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OM friggin' gawd...

Aug 21 2007 08:09 am   #1Scarlet Ibis

Has anyone heard of this?  Either one of these?  Know where to find it or have it?

 Maloney is rather fun, mostly because James ( as a lovelorn cop who goes off the rails when his fiance cheats on him with his partner) seems to be under the impression that he's in an entirely diferent show, one that's actually good :)

And the Mere Smith film The Enforcers is the holy grail of James fandom , no one has, to my knowledge ever found a copy . ( the " Enforcers" advertised on Amazon when you search for James is a film about the military police with no Buffyverse people at all, many copies of that have been ordered and returned but Amazon never seem to get round to correcting their information)

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
Aug 21 2007 06:37 pm   #2Guest

I think you can buy Moloney. I downloaded from someone I know, though. He plays "Billy O'Hara", with a slight Southern accent and cute boyish naivete. You get to see James' curls before he bleached his hair to play Spike - oh, and snug jeans and cowboy boots. :D

Aug 21 2007 06:57 pm   #3Scarlet Ibis

Where can I buy it?  I didn't see it on ebay or amazon...

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
Aug 21 2007 09:43 pm   #4Guest

Hmm, might be out of print, then....

Know what? Go to and ask in the General Thread. You'll have to register to post, but someone there will be able to help you out. They seem to have all things James.


Aug 22 2007 05:18 pm   #5pfeifferpack

Thanks to Bendy1 at LJ you can view Molony episode with JM here:

Not dial up friendly.  The first one is ONLY the scenes with JM but the entire episode is broken into 4 sections following.


Aug 22 2007 11:04 pm   #6Scarlet Ibis

Thanks CM- waiting to be approved. 

And thanks Kathleen- I'll check it out now.

If only if I could find that damn Chance movie for a reasonable price....

And is "The Enforcers" a film or a tv show?

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."