Midnight in the Garden of Evil by kat_n_debs
Chapter #15 - Whispered Words
And the only word there spoken was the whispered word, "Lenore!"
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back the word, "Lenore!"-
Merely this, and nothing more.

Edgar Allen Poe
The Raven


Angelus walked through the night unerringly, the faint tug of Spike and the newest addition to the Aurelius family a subtle pull on his senses. He was eager to catch up to them. Spike would be easy enough to cow; then he’d have to watch the master in action when he seduced that slut of a slayer.

Who knows…maybe he’d let his grandchilde join in… Xander too, then they could have some real orgies.

He chuckled as visions of him plowing into Spikes’s ass flitted before his eyes. God, it was good to be back!

Two figures raced by him off to the right and he set off after them with Xander in tow.


Spike marveled yet again at how adept the slayer was on the hunt. No trace of her former role hindered her from plunging headlong into the vampire life. She hunted and fucked with a zest that rivaled his own. He’d chosen this golden girl, and planned to have her with him for a long, long time.

After the business with Ripper was concluded, they’d travel. He’d show her the world; experience the sights and marvels together.

He glanced over to where she finished her meal, and dropped it carelessly beside her. Her amber eyes pinned him in place, and she affected an exaggerated roll to her hips as she sauntered towards him. He was more than ready, the metal zipper digging painfully into his rock hard cock.

When she stood before him, her hand reached out and cupped him firmly inside his jeans. He groaned at the touch and rocked his hips in her grasp. He was just about to shove her down upon the grass and get between her legs when a scent washed over him.

‘You’re slipping, Angelus,’ he thought silently as he turned to confront his poof of a grandsire.

The clapping threw him at first, but the voice…well, he’d never forget it.

“Don’t stop on my account, William, me boy.”

Spike growled low in his throat at the sarcastic tones as the speaker stepped from behind a tree. And it was definitely Angelus, and not the souled-up version, speaking to him now.

“What’s this? Time was you loved an audience... Are you getting prudish these days?” The elder vampire’s voice had turned hard: that Spike dared to growl at him…looks like his boy needed to be put in his place.

“Sod off!”

Behind him, Spike could feel his childe drape around him, instinctively seeking protection from this new, unwarranted threat.

Angelus saw the move, his eyes narrowing appreciatively on this latest addition to the family, and couldn’t help chuckling.

“Don’t worry, babe. I promise I won’t hurt you… much,” he crooned.

“You won’t touch her,” Spike ground out. “She’s mine!”

“Do I need to refresh your memory, boy? I seem to recall us having this conversation before…”

“I don’t know what planet you’re on, Angelus. You still think you’re cock of the walk, don’t you? Well, I’m only gonna say this once – I am not your boy anymore. Come a long way since you got souled up and left the family. Made my own way. You’ve got a new playmate… go break him in; but you’ll do well to leave me and mine alone.”

“Tsk, tsk.”

Angelus walked towards the blond pair, not in the least concerned that Spike would try anything, even smiled at him where he stood his ground protecting his childe. As he got within five feet of the pair, he circled them, checking out Buffy’s sexy new look, smelling the blood still lingering on their lips, the faint traces of arousal that had yet to be snuffed out entirely. His hand reached out to trail down Buffy’s hair, but she flinched away from his touch, wanting no part of him.

“Need to teach your childe the proper way of things, William,” he growled, pissed off that he’d been unable to easily lure the female to his side. After all, he was the elder, more powerful vampire here.

Spike pulled his girl close, baring fangs at Angelus as he growled.

“Didn’t you hear me? No one touches her but me. Now bugger off!”

“You don’t really think to fight me for her, do you, William?” Angelus circled around to face the pair, noting the younger vamp’s rigid stance and piercing glare. “You do! Oh, this is rich. William here thinks he can actually best me…would actually fight me over something that can never truly belong to him. I guess you do need a reminder. You’ve obviously forgotten that lesson I gave you so long ago…”

Spike’s gaze narrowed, as he was suddenly flooded with the memories of that night: his humiliation at the hands of both him and his sire.

“Just don't get it now, do you? Well, you're new... and a little dim. So let me explain to you how things are now. There's no belonging or deserving anymore. You can take what you want, have what you want... but nothing is yours.” Angelus leaned in close and whispered in William’s ear as he directed the fledgling’s gaze towards his sire. “Not even her.”

