair and clothes.

  I agree, the standing up for himself thing was nice, but still.  He kind of ruined it when he just combed down his hair.  I heard five people in the theater go 'ohhhhh, Emo Parker!"

May 27 2007 05:19 am   #8Scarlet Ibis

Well, it was better than his little, good boy side part, but would have been best had he slicked it all back, I think.  And I liked the darker color and clothes.  And emo- well, at least he wasn't rocking those god awful tight pants- I can't *stand* skinny jeans on men.  Ewww...

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
May 27 2007 06:47 am   #9GoldenBuffy

LMAO, Spidy gone emo. The poor boy. And I'm with ya, I cna't stand men in skinny jeans. But I hate when their falling off their ass too.

And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along
May 27 2007 10:12 pm   #10Guest

Okay, you  like the black Spidey better.  But did you get that it was a complete cop out?  I mean, one of the reasons I like Spike is cause you can see and understand the inner struggle, regardless of the soul, chip, or anything else. he will always be a vampire with a vampire's needs and desires.  But all Peter struggled with was a contiminated suit.  Once he found out how to take it off, he reverted to type, unchanged.  Not really the same thing at all - to me very cartoonish and boring.


- Cas/Anaunthe

May 27 2007 11:47 pm   #11ZoeGrace

zoe's name was taken in vain.  zomg!  i like the darker guys too.  a choice between dating lex and clark... definitely lex.

sawyer or jack: sawyer

spike or good angel: spike

self righteous martyrdom is not an attractive quality.

May 27 2007 11:57 pm   #12GoldenBuffy
zoe's name was taken in vain. zomg!

ROFL. Um, which Lex old Lex or young Lex. 'Cause it would have to be young Lex. And if it was between Spike and Angules, who would it be? You can't have both.

And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along
May 28 2007 12:06 am   #13ZoeGrace

young Lex of course.  The hot one.  Duh.

As for Spike and Angelus, probably Spike.  Because I wouldn't have any kind of guarantee of being safe with Angelus.  Bad boys are nice, They'll protect you from anyone else.  But who will protect you from them?  I'd be very leery of Angelus, though I think he's hot. 

May 28 2007 01:24 am   #14Scarlet Ibis

Angelus wasn't faithful- William the Bloody/Spike all the way, cause no matter what was happening with him, he never lost his poet's heart.

Lex over Clark?  Of course, hands down.  Clark is self righteous and boring.  When he found out Lex had been with a call girl, he got all pissy on him like Lex was his man or something... It was weird.

Mos def Sawyer over Jack.

Jack Bristow over Vaughn

Pacey over Dawson

slit throat "dark" Wes over goody Watcher boy, glasses wearing Wes

And, the only time I thought Xander actually looked hot (I always thought he was cute, but I'm talking sexiness now) was as a vampire- when he was bad.  Awww...


"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
May 28 2007 03:24 am   #15ZoeGrace

to be fair, most vampires seem to be somewhat polyamorous. That in itself isn't necessarily morally bad.  Both Dru and Darla didn't seem to have a problem sharing him.  Within "vampire society" itself, Angelus seemed to be very loyal to Darla.

heheh I've never seen Dawson's Creek.

And Oh yes, dark Wesley was SO hot.  In the buffyverse he's my second pick behind Spike. MEOW.  hahaha yes, I thought Xander was very hot as a vampire.  He was also not bad in "the pack" in season one where he was possessed by the hyena spirit.  

Jack Bristow?  Why is that familiar?  Are we talking Alias?  I don't think I would sleep with anyone on Alias. Vaughn is hot, but he's a little too goody good.

Here's something that always annoyed me.  Buffy repeatedly puts Spike down and tries to avoid being with him.  Kate is the same way in a lot of ways with Sawyer.  And yet, (not all) but MANY women seem to go for bad boys.  It would seem to me more realistic that buffy would fall into spike's arms and stay there.  Same with Kate and Sawyer.

So many women get screwed up going for the wrong kind of bad boy.  The one who would actually hurt them.  So I just don't see someone not going for a bad boy they're actually safe with.  Even if they are at first a little leery about that safety.

May 28 2007 03:49 am   #16Scarlet Ibis

Peter Parker's black suit= copout.  True.  There was no inner struggle.  Also true.  But damn, was he fun to watch.  That was the writer's fault- they should have made it a real struggle, and have Peter find a balance between the two (which I still don't feel was needed) so as to appease the audience that's for the self righteous type of hero. I think I like the anti-hero.  That's why I love "Sin City" so damn much.

Actually, Kate learns, eventually... that's all I'm going to say about that.

