Replacement by sus
Chapter #18 - Scooby Meeting?
Betaed by Maria and Flight Of Fancy.

Giles was still standing with his hand on the phone a few minutes later. He didn’t understand what had just happened, why Joyce sounded so dismissive. He thought they had been getting along very well, and that maybe he and the Slayer’s mother might have a future together. Had he done something wrong, or misinterpreted what they had shared? He shook his head to clear it, deciding he would think about it later when he had more time.

Picking up the phone again, he dialled Xander’s number and asked him to bring snacks for that night’s meeting.


Xander was confused when he hung up the phone. He hadn’t brought snacks to a Scooby meeting in weeks. Joyce brought them now. Maybe something terrible had happened to Joyce? Maybe Giles was lying, and was just tired of eating healthy snacks? Xander fondly patted his stomach, and started making a mental shopping list. Donuts, snowballs, licorice...

Before venturing forth on his shopping trip, Xander placed a quick call to Willow, to update her on the meeting situation. Willow, having known Xander since kindergarten, was quick to pick up on his ‘Joyce might be hurt’ theme, and reassured him that she’d check with Joyce herself before heading to the meeting that night.

Hanging up from her conversation with Xander, Willow quickly placed a call to Joyce. When she asked why the older woman wasn’t going to attend the meeting that night, she received the same answer that was given to Giles. Joyce had company, and would be serving dinner for them in her home that night. Joyce’s answer convinced Willow that Xander had been told the truth.

One more quick call back to Xander, and his anxiety was calmed for the moment.

Xander had a box of donuts in his hands when he barged through Giles’ door, just a few hours later. “Hey there, G-man. How are things going today? I’ve brought sugary goodness with me. Yes, sir, fuel for the brain.”

Willow smiled at him from her seat on Oz’s lap.

“I have asked you repeatedly not to call me that, Xander. You know I don’t like it.” Giles rummaged around his shelves as he cursed under his breath.

The door crashed open again. “Couldn’t you have just waited a few minutes for me to park the car?” Cordelia ranted at Xander. “A lot of things could have happened out there. I could have been attacked, or even killed.” She stood in front of Xander, hands on her hips and red in the face. “You really don’t care, do you? Maybe I should just re-think this whole dating you thing?”

“Oh, come on, Cordy. Nothing happened. Sit down and have some brain food. Giles was trying to say something and you interrupted.” Xander shoved the box of sweet treats in his girlfriend’s direction.

Cordelia gave up on her attempts to make Xander understand. She knew she would have a lot of thinking to do in the near future, about whether there was a future for the two of them together. Right now, she doubted it.

Giles looked sympathetically toward Cordelia. He felt sorry for the way she was treated by Xander, and wanted the girl to know she had his support, should she choose not to put up with the young man’s behaviour any longer.

A knock at his door drew the Watcher’s attention away from the group of teens in his living room. Angel had arrived.

“The Evil Dead doesn’t get any donuts,” Xander stated, when the dark-haired vampire entered the room. With one arm around the box, he grabbed a cream filled treat and stuffed it into his mouth like a pig. The cream and sugar spurted out, covering the rest of the donuts in the box. The rest of the group ignored both the mess, and the boy who had created it.

“Well, it would seem that we are all here, so we should probably start,” Giles announced, while giving his glasses an extra polish. If Joyce had agreed to join them, he would have told her about Buffy before the others arrived, but that option was now gone. “I have gathered some information from my former guests.”

“Former guests? Where have they gone?” Angel asked, frustration wrinkling his brow. They didn’t even introduce themselves. I’m the warrior...the one with the power. It’s an insult that they’ve left without making themselves known to me. What if they need help at some point? An old man and a mute midget...they don’t stand a chance without my protection. What are the Powers doing, anyway? They clearly don’t have any idea how to pick effective representatives. It’s too bad I can’t communicate with them directly. I could tell them where they’re going wrong, and help them pick more useful representatives next time.


“What?” His head turned and he looked at Giles. “I’m sorry, Giles. I was thinking about something else. What were you asking?”

Giles sighed. He was tired of repeating himself. “To answer your question, yes, my guests left sometime earlier today. I don’t know where they have gone.”

“You said you had some new info?” Willow asked curiously. “What did your friend tell you?”

“I began our conversation by asking my colleague if he knew how to get the Eternal Light to this time line. He told me that it didn’t matter.” Giles watched helplessly as the room erupted. Everyone was yelling, trying to be heard over everyone else. Giles gave up for the moment and just slumped down in his chair. He was starting to think it was time to call the Council and ask them to hurry up with a new Watcher for Kendra. Suddenly, he realized who was missing from the meeting. “Kendra!” His outburst caused everyone to turn to him, quiet for a moment. “Where’s Kendra?” he asked.

“Yeah, why isn’t she here?” Xander asked accusingly. “She’s the Slayer. She should be at all our meetings.” The others nodded their agreement.