“You're wrong. We're forever, Drusilla and I,” William told Angelus.

“Ah, still the poet now, aren't we, Willy?”

“William,” he corrected automatically.

“Right. William. You know, you really should find a new name for yourself. It just doesn't strike the right note of terror.” He stood and made his way over to Drusilla, encircling her tiny waist with his arms as he stood behind her. “Tell you what... William. If you want her... come and take her.”

And, just like that Spike attacked. He pushed his childe aside and launched himself at Angelus – a storm of fists and feet pounded down as he let rip a century’s hatred. He was no longer that sad little novice, ignorant of their ways; he was older and very much wiser, a master in his own right. And, if Spike said that Buffy was his and only his, then she bloody damn well would be!

Angelus laughed maniacally, enjoying their fight even if he didn’t have the upper hand yet. But he had no doubt that he’d be the victor; and before the sun came up Buffy, and even Spike, would be submitting to his dominance.

The older vamp’s head snapped from side to side as Spike lashed blows on that hated face. The laughter had always incensed Spike beyond reason, but now it was time to show his grandsire that he’d learned a thing or two since their so-called good old days together. He’d honed his fighting skills over the last century - determined to be subservient to no one - roamed the world to learn all the disciplines of hand-to-hand combat and the control and stamina necessary to excel in them. It was this knowledge he implemented now as he upped his attack.

Angelus was beginning to worry. He’d figured that as usual his grandchilde’s temper would rule and he’d blow all his energy early in the battle. And, Spike had – charging him when the taunts became too much to bear. All he had to do was ride out the younger vampire’s rage and he’d be home free. Yes, Spike was definitely tiring, on the constant defensive from the attacking fists, fangs, and feet. Best finish it quickly in case he got the upper hand…that was something he could never allow, especially in front of Xander. Wouldn’t do to see him beaten by one of his own, might give the fledgling ideas…

With a sudden burst of strength, Angelus managed to get in a lucky blow that staggered Spike. Then, he was on him, punching and clawing at the upstart. Finally feeling that he’d gotten a handle on the fight, Angelus started taunting him.

“It’s gonna be great, Will,” he told the other, in between blows, “You, me, your hot little girl…” - punch – “all mine…we’re gonna wreak destruction…”- punch – “and mayhem…”- punch – “wherever we go.”

Angelus delivered several more blows to Spike’s face causing Buffy to gasp in concern. He turned to her.

“Don’t worry, Buff. He likes it. Always was one to enjoy a good box. Isn’t that right, William?” He punctuated this with another blow that sent his opponent crashing to the ground.

Angelus turned away from Spike to concentrate on his prize, currently casting anguished looks between him and her fallen sire. His eyes pinned her in place.

“Don’t worry about him, baby. I’ll make sure I take extra good care of you. You’ll soon forget him and come to crave my touch. After all, I taught him everything he knows…”

“Not everything, you pillock,” Spike growled just before he clubbed the dark-haired vampire with a thick tree branch. The force of the blow sent the elder vampire crashing headlong into a tree, where he crumpled in an unmoving heap at its base. Throwing the branch down in disgust, he turned towards his trembling childe and took her into his arms, soothing her, with kisses to her face and neck.

He was feeling a little weak, so he bit into her neck and took a few long pulls of blood to sustain him. When he was finished, he licked the holes closed and raised his head.

“Get out here, whelp,” he called out, not bothering to turn around.

Xander came out from where he’d hidden from Spike. But, it had been for naught. The master vampire had been aware of his presence, and now he would pay for his earlier betrayal.

“I’m sorry, Spike. He just…was there…and he wasn’t like before…he…he…”

“Shut up!”

Xander’s closed his mouth at that harsh command.

“Now, c’mere.”

The fledgling made his way towards his adopted sire’s side, prepared for the worst.

“You can come with us, or stay with Angelus. Your choice.”

It was the last thing he expected and his face showed his astonishment. “I-I…” Xander hung his head shamefaced. “He’s my sire.”

“Right then. You’d better get him out of here before dawn. We’re off to England, if you change your mind.”

Xander nodded at Spike, before reluctantly moving off to collect his unconscious sire. He had to find somewhere to sleep before the sun came up over the horizon; heaving the bulky vampire over his shoulder, he trudged off.

Some emotion…regret maybe…flitted through his mind as he walked away from the pair. He squashed it down and concentrated on getting his sire to safety, then he’d have to find something fresh to eat for them both.