Life On Earth by FetchingMadScientist
Chapter #13 - Connecting

Oscar watched Liam as he slept, and his fingers itched to just reach across the small space and feel his warm flesh under his hand. He wanted so much to feel the life going slowly out of him. He put his hand gently to the man’s throat. Don’t want to wake him. He could feel the tiny pinpoint of life as it thrummed through Liam’s system. It would be so easy to choke him. He doesn’t even know I’m here- just squeeze, and it’s all over. Then I won’t have to hear Diana screaming for me. I’m so sorry Rabbit…I’ll make it right.

But Oscar knew that if he did give in and let the demon sway him, his brother would be lost. So, his vengeance would have to wait.

Oscar slowly drew his fingers away from the man’s throat, even though the warmth of his skin called to him. It harmonized with the blood in his veins making the urge almost impossible to resist. He shook his head, feeling something in the pit of his stomach. Something that was close to revulsion; and he was amazed at how unaware the man was as he slept.

Why should he have learned anything? He’s always been reckless. He never gave a thought to anything but his obsession…


29 December 1872-

This was madness and he knew it. The constables had been here. The undertaker had taken her away. He knew he should be comforting Mary but… he could not do it. He just could not bring himself to leave this stable. He could not bring himself to leave the straw, or the slight indentation he could still see in it, that told him where she had died.

He could not leave, because she was here. The scent was here, and so was…the blood. His eyes darted to the pale brown stain that was stark against the golden of the straw.

Rage shot through him, blurred his vision. * I will find whoever did this, Rabbit. I will find them, and make them pay. I promise. *

As his tears began to flow, alone here in the dark, Oscar was grateful that the Dustin boy was there to take care of Mary. *He has such a warm heart, and mine is dead. It died with her. I cannot make it beat again, not for my dear wife, or anyone. It beat only for Diana. She is no more, and so my heart will still. It shall never quicken again. *

The scent of tears filled the air, and drifted out into the night and called to Drusilla as she lingered, waiting to make her Daddy pay for smashing such a pretty poppet.


Buffy tried to find the joy in watching Joni open her presents and seeing her joy reflected in his eyes and in the laughter that seemed so easy for him when she was with him. She wanted to get lost in the sweet lullaby of brightly colored paper and shining ribbons. Blues and whites and yellows and scarlet danced before her eyes in her frenzy to uncover the toys she’d been denied.

She tried, and she wanted so much to forget what Joni had said, so innocently, “…you were asleep for so long…”

But, how could she know?

“One hundred forty-seven days yesterday; one hundred forty-eight today, except today doesn’t count. Does it?”

Could he have told her?

She tried, but she couldn’t do it. She wanted to comfort him, but in order to do that she had to know something of what it was like for him.

It was obvious that Spike went through so much in that place. Things that, she didn’t know if she could touch, or even if she wanted to. But she had to try.

And, she knew there was only one person that could help her break through to comfort him. There was one person who knew Spike better than she did, now.


She hated to intrude on their communion. It was obvious from the way Spike held her and in the way he looked at her while he murmured softly, that he missed her. Every time she squealed with delight or laughed, Spike’s face brightened as if he’d made the most wonderful discovery. And, his eyes sought hers, they clouded over, his jaw twitching like she remembered it had when she had somehow tapped into a deep seeded emotion; something he could not put a voice or a name to.

Buffy sighed and walked over to the two of them as they held each other close, sitting on the floor amidst the boxes and ribbons. Joni looked up at her mother, and as her eyes grew large at the cornucopia of gifts, most of which Buffy knew her little girl had never seen before; Heck, I don’t know if I’ve seen all of this before, she thought as she looked around at the toys that were strewn about the floor. She heard the tiny breath as Joni’s little voice sounded in her ear, “Mommy,” she asked, “what is this?”

She wasn’t sure if Joni meant one thing in particular, or the experience as a whole, but either way, Buffy was sure it was overwhelming for her- for both of them, really. She smiled, her eyes drifting to follow Joni’s as they fell on the tiny bed that was in amongst the toys, “That,” she said confidently, “is a ‘Big Girl’s’ bed.”

Fright passed briefly in her eyes, and she whispered, “Can I still keep my bed?” her eyes lowered as if she were ashamed, “I like my bed,” her voice quivered, “It reminds me of home…” her innocent eyes looked up again, “I’m sorry Mommy.”

Buffy’s heart squeezed a little as she gasped, “Oh no, baby…You can keep your bed. No one’s going to take it from you.”

As she spoke, Buffy noticed that Spike had drawn closer to her as if his nearness would reassure her. He may not understand what’s being said, but he knows she needs him. Maybe…Buffy bit her pensively, and knelt so that her eyes were even with Joni’s, “It’s scary here, isn’t it?” she asked gently.

Joni nodded, her eyes wide.

“I bet you’re glad you have your bunny, and your Daddy, aren’t you?” she nodded in empathy, smiling at the toy rabbit she still held tightly in her arms, “What’s his name?”

“Spike,” she said.

Buffy’s eyes locked with the toy’s namesake, and it was clear, from the look in his eye, that he understood at least some parts of what his daughter had said, “Really? That’s neat!” she breathed, looking back into her daughter’s eyes, “Did… ‘Papa’ give him to you?”

She nodded wordlessly and a bit timidly.

The frightened look in Joni’s eyes tightened Buffy’s throat, “Joni, do you like cocoa?”

Joni nodded excitedly, “Papa liked it too?”

Buffy’s eyes flittered up to Spike’s, “I bet he did. Well, I do too. Do you want to share some with me, and Daddy too? You could tell me about home…?”

She nodded eagerly in agreement.

Oscar looked down into Liam’s face as he slept, oblivious to just how close he had come to death…again, and shook his head in something near to pity, “You really should have kept a better eye on Drusilla,” he whispered, “But, I am very glad you didn’t…”