Discovery by Caro Mio
Chapter #4 - 4
Chapter 4

When she’d watched the mopey and indecisive vampire for a week, April decided to take measures into her own hands. She knew if she sat on the info she had for too long, Buffy would hate her when she found out. She would feel betrayed. So, April was going to play matchmaker, and at least get these two in the same room. She sent an e-mail to Buffy’s account.

Hey, boss,

I’ve got something new that you have to see in person. Don’t worry, you’ll still be back for Christmas with Dawn. Let me know when you arrange a flight. I’ll pick you up from the airport.


“Hopefully, she’ll come without asking too many questions. This is not news I want to break over the phone.” April was at her computer, alone in her office. It was only noon, so Spike was still asleep up in the apartment.

They had patrolled the streets every night. April really enjoyed having him as a partner. She admired his natural instincts as a fighter, and he had been impressed with her level of training. They had sparred once, and April was thrilled that she had finally met a challenge in his creativity. They hadn’t discussed Buffy since, but she often caught him staring off into space, thinking. His eyes would get that wistful look of someone reliving past memories, and she knew he had to be thinking of her blonde friend. When he wasn’t brooding, Spike was a lot of fun, especially when he was commenting on a movie she’d picked. She ended up laughing more at his impressions of the characters than the film itself.

When 24 hours had gone by, and she hadn’t received an e-mail back, April sent one to Dawn, telling her to remind her sister to check her messages. Dawn checked her mail twice a day, so she knew the message would be passed on. By quitting time, there was an answer from Buffy.


There’s no Big Bad I have to slay, is there? I’ll be on a flight tomorrow, and there better be a good excuse for getting me on a plane. I’ll let you know when I’m arriving.


Yes! Now, she just had to make sure Spike stayed in the apartment when she went to pick up Buffy.

December 15, 2003

Buffy was coming in on the Council jet. Apparently, some of the young Slayers needed to be dropped off to their families in the States, so Giles had authorized the expense. Buffy was arriving late morning, which suited April just fine. She was waiting in the hanger when Buffy exited the private plane.

“Welcome to L.A., Boss Lady,” she greeted the older Slayer.

“Nice to see you, too, First Minion.” The title was a joke from Willow and Dawn. Buffy was in charge of the new Slayer’s training, and second only to Giles in the New Council. Giles had the lovely job of administration, which the rest did not envy. “So, what am I doing here?”

“I’ll show you the file when we get back to my office.”

“Okay. You do realize you’re taking me shopping while I’m here? You know I hate flying on small planes.”

“Of course. How is everybody?”

“Dawn is doing well, and so grown up. Kinda scary. Willow is coming to Giles’ next week from Brazil. Not with Kennedy, though. She caught the little bitch smooching with some slut on a topless beach.”

“Never liked her. Too young for Willow, anyway.” April kept her eyes on the road, as they got on the freeway.

“Me, neither. Willow’s not that broken up about it, though, just pissed. I think she always knew it wouldn’t last. Xander is in Africa still. I’m sure he’ll try to call on Christmas. We don’t expect him to show. Giles…is Giles. He’s been trying to set me up with the Watcher cadets since I arrived in England.” Buffy sighed. “He just doesn’t get it.”

“Sic Andrew on him for a distraction. Should give you a few days reprieve.”

“You’re evil,” Buffy giggled. “I think Andrew would be okay if he just stopped trying so hard. Dawn has kind of adopted him as her pet. She’s determined to un-geek him.”

“Are you planning on going back to Rome?”

“Dawn is at school in London, and I still have barely grasped the basic phrases of Italian, so I haven’t made any friends besides my landlady. Never thought I’d say this, but there really is only so much shopping and dancing you can do before it loses its interest.”

“You’re lonely without the Scoobies,” April stated.

“Yep. So, I don’t know what my plans will be. If Dawn wants me around, then I might move to London. Maybe I’ll go to Cleveland for a bit and visit Faith and Robin. At least it has vampires. I could come here, except I’d probably run into Angel, and that’s an awkward road I don’t want to travel.”

