Universal Vampire by Mabel Marsters
Chapter #21 - Can't Stay
Betad by Carol and dawnofme

Banner by dawnofme

Disclaimer: the characters do not belong to me - they are used purely for fun and not fiancial gain

Chapter Twenty-One

Can’t Stay

Spike hadn’t slept at all. Buffy had settled herself down to sleep next to him and he hadn’t dared to shut his eyes for fear of the dream reoccurring. He laid there, arms around her, until she woke up.

“Morning, love,” he said, kissing her as she woke.

“Mm, like the way the day’s started already,” said Buffy before deepening the kiss.

When they parted, she got up.

“Be back in a minute. I'm just gonna get the keys and get you free. Then you can have a wash and get that stinky stuff off you once and for all.”

“That’ll be good, pet,” grinned Spike. “Think you’ve got as much on you as I have though.”

She walked around to where the others had slept and all were awake.

“Hi guys. Where’s the key for Spike’s chains?”

“Buffy, I think we need to talk about that,” said Giles gravely.

“There’s nothing to talk about,” replied Buffy. “He’s free of any chance the Lorac Bug has influence over him, so he gets unchained.”

“It’s not so simple,” said Giles.

“It is, Giles. Where’s the key?”

No answer.

“What’s this about?” demanded Buffy, standing with her hands on her hips and looking at the others in turn.

“Hey, Buff,” said Xander, putting his hands in the air. “This has nothing to do with me.”

“Nor me,” said Dawn quickly.

“Oh? So which of you two is it then? My best friend or my trusted ex-Watcher?”

She looked at Willow, who slowly shook her head.

“So, Giles,” said Buffy, “are you going to give me the key, or do I have to go find some bolt cutters? Either way, Spike is not staying tied to that wall from now on.”

“Buffy, you just don’t seem to understand what a risk he could be.”

“A risk? Was he a risk when he tried to save Dawn from Glory? Was he a risk when I was dead and he fought by your side?” yelled Buffy.

“He had the pain chip then, Buffy,” said Giles, his quiet voice in stark contrast to hers.

“It doesn’t make any difference, Giles. He’s changed; he’s a good man.”

“But that’s something he’ll never be, Buffy - a man. That’s what he was over a century ago. He’s a vampire; a demon that can’t change.”

“Then he’s a good vampire,” shouted Buffy. Even to her ears it sounded wrong. “Just give me the key.”

“No,” replied Giles firmly.


“You heard me, Buffy. I don’t think he should be freed until we have some guarantee that he can’t hurt us.”

Buffy flew across the room, grabbed Giles by the lapels of his jacket and slammed him against the wall hard enough to knock the breath out of him.

“What about me? Want to put a chip in my head, too? I’m just as strong as Spike; just as lethal.”

“Buffy!” shouted Xander. “For God’s sake, calm down.”

“Oh, I’m calm. I’m all over being calm.”

She put a hand on Giles’ throat, keeping him pinned to the wall. With the other hand, she rifled through his pockets until she found what she was looking for – the key. She let go of Giles, who fell to his hands and knees gasping.

“Perhaps you should have stayed in England when I was resurrected,” she said harshly. “We need to work together on this and I need Spike with me. He’s the strongest fighter besides me that we have. This Adam, he’s as tough as anything we’ve faced. I trust Spike.”

Buffy turned and walked towards the corner leading to Spike.

“You’re blinded to what a risk he is by this infatuation you have,” rasped Giles, getting to his feet. “Don’t do it”

She turned back to look at him.

“It’s not infatuation, Giles,” she said quietly. “It’s love. It’s the one thing that I’m certain of. I love him; he loves me. I am not leaving him chained up. If you can’t deal; leave.”

She walked out of his sight.

Spike was on his feet looking at her.

“You heard that then?” she said, smiling weakly.

“Yeah, kinda didn’t need the whole ‘vampire hearing’ thing since most was at full volume.” He did air quotes with his fingers as he spoke.

She walked over to him, took his wrist in her hand, and unlocked the shackles, repeating it with the other one. Spike rubbed each wrist in turn; both were chafed where the chains had rested.

“Thanks, pet,” said Spike. “You all right?” He pulled her into his arms.

She leant her head on his shoulder and clung onto him, tears falling.

