Unexpected Arrival by Mefiant
Chapter #27 - Chapter 27
Chapter 27

 Beta'd by Always_jbj

Xander stood in the darkened caves beneath the Council, time had seemed to pass in a blur since his arrival. Samuel had begun his instruction the moment they had stepped back through the portal from Midian.
The first lesson had been his introduction to the Solartians; the tiny luminous entities had fascinated him. Especially when he had discovered that the almost inaudible hum that they made at times was in fact a sophisticated language; one that he now found easy to understand.
His second lesson was that he had an aptitude for reading demon languages; he had always found research a tedious task in the past. However now the words seemed to jump from the page at him, when he had questioned Samuel about this the old man had passed him a book on vampiric claims. Xander had been completely absorbed by what he was reading, finally understanding that the strange occurrence that had resulted in the resurrection of Spike and Rebecca’s unborn child, as well as the creation of the familial bond.
When it had first happened Xander’s mind had rebelled against the fact that he was linked in such a way to Spike. Now he knew that this link gave him access to the knowledge held by the others in his new family. The scholar he was happily becoming fully appreciated how much easier it was to understand the language of demons when you could call upon the memories of two demons and the learning of a Watcher.
Xander had also been surprised to find that the Solartians were not the only supernatural beings that hid themselves in plain sight of the Council. Dark wraith-like shadows had begun to follow him soon after his arrival; drawing on all his new knowledge Xander had researched the creatures until he had discovered that they were Sh’Ralen demons who had the unique ability to exist in all dimensions simultaneously.
“Xander, my boy, would you mind assisting me for a moment?” Samuel emerged from one of the tunnels, carrying a large awkwardly shaped box. Each side of it was a different size and shape and its surface was a slick, smooth amber that seemed to glow from within.
“What’s this?” Xander took the box from the old man, surprised to find that it gave out a soft warmth. He took note of the strange dial like apparatus on its lid; it seemed to resemble an ancient sundial, the very centre of it sending out small pulses of light.
“You will find out in time.” Samuel motioned towards their living quarters. “For the moment we need it near. Your friends will know what to do when they get here.”
Buffy and Spike stood side by side in the centre of the great tree, Jayela had called them all together so that she and the others of the order could begin the blessings. It had been decided that the blessings would be done as close to the time of battle as possible, thus avoiding any dissipation of its effects due to the shear number performed. Contrary to what they had discussed previously, the individual blessing had been left until several weeks after the initial mass ones. This allowed time for the members of the order to recuperate, therefore making the individual blessings that much stronger.
Buffy nervously twisted the small bracelet on her wrist, it had been given to her as a birthday present the previous year, and it was all she had with her that had any meaning.
Jayela motioned to Buffy. “It is time to begin, Buffy do you have an item for the blessing?”
Before she could step forward Spike grasped her hand, pulling her around to face him. He shifted nervously from foot to foot. “Slayer, don’t rightly know if you’ve got your heart set on wearing that thing. Personally think it’s a mite too fragile to stand up to a fight.” He motioned to the thin bracelet. “Thought you might like to use this instead.” Spike reached into his pocket and pulled out a small cloth bag. Carefully he untied the top and let a small ring slip out onto Buffy’s hand.
“I know this ring,” Buffy whispered. “It belonged to my grandmother. When I was little I used to sneak into my mom’s room when she was out and try it on.”
“From what your mum told me, you weren’t so little when you were doin’ the sneaking.”
Buffy blushed, remembering how she had taken every opportunity to try the ring on. She thought of Willow’s ‘Will be Done’ spell gone wrong and how she had slipped the ring on her finger and whispered to herself in the mirror about how she was going to be Mrs The Bloody soon. The last time she had touched it was shortly before her mother had learnt of her illness. “How did you get it?”
“Your mum gave it to me just before she went into hospital. She wanted me to give it to you when the time was right. Told me I’d know when that was.” Spike plucked it from her hand. “I know she was hoping that you’d wear it if you ever got engaged. Don’t rightly know why she trusted me with the task.”
“My mom was a smart woman.” Buffy smiled at him, her eyes clouded with unshed tears. Holding her hands out in front of her Buffy took a deep breath. “You put it where it belongs.”
The tears began to course down her face as Spike slowly slid the ring onto the second finger of her left hand.
Jayela gave the couple a few moments before interrupting. “Shall we begin? Buffy please leave the ring on, the blessing works much more effectively if the bearer is in contact with the object at the time.”
It was strange to find it there, a deep cavernous pit in the middle of one of the tunnels. Xander peered into its depths expecting to see nothing but darkness; he was transfixed instead by the swirl of colour that rushed beneath him. Bright flashes of white, gold, silver, blues and greens merged to form a shimmering almost living mirror at the base of the pit.
