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Jul 16 2007 04:45 am   #1GoldenBuffy

Anyone any good at the meanings in dreams. For years I had this one dream that started after I had my first child. I would be inside this Pakistani styles house and would hear my daughter crying, so I would follow the crying out into this courtyard, where I'd find her, but she was surrounded by snakes. I mean lots and lots of snakes, and the closest one to her would be this albino python. It never tried to eat her to hurt her, none of the snakes do, but every time I tried to reach her they would lash out at me. Trying to bite me.

Some how I get her to crawl/walk over to me and I pick her up. Then I would hear growling, turning around I'd find a bangel tiger behind me and I start to run still holding my daughter, the cat is chasing me. I make it to this wooden fence in the yard then i wake up. This dream played out like this over and over, then once I had my second daughter she was included in the dream.

When I had duaghter number three those snake dreams stopped, but was replaced by a more desturbing dream. It was set in our old apartment in MD, and my father had come to visit with us, he leaves the house to have a smoke and some stranger enters while we're all sleep. My oldest and the baby at the time were alseep in one room and the rest of us in two other bedrooms. The stranger has a knife and kills the baby and tries to kill my oldest but I stop him and kill him instead. Needless to say I've had that dream only three times, each time waking up shaking and crying.

Now the last dream I just recently had, was with the albino python and this time he is chasing me and my fourth daughter who is currently 2.5 years old. I'm wondering what do these dreams mean, since it always seems to be the youngest of the kids at the time are the center of them. I should mention that I've never had a dream like this with my son in them.

And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along
Jul 16 2007 05:52 am   #2scarlett2u

Okay, don't know much about dreams, but here's my theory: It seems that all the dreams deal with what you might consider to be your most vulnerable child/children in a situation fraught with danger where you are called upon to protect/defend them, sometimes having to overcome nigh impossible odds and risk your own life in the process.

I think it's a reaction to the stress of being a modern mom.  You know your girls live in a world where they are surrounded with dangers daily--dangers you can't always control. One only has to watch 15 minutes of a news program to see examples of this daily. If you can watch the news and NOT begin to worry about the world we live in and keeping our loved ones safe...well, you'd be a better woman than I am. And I don't even have kids! LOL

Let's face it, as women, we can be more vulnerable in situations of physical theats, etc--even in our own homes. That's probably why you've never had the dream about your son. Not to sound sexist, but we are conditioned to worry more about little girls than little boys.

I think you should take comfort in that despite the dangers surrounding your daughters in your dreams, you are rising to the occasion. You are there for them, protecting them and doing your best. Your dream is like a microcosm of momhood: it's getting the kids through all the perils so they can grow up safe and healthy.

Jul 16 2007 06:15 am   #3ZoeGrace

Not to take away from anybody's girl power or anything, but there was a really good quote in this book called: "The Gift of Fear"  that went something like this:

"At root, men are afraid women will reject them.  Women are afraid men will kill them."

And it's very true.  It doesn't mean women hate men or are afraid of men, it only means that when there IS a perceived reason to fear the opposite sex, the highest fear your average male will ever have is "she might reject me." 

And in the dating realm this is generally the man's biggest fear.  Meanwhile the woman has to be cautious to make sure the man she's about to go out with isn't someone who might hurt her.

Jul 16 2007 08:08 am   #4Blood Faerie

My dad used to bluntly tell me and my sister, we couldn't go out alone at night because we had vaginas..... I had the kind of parents that gave us gas money as a small price to pay to make sure we didn't break down on the side of the road (with our vaginas, lol)

But, I agree with the assessment that this is worrying over your daughters' safety. There's a scene in a Roseanne episode (bear with me) where they have a discussion about dreams where they "save the baby". It was cute.

Unfortunately, we had big vampires in the next room, and I didn't think they'd wait while we had hot monkey sex. ~Cerulean Sins :: (Anita to Jean-Claude)“Is there anything your bloodline does that doesn’t involve getting naked?" ~Danse Macabre :: I’m dating three men, living with two more, and having occasional sex with two others. That’s seven men. I’m like a pornographic Snow White. I think seven is plenty. ~Danse Macabre
Jul 19 2007 07:34 am   #5Opal

It's comforting to know I am not the only one with vivid dreams. I tend to use them as material for fiction, however I have had many recurring ones that are the same and then some that do change.

I find what is more disturbing is when I have a deja vu moment but I know that moment is traced back to a dream. Hopefully that isn't happening in your case, but there is definitely more to "dreams" then just that.


Jul 19 2007 08:03 am   #6GoldenBuffy

Ya know I think everyone is right. I guess even if I don't worry while I'm awake or when the kids are in my sight, that during the night my fears, etc. come out in my dreams. *sigh* I just hate the snake dream, and I hate snakes period. So I just wish they'd become something else as long as they are not sharks or spiders, 'cause ewww!

OPAL!!!!!!! *pounce* I miss you.

And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along
Jul 19 2007 10:31 am   #7Blood Faerie

It's not quite the same thing, but pets almost are like children...actually they are like children just they thankfully can't back talk and unfortunately have shorter lives *sigh* Anyway, after the first of my two dogs died -- Sebastien the cocker -- I kept having nightmares where I tried to save his life from various disasters.... totally tormented me because I'd wake up crying like he died all over again, you know?  When Mieoshe and my hamster, Hades, died earlier this year, I had a nightmare or two of something happening to my remaining hamster.

And omg, I had to tell you, GB! You totally invaded my brain! The other night I had a nightmare similar to the one you told, but it was my hamster I saved from the snakes. I blame it on you :P

Unfortunately, we had big vampires in the next room, and I didn't think they'd wait while we had hot monkey sex. ~Cerulean Sins :: (Anita to Jean-Claude)“Is there anything your bloodline does that doesn’t involve getting naked?" ~Danse Macabre :: I’m dating three men, living with two more, and having occasional sex with two others. That’s seven men. I’m like a pornographic Snow White. I think seven is plenty. ~Danse Macabre
Jul 19 2007 07:22 pm   #8Eowyn315

I find what is more disturbing is when I have a deja vu moment but I know that moment is traced back to a dream.

Gah! That happens to me, too... creeps me the frick out. And, you know, if I'm gonna dream things that haven't happened yet, why can't I ever dream something useful, like the winning lottery numbers?

Writing should feel easy, like a monkey driving a speed boat.
Jul 20 2007 08:53 am   #9GoldenBuffy

 And omg, I had to tell you, GB! You totally invaded my brain! The other night I had a nightmare similar to the one you told, but it was my hamster I saved from the snakes. I blame it on you

Sorry, lol. What can I say my dreams are addictive. :P


And in the air the fireflies
Our only light in paradise
We'll show the world they were wrong
And teach them all to sing along