“I just hate this,” she sobbed. “Giles has been so good to me in the past but he’s so awful about you and now I’ve…God, what have I done?”

“Shh love, you’re all right, it’ll be OK,” soothed Spike.

He wasn’t sure it was true; attacking her Watcher like that could never be forgotten by either Giles or Buffy. Their relationship would never be quite the same again, all because of him. He felt like going round there and ripping Giles throat out but since that’d sort of prove what Giles was saying about him, he thought better of it.

“C’mon,” he said, taking her hand. “Let’s go face the music.” He led her back round to the others.

All four stood rooted to the spot as Buffy and Spike walked into view. The silence was deafening.

“Right then,” said Spike. “I’ll go first, shall I?”

He stared at Giles as he spoke, his blue eyes icy cold.

“Firstly, so nice to know that the bunch of times I’ve saved your sorry hides means nothing. Secondly, I’d die for Buffy. I want her to be happy; not fighting with her friends ‘cause she hates that. So don’t worry, Rupert, I’ll not be here for you to worry about - I’m outta here! Really don’t need to be feeling all this ‘love’ right now. I’ve had enough, sod you all.”

“Spike!” cried Buffy. “You can’t go, don’t leave.”

“Look, pet, I can’t stay here. It just won’t work. I can’t have you falling out with your mates ‘cause of me. I’d do anything for you, love, but I can’t be locked up anymore. Old Spike’s had enough captivity, thanks, and they’re not gonna be happy if I’m free.”

“But…” started Buffy.

“No, Buffy, it’s not up to you. I’m going back to see if my crypt’s still OK. The soldier boys aren’t looking for Number Seventeen anymore so it’ll be as safe as anywhere. You can get in touch when we’re going to make a move on Adam and the Professor.”

“I’m coming with you,” said Buffy, taking hold of his arm.

“Your friends need you, Buffy. It’d kill you if they came to harm. Stay here and keep them safe. I need…I need some time to myself. I love you Buffy, you know that. Please give me these couple of days.”

He looked deep into her eyes as he spoke. Buffy looked up at him - something more was bothering him, she was sure of it. She could see the pain he was feeling. Of course he needed space, he’d been subjected to God knows what for a year. Then all he’d had, from those who were supposed to be his friends, was mistrust and anger. She had to let him go. She just hoped and prayed that he’d come back to her, but only he could decide that.

“Here,” she said, holding out her hand.

He looked down; it was Buffy’s cell phone. He hesitated for a moment then took it and put it in his jeans pocket.

“I need to be able to get in touch with you; to hear your voice, OK? The charge will last a couple of days. I love you; just don’t forget that. I’ll have Dawn’s phone on me - the number’s in the memory. If you need me for anything, anything at all, just call, OK?”

“OK, Buffy.” He hugged her and kissed her with such passion that Giles had to avert his eyes. “Sorry about this, pet,” he whispered. “But I’ve just got to do it for me, you know?”

“I know,” said Buffy softly. “Be careful.” She reluctantly let him go.

He glanced around at the others. Dawn was crying and the others looked a bit stunned. He kissed Buffy once more and walked out of the mansion, keeping in the shady courtyard until he found the entrance to the sewers. He dropped down into them and set off towards the centre of Sunnydale.

Buffy glared at Giles.

“Happy now?” she said coldly.

“Buffy, no, of course I’m not happy, but…”

“Just leave it, Giles,” she said.

She sat down on the hearth of the fireplace, put her head in her hands and wept. She wept for Spike, for herself and for the fact she’d lost it and attacked Giles.

“Hey, Buff,” said Xander, sitting down next to her and putting his arms around her.

He didn’t like or trust Spike, but of one thing he was sure: the guy adored Buffy and would defend her to the death. He glanced up at Giles, who was furiously cleaning his already spotless glasses. Had Giles overreacted to the potential threat that Spike posed or was he the only one who looked at the situation clearly? Hard to say.

“Let’s get some breakfast,” said Willow a little too brightly.

Dawn walked over to Buffy and handed her cell phone to her.

“That’s a first,” said Xander with a smile.

“What is?” asked Dawn.

“A teenaged girl giving up her phone without a fight,” he joked.

It fell flat.

“It’s OK, Xander,” said Buffy, wiping her eyes and pulling herself together. “Let’s go eat and start planning what we do next.”

To be continued…