“Just tell him you’re heart belongs to Spike still, and to move on with his life. Though, I think he has, anyway. I heard he’s dating a werewolf.”

“Really? That is interesting.”

“Angel’s crew still hasn’t done anything troubling at Wolfram and Hart. It seems foolish to me, but they are still trying to use those assets for the common good. I’ve got a new source on the executive level, Winifred Burkle, part of Angel’s team for over two years. I met her Friday at a bar.”

“And she trusts you already? She’s just telling you all that’s going on?”

“She’s a pretty trusting gal, and babbles like Willow, especially after a drink. I didn’t get supernatural details, of course, but it was easy to know what she was referring to. People talk to a friendly face when they’re lonely. I also found out she has a major crush on a co-worker, but hasn’t gotten up the nerve to tell him, yet,” April replied proudly.

“You are good.”

“Best in L.A. Think I missed my calling as a CIA agent?” April joked.

“Probably. Are we almost there? I’m starving.”

They stopped at the deli next to the office for sandwiches, before going up to April’s workspace. Once she’d eaten, April’s demeanor turned more serious. To say she was nervous about how Buffy would react was a serious understatement. Deciding to take the bull by the horns, she brought up an AV file on her computer, and called Buffy over.

“Um, this is a video file I shot recently. You, uh, might find it a bit shocking.”

“That gory, huh?”

“Not exactly. More like…unexpected. This is something I really felt you should know about.”

“Well, play it, then.”

April gulped, and pressed the “play” button. She watched Buffy’s face. The Slayer didn’t react until the camera zoomed in on the fight it was recording, bringing to detail the combatants. It was of Spike fighting three vampires in an alley, with what April knew now to be his signature flare. Once the vamps were dust, he took a cigarette out of his pocket, lit it, and gazed up at the moon overhead. The lighting was dim, but if you knew his face, you would definitely recognize him.

“You…recorded this…recently?” Buffy whispered, trembling.

“Yes, Buffy. It’s not a trick. Spike’s alive, well, undead again.”

Buffy’s knees started to buckle, and April caught her and directed her to a chair.


“I don’t know the specifics, but he’s been around the city since mid-November. We don’t know who brought him back, but he’s real.”

“He’s real? Why hasn’t he contacted me?”

“I think…he’s probably been adjusting to being on Earth again.”

“Where can I find him?”

“He’s, um…upstairs,” April mumbled.

“He’s what?”

“He’s in my guest room.”

“You’ve had him here, and I’m just finding out about this now?!”

“No! I’ve only known him for about a week. I had to be sure I had the right guy before I contacted you. It would have broken your heart again if I’d called you here prematurely. Before you go charging up there to wake him, you should know that he’s insecure, because of your history, so go easy on him.”

“I can’t believe this. Where did you first see him?”

“Coming out of Wolfram and Hart. I followed him around for a while, taking video, before I introduced myself. I really wanted to be sure he was the guy you told me about. It’s all his story to tell, anyway.”

“If you’ve only known him for a week, why get me out here so fast? What was the rush? Is he in danger?” Buffy asked, frightened.

“No, no. Not that I know of. I just wanted to get you guys together again. I’m a hopeless romantic. Merry Christmas?” she responded, shying away from the blonde.

“Can we…go upstairs now?”

“Are you sure you’re ready? I know this is probably the biggest shock of your life.”

“Heh! Understatement of the year. No, I can’t wait another second, knowing that he’s so close. Let’s go.” Slayer determination, kicking in. They took the elevator up. April unlocked her door and welcomed Buffy in.

“Have a seat on the couch, and I’ll go wake him, okay?”

“Okay,” Buffy said quietly.

April walked down the hall, and knocked on the guest room door. “Spike? Could you come out here for a minute?” she called. April waited, but didn’t hear any noise. She signaled to Buffy to wait there, and opened the door. Spike was still asleep, facing away from her. She gently touched his shoulder and shook him.

