The Road to Nowhere by wolf116
Chapter #1 - Crash, Boom, Bang
The Road to Nowhere


Crash, Boom, Bang

Summary: Loosely based on the video for the song Someday by Nickleback. It isn't a songfic, I promise...

A car crash brings an event that's completely unimaginable. Winter white outs aren't all that fun.

Disclaimer: I don’t proclaim to own anything, other than the tiny tidbit of story that I’ve come up with. Plus Joss gave us permission.

She tried to look through the ice covered windshield of the blue rental, but couldn’t see more than three feet in front of her. The snow had started to come down in drifts, and the station on the radio had just warned about the total white out. Which really didn’t help her much, considering that she’d already been out when the snowstorm had struck.

Her eyes are strained trying to catch any object that they can make out. Slowly she thinks she can see some tiny, little spots of road through all of the snow.

She’d left the cabin not ten minutes ago. At that time there wasn’t a snowflake one to be seen. Now she was lucky to see anything at all. All hell had broken loose, and it isn’t the good wholesome kind of hell, like she’s used to. All she’d had to do is pick up someone, and had ran into the mother of all blizzards as she tried to make her way up the side of one of the mountains of the Alps. It had to be a monumental storm, considering there isn’t any way that she’s seeing anything.

With a sudden lurch, the sedan skids into a slide after striking a patch of ice. The steering wheel is jerked from her hands, and she grabs it back but it’s to late.

The blonde tries to straighten the car out, her hands going over each other rapidly trying to gain control of the damned machine.The only thing she can think of is, that she’d promised Giles that she’d retrieve the slayer that had been located on top of this really dangerous mountain, and now she’s probably sitting across this tiny road sideways and more than likely one of those big earthmoving machines was headed in her way. She’d stepped on the brakes, before thinking, and the car starts to slide even more.

With a stomach lurching thud she feels the car start downward as it slides uncontrollably over the embankment. At least she knows which way she’s headed in now, down. She can just see the car in mid air, like a Dukes of Hazzard stunt. Only thing is that would probably be fun, this what she’s going through now is way beyond not fun.

If anyone were around the shout of “OH, SHIT!” could’ve been heard for miles. Unfortunately, no one would be ignorant enough to be out in this storm, except for the one person who’d made a promise to her father figure, and wouldn’t go back on it. The only things she has left are her friends, her sister, and Giles. She couldn’t let them down, not after what had happened the last time.

The automobile crashes into something, making it roughly, jar. She hears the passenger side crumple, like a piece of paper, and winces as some glass from the windshield, and window flies in her face. She could feel the blood running freely down the side of her neck, but doesn’t realize that there’s a huge piece of windshield stuck in it. She’s so lost in thoughts of that last time, she doesn’t feel the pain that should be racking her body, but she’s gone numb from the memories of Sunnydale, and who and what she’d lost.

Her hair falls over her face at the impact, and she reaches up to remove it, but the car hits another much bigger obstacle, and starts to tilt into a roll, from bottom to top. The car flips her around, her head thrown from side to side. She just knows if the whipping doesn’t give her whiplash, then it’ll surely break her neck.

It seems as if the car tumbles forever. Then the roof hits hard against something, a tree most is the most probable culprit, and smashes in on top of her. She can feel the blood, oozing down her back, all sticky and gross, then everything around her goes black.

The blonde girl in the car goes limp, gasping for air, then all movement stills. Her neck is broken in several places, that even the best speacialist couldn’t have fixed. Hell they couldn’t even count how many breaks there are. Even if the broken neck hadn’t instantaneously killed her, then the puncture wounds in her lungs, from the many broken ribs she’d sustained would’ve.

In actuality, nearly every bone in the girls body had been broken, and they had punctured most of her vital organs. The only bones not broken being her skull, and the bones in her feet.

The people that she’d been with had called the authorities to send out a search party for her. The car had been found two days later. In a gulley, about two hundred feet down the side of the mountain. They’d searched after the total white out, of that morning. When they finally found her, her body twisted and broken, with frozen blood on her face, the car crushed all around her, they’d known there wasn’t any hope. She was frozen from two deathly cold nights, and by the injuries she’d sustained. They had radioed the command station, and the station had relayed the message to the people awaiting the news in the rented cabin.

She remembers that her last thought had been of her lost love, before everything had gone black as night. She’d pictured his blue eyes, and bleached hair. She’d told him she’d be with him soon.

Now she stands in a brightly lit, She looks around her, Office building? Now where the hell am I? I’ve been to heaven, and this most definitely isn’t it.

(HE HE HE HE, tell me if I should continue. I’m excited about this one. I know I’m a big, ole, tease.)