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Spuffy Shipping

Oct 10 2007 08:27 am   #1Guest

I've just been browsing around the internet and I noticed that Spuffy seems to have the must sites devoted to it. I've found some for other pairings, but numerous ones for Spuffy. Just wondering, if in people who write, vid, and manip fandom if it seems to be one of the most popular ships?

Oct 12 2007 01:31 am   #2Spikez_tart

Maybe Spuffy shippers are just the most obsessive.

If we want her to be exactly she'll never be exactly I know the only really real Buffy is really Buffy and she's gone' who?
Oct 12 2007 01:51 am   #3Enisy

The three most popular ships in the fandom are Spuffy, Spangel and Bangel, aren't they?

Oct 12 2007 01:55 am   #4Shadow

honesty... I think Xangel is a good pairing... 2 self-centered, obsessive men... they are perfect for each other....

Tahlmorra lujhalla mei wiccan, cheysu.
Oct 14 2007 12:23 pm   #5SpikeHot

Spander is also popular. I have found more Spander stories than Spangel stories. I'd say Spander is more popular than Bangel.

Oct 14 2007 03:06 pm   #6Guest

I would say spander goes up and down. Sometimes there will be a lot of people writing spander fics and at other times there seems to be none at all. Bloodclaim (popular spander LJ Comm) is mostly just full of fic searches these days.

Spangel thankfully seems to be going strong.

I have no idea about bangel, that would be a whole corner of fandom I have no involvement in.

Oct 16 2007 04:30 am   #7SpikeHot

Most of the new Spander stories are posted in the authors' live journal. Not everybody post at Bloodclaim. Check out su herald, almost every day I see them linking to new Spander stories.

I would say Spander is still hot. I'm new to the pairing and I find many stories posted each day.

Oct 16 2007 11:13 am   #8Guest

Well it is fall for s/x at the moment which is probably where a lot of the updates are coming from. My friend is a huge spander shipper and she’s been disappointed in the lack of spander over the last year or so.

Oct 16 2007 04:29 pm   #9SpikeHot

Maybe it's because she's been an old fan. It's like me with Spuffy, I don't read stories by newbies, I only read stories by writers I know that involve new plots. Same with some old Spander fans, they only read stories by writers they know and trust that involve new plots. Since I'm new to the pairing I read anything writers post, regardless to them being old writers or new writers.