Giles closed his eyes. He knew why she wasn’t there. “It’s not her fault.”

“We’re not her nannies. It’s her responsibility to attend our meetings. She needs to take her duty more seriously, and you need to stop making excuses for her,” Angel said with authority.

“I’m certain she would have been here, had I remembered to invite her.” There was an icy silence after Giles’ statement. Suddenly, nobody wanted to make eye contact with anyone else, too ashamed at the realization that they hadn’t even thought about inviting the Slayer. “I suggest we break for a few moments, while I attempt to contact her now.”

Before long, Giles had Kendra on the phone. They spoke for a few minutes, and then Giles ended the call. Instead of returning to the group immediately, he stayed by the phone until he had collected his thoughts. Looking back on his conversation with the Slayer, he wondered if this was how his relationship with Buffy had started crumbling in the reality she had lived.

“Speak up, Giles. How long are we going to have to wait for Kendra to get here?” Xander got out between bites of donut. He was still energetically eating, though nobody else seemed interested in his treats.

Giles turned back to the group, after returning his glasses to his face. “When I called and spoke with her, she asked if the meeting had anything to do with slaying. Once I explained that the meeting was to share information about the Light, she refused to attend.” He sighed. “I believe that she would have been here, had I requested her presence earlier.” He avoided eye contact as he continued. “She overheard my earlier invitation to Joyce, and knows that we forgot to invite her.”

“Who cares? We can do this without her. She was right when she said she didn’t need to be here. This thing with the Light really has nothing to do with her. She should be out in the cemeteries, making the world a safer place for the rest of us.” The angry teen didn’t try to hide the contempt in his voice.

“Xander, when will you learn to think before you speak?” Giles closed his eyes in frustration. “Be quiet and don’t interrupt again, or you will be leaving this meeting early.” The Watcher really wished he hadn’t emptied his liquor stores the night before. A drink would have been welcome.

Giles wasted no more time before advising the group that the Light was already in this time, and it was free to choose whether it wanted to stay here or not. Not surprisingly, Xander again lost control of his mouth and began to rant about how the Warriors for the Powers should just do as they were told.

When Giles told him he was dismissed, Xander just stood there, his jaw hanging in disbelief. Though he attempted to bluster, Giles was adamant that the meeting would not continue until the door had closed behind the angry young man. The remainder of the group watched Giles cautiously, concerned that the Watcher appeared to be nearing the end of his rope.

After Xander left, Giles continued to discuss the Light, but decided not to share who the Light actually was, the fact that she was not required to slay, or that she was getting paid to remain in this time. While the Watcher believed Buffy had the right to announce her own arrival, he was personally embarrassed and offended by her refusal to do her duty and by her demands for compensation.

After Giles finished speaking, the group began to rain questions down on him. Hours later, when they had reviewed his information several times, the Scoobies finally left. Giles grabbed his coat and keys, feeling that it was an opportune time for a quick trip to the local liquor store. Given the situation the group from Sunnydale found themselves in, Giles had no doubt he would soon be in need of liquid fortification once again.

As he left the building, he noticed Willow outside in the courtyard, arguing with Xander. Angel had also noticed the teens, and was waiting on a bench near the Watcher’s door, doing his best to remain out of sight, while still keeping a protective eye on the Scooby squabble.

“I don’t want to leave while they have their attention on their argument, instead of their surroundings. It makes them vulnerable to attack,” the vampire said, as the Watcher drew near.

“Yes, I see what you mean. They haven’t even noticed our presence. Oh, but I see Oz is coming with the van now.” Oz’s zebra striped van had stopped at the curb, near the arguing couple. Oz nodded to Angel and Giles, and waited patiently for Willow and Xander to climb in, before driving away.

“Where is Cordelia?” Giles looked around for her.

“She got mad at Xander, right after they left your apartment. When he started arguing with Willow, she just left on her own.”

“Probably not a bad decision on her part,” the Watcher commented.

Angel and Giles walked down the path to the road, side by side.

“Would you like to join me for a drink at the pub around the corner?” Giles asked Angel. At this point, any sympathetic company would be appreciated...even Angel’s.

“Yeah. That sounds like just what I need after that circus,” the vampire agreed.


Spike was pacing near the factory doors, just waiting for the sun to go down. He was sick of listening to Dru and that Warren boy. Their shagging was bad enough, but the rambling from Dru seemed to be getting worse.

It was kind of funny, watching Warren try to indulge Dru’s every whim. Drinking tea out of doll cups, with Miss Edith sitting at the end of the table, Dru ruled like a storybook princess.

Of course, the worst part was that Warren was constantly in Spike’s face, misunderstanding Dru’s ramblings and threatening to force Spike to take a walk in the sun if he didn’t go of his own volition.

Even if the silly git was only temporary entertainment for Dru, Warren was getting on Spike’s nerves. He was beginning to doubt that he would ever get his Dark Princess back. Sure, she had strayed before, but she’d always returned to her prince after indulging in her distractions. She’d never stayed away from his bed this long before.

