Truth and Lies by Celest
Chapter #3 - Chapter Two
AN: Ijust wanted to thank Robyn, sirc, MarzBar, vladt, and redwulf50 for reviewing, it's a HUGE help for when I sit down to write! Thanks for giving the story a chance. Oh, and by the way: the characters do not belong to me, events are fictional, and I'm simply naming streets and churches randomly; I have no idea if they are located in the regions named.

Chapter Two

I’ll never forget the day she was born, my Lizzie. Our Lizzie. I fell in love with her that day, demon that I am. My demon rules me, it extinguished the humanity that was left before Darla turned me. That’s why the idea that I have a soul...that I could ever exist with a soul...makes me laugh. All of us laugh. There is nothing of Liam left inside of me, and to be honest, my demon has more feeling than the man ever had.

The Council of Watchers. They monitor the dealings between humans and demons, waiting to strike when they can gain the most power.

Their organization is huge, spans all across the world, and bleeds into every dimension. They call themselves just, call themselves “good,” and yet, just as many demons work for them as men, demons who are as black as I am, and worse.

They eat, sleep, and breath demon lore, always waiting to give that small bit of information that will avert the latest apocalypse, will put them in the best light.

And happened.

The mighty Watcher’s Council blinked. It was all the time we needed to secure our future.

All the time we needed to get things moving in the right direction. To finally bring them down. Because they will pay for what she’s done.

**1860, London, England

“Angelus! Angelus, it’s nearly nightfall!” Darla bellowed to her Childe. He’d been acting strangely ever since they’d arrived in London. He never seemed to have time for her, always sneaking out of her bed during the day, or never coming home at dawn. She was starting to wonder if she should go to her own Sire, at the hellmouth in America. Maybe it was time for her Childe to leave the nest she’d built for them.

She opened her mouth to yell again, when she scented the air, listening to the sounds within the abandoned warehouse. It had a wonderful view of the port.

Once again, she was alone.


“Drusilla, what’s the matter?” He grumbled to the human as she awakened him. He’d been spending more, and more time with her lately. He didn’t want to leave her alone, especially as she carried his child in her belly. A child made from him, the demon, not the man. Not like the girl from so long ago.

He didn’t understand her father. Never had he even attempted to seek him out, to destroy the monster who had butchered his only daughter and granddaughter.

Destroyed his only chance of remaining in this world; the people who carried his blood in their veins.

But no one would touch his child. She was special. Made from the blood and loins of a master vampire and a seer.

But then, he was wiser than that filthy innkeeper. His age and his very nature gave him an edge over those he killed.

He knew what all vampires knew. That blood is life. In the end, all you need is blood. Everything else just falls into place.

He knew it, over 100 years of rape and murder had taught him the truth to his own words. But he’d never known it to be so true as when that familiar coppery scent permeated the air, filling his nostrils.

He breathed in deep, and looked to the scared young girl sitting beside him on the bed. He stared as though in a dream at the red stain blossoming on the white cotton of her night shift.

For the first time in his existence, Angelus felt fear. The scent of her blood, of the first scent of his daughter, caused his stomach to churn.

He grabbed his robe from the chair by the bed, and rushed down the stairs to awaken the demon doctor. He was glad that he’d already had the foresight to chain him to the basement wall.


It was odd, really. Here she was, in labor–blood everywhere, and yet: he hadn’t tried to take a lick, or a bite, or anything.

In fact, he’d looked ill. As though he’d never seen a birth before. He’d even growled at the doctor when he’d lifted my shift. He’d tried to lunge at him when he looked at...certain places. I had to explain that he was a doctor; this was what he did.

He was a vampire, but he wasn’t acting like one. Why was he so concerned for our child? Why did he want her? Want me?

I don’t understand any of this. All I want is my daughter, to hold her in my arms. But he won’t let me see her. He’s taken her away to clean her, and somehow, I’m not as scared by that as I would have been a few months ago. And yet, I can’t help but wonder: where did the doctor come from? How did he arrive so quickly?


She’s perfect. Ten fingers, with ten toes. A little pixie nose. And those eyes...I can’t tell if they’re hazel, or green.

Dru said her mother had hazel eyes.

I’ve always had a place in my cold, black heart for emeralds. I find myself wondering...what she’ll be like, as she grows. How we’re going to travel with her. What she’ll learn. No matter what, she’ll be safe. I won’t let her be anything but safe.

I don’t know how we’ll make this work, this family of ours. But my demon wants this more than it’s wanted anything.

I want this. And I’m a demon, I live only for myself. And a pair of green/hazel eyes.

We’ve named her Elizabeth. Elizabeth Anna O’Riley.

And I still say they’re green.

AN: Well, that was Chapter Two. I hope you guys enjoyed it. I’m trying for a chapter a day, so long as I don’t have work or school. Wish me luck! And tell me what you think of it so far, I’m trying to show that Angelus is still a demon. Tell me if it’s working!