Truth and Lies by Celest
Chapter #13 - Chapter Twelve/Confessions Part One
AN: Hey guys, just so you know: I actually got two chapters out today. Just wanted to let you know-personally, I always just go to the last chapter that was updated if it's a fic that I follow. Just didn't want to confuse anyone! :) On to the story!

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“Like everything, it all started with my parents. Really, with my father. Angelus, Childe of Darla, Grandchilde of the Master. My father isn’t a good man, but, he’s my daddy. He’s always protected me, no matter what the cost. You see, my father. . . he’s a vampire.”

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Three year old Lizzie sat in her antique highchair in the over-crowded banquet hall, staring around at all of the various demons. Her mother sat at one end of the long, long table, Lizzie to her right. Her daddy sat all the way across the room, at the other end. The leaders of the breeds of demons gathered throughout the room sat in a place of honor with the small family. The less important members of their species were at Elizabeth’s back, ripping into the humans that lay there, bound and gagged so they didn’t scream. The demons were silent as they dined on the unconscious humans, taking great pains to be quiet. When they noticed the humans start to return to consciousness, they knocked them out again before returning to their playing, or feeding.

It wouldn’t do to scare the child, even as an especially vicious demon mutilated the five year old in front of him.

Angelus continued the meeting with the demon leaders, keeping a careful eye on them as they fed, and fucked on the floor. Not a sound was heard as the demons came together, teeth gnashing, and claws biting into each other.

Drusilla continued to feed Lizzie her apples, making funny faces while wearing her true face to keep her daughter’s attention.

The little girl giggled in delight as she poked the fyarl demon sitting beside her.

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“Bloody hell, Lizzie! Are you having regrets about the wedding? Is that what this is all about, you want to call it off? I can’t bloody believe this, her Da is a vampire, she says. Abso-fucking-lutely believable! Pet, what is this?”

“No! You will listen to me, Will. I told you it was hard to explain, and you won’t even give me a chance to try! Do you think that this is easy for me? To know that my parents kill people like you, that they would love to find a couple like us. That if it were any other couple who had just been married, my father would rape a bride just like me while a man like you watched. He’d especially love it if she had never been touched, would gloat that he’d gotten there first. Then, my mother would turn on the other you. She’s a vampire, too. She’s a seer, and was taught a number of gypsy tricks. As my father is raping the other me, my mother would make everything melt away, so you’d think that she was me. That it was me you were making love to, on our wedding night as I watched two feet away, on my back, with my father splitting me in two. They like the torture, they are pure poetry together. But, it wasn’t always that way. My father was always a bastard, you see. He killed his own family when he was turned. But my mother? She was an innocent. She wanted to take up the veil, before he took it all from her.”

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The vampires swayed to music that only she could hear as she danced through the halls of the small church. The place where it had all began. She hummed the tune that was on constant repeat in her head, the same one she calmed her child with.

“Da-da-da-da-dee-dum-dum, da-da. . . .da-da. . .”

She let out what sounded like a gasp of surprise as the mother of the church stepped into view, a cross soaked in holy water in one hand, as the other kept her fallen sister’s veil to her throat to stop the bleeding. Her sorrow-filled eyes alighted on the young girl she had met so many years ago. The same one who had nearly torn her throat out, before she had swung the holy relic into her demonic face.

“How dare you enter this House of God! Be gone, evil creature!”

Drusilla slithered over to her, staring into the eyes of her former mentor. The woman who had started her training to become a nun before the demon entered her life.

She stared hard into the eyes of the old woman.

“Be in me.” The elaborate cross fell to the floor as the vampires reached for the old woman, her body shuddering in the first and only orgasm it would ever feel as images of an interlude with the priest she had loved floated through her mind.

She left the world with a prayer on her lips, damning herself to hell for betraying her oath.

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“My parents are evil incarnate. They rape, they torture, they kill, they steal. They hate. They love. they grieve. My parents live their lives by what they want. The only guiding compass that they have is to keep me safe. No soul, no conscience. Just me.”

“Lizzie, I think this is where I come in.” the small man said, wringing the felt fedora in his hands.

He winced at the growl that came from the human’s throat.

“Don’t you dare call her that.”

