In-a-gadda-da-vida by GoldenBuffy
Chapter #3 - 3

Chapter Three

The trio burst into the library as Giles exited his office.

“Giles, we have a situation here,” Angel, announced grimfaced.

“Wha-what, what is going on?” Giles glanced around at the group’s faces. Angel and Cordelia wore a melancholy expression. But Xander, well, he was just being himself…. Annoying.

“I don’t really know. I happened to be out tonight when I stumbled upon Cordelia, being attacked, by Buffy. But she wasn’t Buffy she was a vampire.”

“Please,” the costumed feline snorted, “Like vampires exist.”

“What, what are you saying. There is no way possible she could have been turned this quickly.” Giles adamantly protested ignoring the girl.

“Yeah, I know.” Was the en-souled vampire’s reply.

Cordelia brushed pasted them then sat down at a chair, did they not hear her explain that vampires didn’t exist? With a second thought she rubbed her bruised neck.

“Hello, look at my neck. Does it look like she’s a vampire! And look, she tried to make me her first meal!”

“Yeah, G, see I was peeping her out when the fang bitch went on the prowl.”

Angel’s eye flashed golden sending Xander a warning not to disrespect Buffy like that, but true to a gangsta rapper’s style he paid no heed to it.

“Yes, well, er, umm, yes, I see.”

“Well, all I know is what Xander told me before they went out with the snot nose ankle bitters. That he and his nerdy friends purchased their costumes at some store downtown. Eagles, Egburt’s… oh Ethan’s, that’s it.”

“Is that all you know ahhh, Cordelia?” Giles asked removing his glasses to clean them.

Flashing the watcher a “duh” look she continued, “Yeah, because the next time I saw him,” she gestured towards the wanna be rapper. “He was going by Xander the rapping idiot.”

Xander pinned her with a look. “Ah, even though I’m tryin to creep with you, I got no reservations about smacking a ho.”

“Oh, excuse me!” Cordelia jumped up from her chair to stand in front of him. Placing her hands on her hips, her face turning red. Un-phased Xander remained in his seat, glaring at the pissed off girl.
“You need to be sittin that ass down, before I make you. And shut your mouth before you find a 9-inch dick shoved down your throat.”

“Xander, my word, have you lost your mind?” The older man asked quite flustered by the tone the boy took with his fellow classmate.

Sitting down quickly, Cordelia couldn’t help the small heat that radiated in her belly from Xander’s forceful, yet crude words. No one had ever spoken to her in such way, and she liked it, she liked it a lot!

“Awww, I ain’t no Xander. The name is Grand Master Xan got it mutha….”

“Hey now, I think we all know your name by now. No need to be insulting.” Angel interjected.

“Yeah tha’ right, ya’ll need to recognize, show a brotha some respect, yo.”


Spike walked down the street with his newly acquired monster entourage, sniffing the air he picked up a familiar scent.

“Ahhh, you smell that boys? Somewhere out here is the tenderest meat you've ever tasted, and all we have to do is find her first.”

Heading off in the general direction that the scent came from, Spike couldn’t help the upbeat swagger that graced his stride. Tonight really was shaping up to be his night, destruction and mayhem all around, reminded him of old times with Angelus.

It was great, and no Slayer to ruin his fun, for she was the hunted this night.


Buffy entered the Bronze, breezing past the bouncer, not paying him any attention. She was still hungry, and bent on finding something to sink her fangs into. The prospect of sweet blood filling her mouth caused her fangs to itch her gums.

The club was packed, with costumed teens and young adults gyrating to the beat that pounded from the speakers, sweat and arousal assaulted Buffy’s senses. Growling low in her chest she scanned the crowed, looking for her next meal.

Over, by the bar sat a young man drinking a coke. He was tall, medium colored brown hair, sorta reminded Buffy of the stupid en-souled vamp she ran into earlier. Deciding he would make a good meal, she turned on the charm stalking towards him.

“Mind if I sit down.”

The young man followed the voice, and was greeted to a vision of untainted beauty. Golden tresses that seem to dance around the beauty’s head; her eyes were like sparkling emerald gems. Her lips, soft and supple, he was transfixed as her small pink tongue darted out to lick them seductively.

“No. No, it’s not taken. Please sit down.”

Smiling, Buffy sliding into the set in question, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she crossed her legs. Noticing how the boy’s eyes darted to their bareness.

“ My name’s Buffy,” she side coyly grinning at him.

“Riley, I’m Riley.”

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Riley. Care to dance?”

The blonde stood offering her hand. Standing, Riley took the extended extremity, walking towards the dance floor.

The beat was fast, as they quickly sought a rhythm. Buffy ground her pelvis into her dance partner, thrilled that he was reacting to her so expectantly. Soon the song was over and a slower one began to play.

Placing her hands around Riley’s neck Buffy inhaled his scent. He was so young, so naive to the ways of the world. If she wasn’t so hungry maybe she would have entertained the thought of keeping him for a pet.

Turning so that her back was flush against his chest, she wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. ‘So eager for some fun.’ Buffy slowly pulled away bring him with her. Off the dance floor they went, winding their way through the mass of people.

Pushing open the two steel doors, the duo found themselves in the alley behind the Bronze. Buffy wasted no time, pushing Riley against the brick wall. Crushing her lips down upon his in brutal force, eliciting a small mewl from the broody boy. It was really too bad, such fun they could have had.

With a shrug Buffy’s vampire features came fourth before Riley could even react. Fangs drawn to the jugular like a magnet as she struck home. Buffy greedily sucked, taking huge gulps of the life giving substance. Her whole body seemed to come alive with each pull.

Her body hummed with pure bliss as the blood coated her tongue as it traveled down her throat, her hips pushing into the now limp body beneath. Extracting her fangs, Buffy allowed her human features to spill back into place as the body tumbled to the ground.


After agreeing to the next stage in their plan, Angel left the library hot on Buffy’s trail. He was almost there, he could smell her and sense her, and God help him he feared what would happen when he found her.

She was like him. A vampire. A creature of the night. And Angel’s demon couldn’t help but to rejoice in that fact.

They could finally be together, Angelus screamed to claim her once she was found, to properly bind her, and make her… his. But the much larger part that was Angel protested against it, he had to restrain her until they could figure out what had happened to her.

So caught up in his internal struggle Angel didn’t notice the human approaching him.

“Such a pretty puppy. Care to tell me what’s the matter? Maybe I can fix it.”

Angel whipped around, greeted by a very enticingly clad Willow, holding a whip.


Giles entered the store after dropping Xander and Cordelia off to look for Buffy and Willow.

“Ahhh, h-h-hello. Is anyone here?” He questioned into the still air of the room.

Noticing some flickering light at the back of the store the watcher made his way towards it. Pushing back the curtains that led into the tiny room lit by candles, he kneeled before the statue of Janus, as a small gasp escaping from his lips.

“Janus, Roman mythical god,” Giles mumbled to himself, removing his glasses giving them a vigorous rub. “Primarily the division of self. Male and female, light and dark.”

Ethan stepped into the dimly lit room, his face taking on a sinister tone. “Chunky and creamy. Oh, no, sorry, that’s peanut butter.”

Giles paled placing his glasses back on his face. Clenching his fists he responded to his old ‘friend’.

“Hello Ethan.”