“Pet, it’s not even close to sundown. Go away.”

“Could you come out to the living room, please? I want to show you something.”

“Can’t it wait?” he whined.

“Please?” He couldn’t resist the pout from any woman he liked.

He groaned, and swung his legs out of bed. Spike grabbed a t-shirt and pulled it on. April was glad he’d worn sweatpants to bed. She left the bedroom and closed the door behind her.

“He’s waking up,” she said quietly to Buffy. Buffy nodded, then pulled out her compact to check her face. She re-applied her gloss, then fidgeted on the couch as they waited.

Spike finally came out, rubbing his eyes against the light. “This had better be good, pet. I don’ like being woken up four hours early,” he grumbled. He put his hands down, looked up, and blinked, then blinked again. Buffy wiggled her fingers to say “hi”.


“Hi, Spike. You look good,” she managed to say.

“What…? Am I dreamin’?” He looked over to April, who was leaning against the front door.

“No dream, Spike,” she said.

He stared at Buffy, drinking in every inch. She weighed more than when he’d last seen her, having healthy curves. Her face no longer held the anxiety and exhaustion of that last year on the Hellmouth. Her hair was quite long, and a rich light golden brown, instead of blonde. The only clue that she had lived harder than most ever would was in her eyes, the look that said she knew too much, even though she was now smiling happily at him.

Buffy stood up, and slowly walked toward Spike, like she was trying not to spook a skittish animal. She finally stopped just in front of him, and reached out for the hand she had held when they had burst into flames down in the Hellmouth. Spike shivered at her touch, still staring at her like he didn’t think she was real.

“You’re really here,” Buffy whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek. That broke Spike’s trance, as he reached up to gently wipe it off her cheek. He cupped the cheek with his hand, and she leaned into it, closing her eyes for a moment. Seeing her happy to receive his touch finally undid him, and a sob escaped his throat. The couple reached for each other at the same moment, arms clasping firmly around their backs.

April looked away, suddenly uncomfortable watching the intimate scene. She slipped away to the kitchen to make herself some tea and give them privacy.

Buffy pulled back far enough from Spike to look up at his face. “I love you, Spike,” she said hoarsely, through her tears.


“I should have said it sooner, I know. I wanted to, that last night, but the words got stuck. And then, when you were…You were so beautiful, Spike. Your soul was lighting up that cavern, and I couldn’t help but tell you. A-and you said – did you really not believe me?” she babbled.

“Luv…I wanted to…”

“But you doubted me?”

“Some. I also wanted you to leave. I wore that amulet knowing what the price would be. And that was alright, as long as I knew you and Niblet were safe. The first thing I asked the Poof when I popped out in his office was if you had made it out okay.”

“I love you, Spike. I’ve missed you so much,” she said fervently. “I want to know everything that’s happened to you since you came back.”

“Well, pet, it’s kind of a long story,” he said, scratching the back of his neck.

“It can’t be that long if you’ve only been walking around L.A. for a few weeks,” she teased. They took a seat on the couch.

“I didn’t pop out of the amulet a few weeks ago. Thing is, I showed up in Peaches office 19 days after I closed the Hellmouth…”

“19 days! You’ve been-“

Spike put a finger to her lips, cutting her off. “Let me finish. I was a bloody ghost, luv. Worse than that, since a ghost can at least move things. I couldn’t touch anything for months, not until I figured out that I could if I wanted it bad enough. And…I was slipping, to a place that heroes don’t go. I’ve only had my body back for a few weeks.”

“Oh. How did you get your body back, then?”

“I opened a box that came in the post, bright flash of light, and there I was, solid again. Didn’t even realize it ‘til I tried to walk through a bloody door.”

She giggled. “Who sent the box?”