Finally, the sun was down and Spike could get out of the factory. His first stop was Willy’s, just to get the lay of the land. After about an hour, he moved on. What he was really looking for was some alone time with a bottle of Jack Daniels, and alone time wasn’t something he could find at the popular nightspot.

After a bit of wandering, Spike found a cozy little demon bar, where the only light came from lamps at the bar and candles on the tables. He ordered a bottle of their whiskey, with a large glass of O Neg. He nursed his drinks for a few hours, sitting quietly and mulling over the strange turn his life had taken. He wasn’t brooding though...that was reserved for poofters with huge foreheads.

Spike had just ordered a new bottle of whiskey when he sensed family near. It must be Dru. She’s finally come to her senses and has come to take me back. He smiled to himself. Now, how should I handle this? I’m happy she’s back, but she’s got to pay for the humiliation Warren caused. Maybe I’ll just make her beg for a bit. Spike snuck a glimpse around a column, and then quickly shut his eyes at the sight that walked through the door. It wasn’t Dru, but it was definitely family. Tall, dark, and forehead, and some human dressed in tweed.

The mismatched couple sat down at a booth on the other side of the column from Spike. There was no way the blonde vampire could exit now, without alerting his Grandsire. Spike knew Angel would jump at the chance to stake him, just like he had tried to after Spike had fought that dark Slayer in the 70’s. Angel always seemed to be around when there was a Slayer in town. Spike smirked to himself. He figured the Slayer was the perfect magnet to draw in Angelus; a balance between innocent young girl and fearsome powerhouse killing machine.

Angel’s companion ordered a bottle of particularly good Irish whiskey, along with two glasses, and the pair at the table waited in silence for it to arrive. Even after the alcohol was delivered, neither man seemed inclined to talk. Spike really hoped that things would get more interesting soon, especially if he was going to be trapped at his table for a while. Spike needed a distraction from his struggling relationship with Drusilla. Angel’s appearance had sobered him up a bit, and he was quickly coming to the realization that Dru wasn’t going to be seeking him out that night.

Spike was almost ready to give up and try sneaking out of the pub, right past the watchful eyes of his Grandsire, when the human with Angel started talking in a sluggish voice. The vampire leaned back toward the column, trying to listen to what was being said at the other table.

“Tell me, Angel, if a Slayer fell into a deathlike coma, and another Slayer was called...then, the first Slayer somehow woke up from her coma. Would she still be a Slayer?” Giles took a big sip of his drink and smacked his lips together. “Well?”

“Do you think it’s a good idea to be talking about that in here?” Angel looked around suspiciously.

“There are only a few customers at the bar. If we keep it low, I doubt anyone will hear us.” Giles looked annoyed at being reprimanded by Angel. “Why do you have to worry and brood so much? Can’t you just answer my question?”

Angel sighed. “Clearly, she would still be a Slayer. It’s a sacred calling, not something you can avoid by taking an extended nap.” The vampire noticed the satisfied look on Giles’ face, and started wondering if the Watcher knew something that he didn’t. Angel really didn’t like that feeling. “Is that what’s happening, Giles? Is Buffy waking up?"

“I can’t speak any more on the matter.” Giles shook his head. “I have given my word that I would not share the information with anyone.” Feeling slightly lightheaded from the whiskey, Giles sniggered into his glass.

Angel’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Do you have more information that you didn’t share with us at the meeting?”

Giles giggled, and almost fell off his chair. “What if she were the one?” He let out in a theatrical whisper, complete with a suspicious scan of the immediate area. “What if she’s the one from the future?” Giles’ nose was now as close as it could get to Angel’s without touching.

Listening to the conversation, it wasn’t hard for Spike to surmise that the human with his Grandsire was a Watcher, and that the two men were talking about a Slayer. Spike was always interested in Slayers. They could usually be counted on to put up a good fight before he killed them. He’d already ended the lives of two of the Chosen Ones, so he should know. When you were immortal, love and glory were really the only things worth living for.

The Watcher was now so drunk that it was impossible to understand anything he was mumbling. Barely ten minutes later, he had passed out on the table, and Angel tossed the Watcher over his shoulder, threw a few bills on the table, and left the pub with his human cargo.

Finally, Spike could leave. As he walked back to the factory, he thought about what he had heard. If there was a Slayer from the future, she might be a good source of information. She could tell him if Drusilla would ever return to him. At the very least, it was worth looking into, maybe sending some minions to check her out. Who knew? There might be an even more worthy Slayer out there; one willing to join him in the dance, and not hide behind Angel’s enormous bulk. The Slayer of Slayers smiled in expectation.

When Spike got home, he immediately called for Dalton and shared what he had learned. Dalton was instructed to get whatever information he could on the Slayer, but to keep his questions quiet. Spike didn’t want to startle the poor maid away before he was ready for their fight.