Yes, I was referring to Alias, and I totally forgot Sark (you must watch Alias just for that).  Now that I think of it, I'd chose a lot of the guys over Vaughn on that show just cause he was such a brooding boyscout.  He reminded me of a short, malnourished Angel (not appearance wise, just his personality).  Actually, Angel had more flare...

And yes about the polyamorous thing with vamps, but Spike was coerced into it.  He wanted it to just be him and Dru, but Angelus won that particular battle...

And Buffy was a total hypocrit- nough said. 

Oh, and serious Xander when he was split in half in "The Replacement" was hotter than regular Xander (though that wasn't even Nicky, but whatever).

I find myself growing restless of these self righteous heroes- I like the villains better.

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
May 28 2007 06:22 am   #17ZoeGrace

Scarlet, I'm starting to see that in Kate.  I'm in Season Two and she's regretting not saying goodbye. (don't want to say more don't want to spoil anyone who's watching and hasn't gotten that far.)

I haven't seen Alias in awhile, but yes...I would sleep with Sark. (I'm sure this creates all kinds of questions of what my husband must be like hahaha)

And yes, Spike has always been different as far as vampires go.

Also, welcome to the dark side. It's much less self righteous over here. ;)

May 28 2007 06:38 am   #18Scarlet Ibis

Yeah, what *is* your hubby like, lol. 

And yes, the dark side... I like it better in the shade ;)

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
May 28 2007 08:37 am   #19ZoeGrace

My husband is a lot like Spike.  I remember the first time I saw Buffy (it was a Spike ep) and half the stuff he said could have come right out of Tom's mouth lol. 

May 28 2007 10:15 pm   #20Scarlet Ibis

Lucky girl ;)

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
May 28 2007 10:44 pm   #21ZoeGrace

hehehe yeah. ;)

Jun 03 2007 10:41 pm   #22spikes_wish

Re:Emo PArker.

Emo guys are fit as.End of.

Jun 04 2007 10:25 pm   #23Unbridled_Brunette

In Spiderman 3, Peter didn't seem dark to me so much as self-absorbed and dorky. Up until the fight scene with Harry (which I loved, loved, loved!) he was an ass, but he wasn't exactly cruel. I wasn't really feeling new-Peter up until that moment. I like him sweet and soft, and the whole "Saturday Night Fever" routine seemed a little cheesy. Once he got his rocks on and started mocking Harry, though, it was definitely sexy. Still, I wasn't sorry he learned his lesson and turned back into his usual sweet self.

I'm not sure if I am a "bad boy" sort of girl, because I really tend to gravitate to sweethearts, or to guys whose badness is only skin-deep (like Spike). In Spiderman 3, I actually developed a bit of a crush on Harry, because he went from cocky rich prig, to all out evil, to good-natured sweetie, back to evil, and then to hero. And which incarnation I liked best? The good-natured (albeit amnesic) sweetie. Still, evil guys can be fun as well. :evil:

For example ...

Spike or William: A draw. I actually love the vulnerable poet as much as I love the cocky (and underneath it, still vulnerable) vampire.

Angel or Angelus: Angelus all the way. Angel is dry toast -- Angelus is a jalapeno pepper: hot!

Nerdy Watcher-Wesley or scruffy, morally ambiguous Wesley: Do I even have to say? It's definitely not nerdy Wes. :P

Clark or Lex: Ugh, I hate Clark Kent/Superman. Talk about having a Christ Complex.

Harry or Draco: It was a draw until "The Half-Blood Prince." In that book there is a scene with Draco that makes me change my mind. I won't go into detail in case some of you haven't read it and are planning to. But for those who have read it: it was the scene in the bathroom where Harry eavesdrops on him. After that scene, it was all about Draco. :D

Faithfully bowing at the altar that is Stephen Colbert
Jun 04 2007 11:36 pm   #24Scarlet Ibis

Excluding the Spiderman bit, I agree with your examples, UB.  Though Spike has William within him, I'd take William without the Spike personality.  I was *thrilled* to see the return of Angelus in s4, and I *loved* that cage scene when he taunts all of his friends.  It amused me. 

Actually, I'm kinda on the fence with Wesley- sure post glasses, facial hair Wes is *way* better, but I'd take the other, dorky version too. 

And Lex, of course (are we talking Smallville here? I am...).  They (heroes with superiority complexes) really are extreme to the definition of "bad" or "evil."  According to Clark, the fact that Lex had sex with high priced call girls made him "bad," and he was all like "it's like I don't even know you," as if Lex was his man or something...

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."