“’aven’t a clue. Then, Peaches and I fought over a cup of Mountain Dew in the desert. I won, by the way. It was a whole set up fake thing,” he waved his hand dismissively. “I almost went to Europe, even had a ticket, but I wasn’t sure if I should waltz back into your life again.” He looked down at his hands in his lap, his William side showing through.

“Oh, Spike. There isn’t anything for you to disrupt. I’ve been bored out of my mind with hardly anything to slay. Doesn’t matter, as I’m here now.”

“I get a spot o’ violence on the streets at night, and April has been kind enough to put up with me for a while. Best Slayer I’ve met, next to you,” he said shyly.

God, he was so adorable when he looked like that. His hair was still tousled from sleep into messy curls. Spike had to be the only vampire she had ever heard of that had a shy side, and she loved him for it. He hadn’t tried to cover it much since he’d gotten his soul. He had been quieter, too, more reserved. It had given her the chance to observe him, and let him be her friend again. Of course, over the last seven months, she’d had a long time to think about it, and realized she had been ready to give him a chance the night he had made his promise to protect Dawn. Then, she had messed up their friendship by jumping him in that abandoned house. Every ugly word she had thrown at him was really aimed at herself, at the monster she felt like since being pulled from Heaven. She’d felt herself incapable of love ever again, until she’d found out that he had left town. Looking back, she could remember his horrified expression after she’d stopped him in the bathroom, run over the whole scene in her mind, and couldn’t totally blame him anymore. She had made him desperate, she had refused to listen to his explanation, and he had temporarily lost his sanity.

“I’m sorry!” she blurted out.

“Wha’? What for, kitten?”

“For everything. For how I treated you, how I hurt you, for denying my feelings for so long, for never apologizing a long time ago. Please, forgive me, Spike!”

He pulled her close. “Shhh, pet. It’s already done. In the past. We both know better now, eh?”

Buffy nodded. “I do. I – saw a therapist for a while, after Sunnydale. It was Dawn’s suggestion. She, my therapist, helped a lot. I – learned not to hide all the time, that it doesn’t mean I’m weak just because I’m scared or confused or wanting to cry,” she admitted.

“I’m proud of you, luv. All I ever wanted was to see you happy.”

She smiled softly at him. “So, um, what comes next?” she asked shyly.

“What do you want to happen?”

“You can’t answer my question with a question!”

“Just did,” he grinned.

“You – can be the most infuriating - !”

“Love you, too, pet,” he responded with a smirk. He sobered and grew thoughtful. “I don’t know. There isn’t much here for me. I mean, yeah, it’s fun to pester Peaches all day, but even that gets boring. His crew’s not too bad, for humans, but they don’t know me. I’ve spent more time with April, over there.”

“Yeah, First Minion is good company,” Buffy teased.

“Hey! You didn’t have to tell him that name!” they heard from the kitchen.

“’First Minion’?” he inquired.

“Blame Dawn and Willow. They started referring to April as such when I asked her to work for me. She’s my ‘right hand gal’. The girls called me ‘Slave Driver’ before I moved to Rome. It will be good to see a lot of them at Christmas,” Buffy said fondly.

“Christmas…bloody hell…how soon is it?” The nightmare of last-minute shopping was flitting through Spike’s head.

“Relax, today’s only the 15th,” she replied, placing her hand on his.

“Right. How about I take you shopping as soon as it gets dark?”

“Mmm, good plan. And until then?” she asked, mischief glinting in her hazel eyes.

His eyes widened, before that familiar leer that made her toes curl took over.

“I’m sure we can think of something,” he purred, then captured her lips.

The kiss was passionate, soft, and oh, so wonderful for finally having the love of both of them behind it. They quickly lost themselves in making out, and making up for lost time.

“Hey! Not on my couch! There’s a bedroom over there for that kind of thing,” April admonished. Buffy blushed, and even Spike looked a bit sheepish. “I’m going to go get some work done. Try not to break the bed,” April said, then picked up her bag, and left the apartment.

“Knew there was a reason I liked that bird.”