“Right. Slayer, I’ll take it from here.” He chuckled at the horrified look on the young girl’s face.

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“So, basically, you’re assigning me to watch over the daughter of a vampire and a seer. Not only any vampire, but the daughter of two-quarters of the Scourge of Europe, and the wife of yet another quarter.”

“That is correct.” The male Oracle said for the third time. His patience was waning for the odd man.

“And, if I fail, I’ll be dead. For real. And I’ll have to communicate with said three-fourths of the most deadly quartet of vampires in history. And when everything goes to shit, they’re going to blame ME.”

“Yes, it has been written, and so it shall be. Is there a problem with your assignment, Messenger?” the female asked.

“No, no problem. So, I guess I’ll leave right away. So, just WHEN am I going?”

“You will soon find out, Messenger. Now, be gone!” and the audience chamber disappeared from view, leaving the messenger to the powers with the smell of burnt herbs in his nose as he threw away the remnants of his visit the Powers and his troubling new assignment.

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“We had to take Elizabeth away from her parents because it was too dangerous, for her and for them. They were proud of her, and allowed demons to be around her constantly. It was only a matter of time before one of them stole her away, or the council found out about them. They had just heard the news about her shortly before she was relocated to the Travers’ home.”

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The watcher slunk into the demon pub, the amulet about his neck masking his heart beat and his smell that screamed “human.” It was all replaced with something much more dead. He screamed vampire to the patrons of the pub, who ignored him, pegging him as just another fledge.

“Do you know when the next party is going to be?” an older vampire asked one of Angelus’s minions as he sidled up to him.

“Why? So ye can dust me for me invite?” he looked suspiciously at the vampire in the tight breeches and ruffled white shirt.

“Now, why would you say such a silly thing? I want only to pay my respects to the new master. Is that so terribly wrong?”

“Yeah, it is, when the next big to-do is his daughter’s birthday.”

“Really? And how old is our dear Elizabeth?” he asked curiously, eyes flashing gold.

“She’ll be six. But I wouldn’t crash the party if I were you, mate. The master wouldn’t like it. He’s very particular when it comes to his family, and the ones he lets near them.”

“So, then? Why are you, a minion, allowed near the child? The child of your master and mistress? It must be quite a temptation, almost too good to refuse. All that fresh blood, pumping away in that deceivingly small body. The daughter of a vampire and a seer. . .” he struck when he saw the other demon lick his lips, nicking his tongue on his fangs that had escaped his gums along with his demonic features. When he saw the other’s demon face erupt, he quickly reached inside the other’s long coat, bring out the crisp, red invitation done with gold lettering. Just as quick, he plunged his stake into the other’s back.

He never saw the other “vampire” staring in shock at the exchange, hurrying out of the pub. Nor did he notice him as he was staked as he left the safety of the pub himself, the invitation quickly snatched from his rapidly disintegrating fingers.

He opened the invitation, quickly taking in the elaborate script.

‘You are hereby invited to celebrate the sixth anniversary of the birth of Elizabeth Anna O’Riley, daughter of Angelus and Drusilla of the line of Aurelius.’

‘You may bring up to ten members of your clan to the celebration; the site of the party will be protected from any and all violence not started by Angelus or Drusilla. Severe consequences will be brought against any and all who try to instigate anything, and the rest of their clan. The clan leader will be severely punished. The celebration will take place. . .’

The vampire removed the pendant and its glamour from around his neck when he was a safe distance away from the seedy pub. His black ensemble replaced by scratchy tweed.

A slow smile curled his lips as he headed for the council headquarters.

From now on, those pillocks would remember the name Travers.

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AN: Hey, guys! This was just Part One of Lizzie and Whistler’s confession. It’s getting late, and I just wanted to get this out. I have a really clear picture in my head about how I want things to go, and I don’t want to lose that momentum. Also, sorry if some parts were a bit. . .disturbing to read. I was really wrestling with some parts, and what might be dconsidered too much, but I didn't really see any other way to put it. Her parents are vampires, and though she is more human that them, that's what she's been around since birth. And that's what she's tryomg to explain to William, because she wants him to know what he'll be tying himself to. Thanks, guys, for still being interested in my little fic. Thanks! Part Two will probably be out sometime tomorrow, or Wednesday. Good night!