Xander slowly eased himself down to sit on the edge, mesmerised by the images before him. He watch as his reflection danced across the top of the light below, he laughed out loud as he watched his foolish antics the day that he and Buffy had met. He wept as he watched one of his oldest friends disappear into dust by his hand. He saw himself telling Buffy that he remembered nothing of his time as a Hyena demon, when in fact he remembered every detail in stark reality.
Xander watched the pain he inflicted on his friends and his own refusal to accept responsibility for his actions and their consequences. Finally he saw the love they held for him in their hearts. A part of him had always believed that he was unworthy; that any affection—caring—offered to him had a motive behind it. Inside he felt the final chink of resistance fall away; at last he was free of doubt.
“So you found the well of souls.” Samuel came to sit beside Xander.
“Well of souls?” Xander looked deeper into the shimmering  light. “Whose souls are they?”
 “Human. Demon. The well holds the souls of the lost; those who have been taken from this world by unnatural means, victims of the evil manipulations of those who seek to advance themselves at the expense of others.” Samuel smiled down at the light below him. “Most of them are here either by Quentin Travers’ own hand, or through his actions. They are waiting to be released, waiting for a time when the world will be in balance once more.”
“I saw things in it.”
“Yes, you will.” Samuel nodded. “The well also reflects the soul of those who gaze upon it. It shows their memories, fears, doubts, hopes and dreams. It shows you for who you truly are.”
Xander stared at his mentor for a moment. “I wasn’t a very good person was I? I blamed everyone else for what was happening to me. I never took responsibility for my own actions. But I think…that maybe…Willow’s spell it showed me… I can be better. I am better.” Xander looked back into the depths, smiling when he took note of the glow that surrounded him, the peace that seemed to permeate his entire body. Beside him sat a dark haired man, young, strong and powerful.
Midian was like a medieval town under siege, human and demon kind rushed about its streets busily preparing for the battle ahead. They all new that the time was coming; soon they would fight to regain the freedom that was once theirs. If the battle was successful they would no longer have to hide in the shadows, fearful of the fate that awaited them upon discovery. The world would be open to them once more.
Ancient weapons were being released from their resting places, ready to be picked up by willing hands as they prepared to step through the portals and into the enemy’s territory.
The training fields were filled with warriors, wielding weapons with deadly precision as they honed their skills.
Inside the meeting hall Buffy, Spike and the others continued to pore over the information they had. Dawn and Anya had gone to inform Samuel and Xander that the time was near; bringing back with them detailed maps of the Council buildings, complete with ideal places for portals to be opened. Xander had sent a message that the Solartians were going to close any paths through the labyrinth that could cause their warriors to become lost. The Sh’Ralen had also agreed to assist in the battle to come; not only could they exist simultaneously in all dimensions, but they could draw their enemies into any of them at will.
Giles stood before the large board that he and Hoston had set up to organise their notes. “Right, I do believe we have finally decided on the best course of action.” He turned his attention back to the board for a moment before motioning to Buffy to stand beside him.
Buffy took a deep breath; she had left this part to Giles for so long that she was nervous she was going to mess it up. She caught Spike’s gaze and felt her nerves calm. “Ok so this is what’s going to happen.” Her voice came out clear and strong, reflecting none of the doubt that surrounded her about her ability to lead so many.
“The main contingent of fighters will enter into the labyrinth beneath the Council through the portal that Dawn has already set up. Once there, Dawn and Anya will teleport into the lower library and open a doorway directly to it. Mathew and some hand-picked fighters will go with them as guards. Once the new portal is open Jayela and the other members of the Amaran order will enter the library and cast a containment spell over the room. This will stop anybody from leaving, as well as cutting communication to the upper levels. We should have a little time before anyone from the Council realises there’s a problem. Willow and Tara will then cast a spell that’s a variation of the Tirer La Couture, this will reveal the true faces of those in the room. If they’re involved in Travers’ schemey-badness it should look kinda like they’re wearing ugly masks or something.”
Jayela, willow and Tara all nodded their confirmation of Buffy’s words.
Buffy cast what she hoped was a firm look at all of those gathered. “No innocents are to be harmed, even if they attack you. They are to be subdued and moved to a safe place. Anyone revealed to be evil is fair game, though.”
Buffy began to pace around the room. “Once the lower library is secure we will move on to the upper library. I know we have the added protection of the Amaran gems but I don’t want to take any chances. Only after both libraries are secure will we move up into the Council offices themselves.”
Buffy came to stand behind where Spike was seated. “Spike, Isabo and I will lead the main forces against Travers and his cronies.” She rushed the last words out before sitting down beside Spike once more.
“Thank you, Buffy.” Giles moved to the head of the table again. “I will, of course, be offering you all more detailed instructions depending on your groups duties. In the mean time the attack is planned for two weeks from now Midian time. I suggest that we all take this time to relax and gather our strength for the coming battle.”