BSV Forum - General - The Bloodshedpub


Aug 21 2007 05:09 am   #1Guest

vladt: have a question. why would anyone review and tell the author "this is why i do not read" this type of fic?  i have problems explaining why i am in love with a tale. if i am not enjoying the read, i move on. i have read tales that  i have enjoyed immensely, even though the subject was not appealing to me but the author had shown (either in the past or in a few paragraphs) how skilled a storyteller he or she was.  now  i never offer critics (positve? or negative)  because the talent level is way beyond . i simple try to show my appreciation for the effort and talent that provides my reading pleasure.  am finished venting. also cannot recall ever seeing  a paragraph on this site with so many i in it.  mike