It Happened One Night by GoldenBuffy
Chapter #16 - Chapter Fifteen: My Aim Is True
It Happened One Night

By: Golden Buffy

Summary: Spike rushed Joyce to the hospital after she collapsed at the gallery. Buffy and Spike are still on the outs and Amanda found a small connection between a German slayer and Buffy.

Disclaimer: Joss created Buffy and Spike, but sometimes I have to fix what he messed up.

Author's Notes: Thanks to the awesome Just_Sue for working her magic on my fic as always. Thanks sweetie. (huggles) Song from Evanescence. Also, borrowed a bit from Crush too. Oooh, I'm really not that good at writing Dru, so please bear with me. Don't kill me too much if I get her wrong. You've been warned.


Chapter Fifteen: My Aim Is True

'Bloody right you are! If you hadn't left me for that chaos demon, I never would have come back here! Never would have had this sodding chip in my skull! And you - (to Buffy) wouldn't be able to touch me, because this, (pointing to Buffy, then to himself) with you, is wrong. I know it. I'm not a complete idiot.' Spike – Crush

'Watching me, wanting me,
I can feel you pull me down.
Fearing you, loving you.
I won't let you pull me down...' Evanescence - Haunted


Joyce had finally come home. The plan of attack was to remove the tumor - for a second time - followed by an aggressive cycle of chemotherapy. Doctor Issac would remove a bit of the surrounding brain tissue as well, just to make sure that they cut out all of the infected area. Wouldn't want another relapse. On the other hand, Joyce seemed pretty calm at the idea of spending some time as bald as a cue ball if her hair fell out from the treatment. But Dawn guessed losing hair was way better than losing her mom. She was just glad to have her back home where she belonged.

That was two days ago, a day after Buffy broke down and cried in the quiet church. She wasn't sure what had happened that night, all she knew was that she left the sanctuary feeling lighter than she had upon entering it. Maybe lighting the candle did something for her spirit, maybe crying in solitude made her feel better, but whatever it was, Buffy felt tons better. Plus, her mother was home and this time the doctor said he would make sure to get everything out.

Now the only thing left was to fix this rift between her and Spike. Buffy missed him and patrolling just wasn't the same without him. But this night was like all the others since Spike had found out about the pregnancy; he appeared to be nowhere but he still lurked in the shadows. Buffy snickered to herself and bet Spike didn't know that his unique tingle had grown stronger over the years that they had spent together. She could feel him a lot sooner than she could other vamps. The slayer was so tempted to go chasing after him, to beg him to forgive her so that they could go back to the way things were. But she didn't. Dejectedly, she glanced towards a thicket of trees before heading off to another cemetery.

Spike followed the slayer's every move like the predator he was, eyes never leaving her petite frame as she danced with death. He knew that she knew that he was there, lurking in the shadows, watching her. He desperately wanted to go to her but he felt that it wasn't time yet. Not yet, just a bit longer. The vampire still needed more time to get over the hurdle she had created.

He had a close call over the past two days with her though. Spike had made it part of his daily task to go visit Joyce once she returned home, slipping into the Summers house while Buffy was at school. The first day Joyce had told him the game plan in regards to her treatment. They had sat talking, and for once, Spike was able to lend his shoulder for Joyce to cry on. It felt nice to be needed, not manipulated into caring for the one he loved. He was so wrapped up in Joyce that he didn't notice Buffy's approach until she was on the top step making her way to her mother's bedroom. Spike had quickly uttered his “good byes” before leaving, passing the slayer in the hall. Buffy had that expectant look in her eyes which he avoided, mumbling a quick “Slayer,” before continuing on his way.

Spike was pulled from his thoughts as he watched Buffy mull over something then head in the direction of the Bronze. Most likely she was going to meet her chums and unwind a bit. He decided to head back to his crypt.

Buffy slowly started walking in the direction of the Bronze, the music could be heard a block away. She could picture her friends in there laughing and dancing, enjoying their time together. She just wasn't in the partying kinda mood. Willow had been trying to get her to come with them since they all found out about her mom, stating that Buffy needed some quality distraction time. And what's most distracting and fun? Why, the Bronze of course. Buffy attempted a half smile then made her excuses. She didn't want to dance or have fun, she just wanted to mope and pout and ponder at the unfairness of her life. Fun was something had by college girls who didn't carry the weight of the world upon their shoulders coupled with their sick mother, a pissed off vampire and some strange - maybe mystical - pregnancy.

Buffy could feel Spike's signature fade as he walked off into the distance. Pride be damned and to hell with his “I need space,” the slayer needed her vampire, damn it. Buffy turned on her heels and headed in the direction of Restfield Cemetery.

Spike stood next to his refrigerator taking a hefty gulp of the amber liquid in his glass when he felt her. He was elated - okay, elated was a poncy word. So Spike changed his thinking. He was thrilled. Much better.

It had taken her long enough but Buffy had finally come and sought him out. A small scowl formed on his face. Didn't he tell her that he needed space? Yeah, he was happy that she was here but where was the respecting of boundaries? “Bloody Slayer, always making this about her,” he mumbled walking over to the door.

Buffy stood on the other side, her hand frozen in midair as she contemplated knocking. Would Spike be happy to see her? Would he get mad and slam the door in her face? Buffy mulled over these questions until she felt him on the other side. “Just knock. It's really easy, Buffy. Just do it,” she whispered before submitting to her fear and placed her hand on the door instead.

Spike heard Buffy's small pep talk and smiled, but it soon turned into a frown. He could feel rather than see her lay her hand upon the door and instead of acting on his first impulse of ripping the barrier between them open, he laid his hand upon it as well. They both stayed like that for a few moments before Buffy slowly withdrew her hand and started to walk away.


“So when does your mom go back to the hospital?” Willow asked as the two walked down the hall.

“Day after tomorrow.” Buffy wrapped her arms around herself. “Wills, I'm so nervous.”

Willow stopped walking to look at her best friend. “It'll be okay, Buffy. This time they'll get everything out and no more nasty Mr. Tumor.”

Buffy gave a little smile and began to walk once more.

“You know, Xander and I have been thinking. You've been all Miss Avoid-y paints for the past few days. Well, actually, ever since Spike sorta stopped talking to you, and all this moping is not good. So I declare that you do need a night of Bronzing goodness.” 'Yeah, and to get your mind off of Spike,' Willow mentally added. She didn't like how Buffy was all heartbroken over the fact that the bleached vamp was staying away from her. Depressed, sad Buffy was never a good sign. Especially is she was depressed and sad over a certain vampire other than Angel.

“I... I don't think...” the slayer stopped in mid-sentence, her attention drawn to the campus newspaper, the front page catching her eye. “Metro-Train Murders. Six found dead on arrival at Sunnydale Station.” She turned back to Willow, taking in the defeated look on the redhead's face. “Fine. The Bronze it is, after I check this out,” she finished pointing to the news.

“Oh, this is good. Not in the morbid Yay, people are dead kinda way, but in the Yay, we're going to party like it's 1999 kinda way.” Willow scrunched her brow in thought. “What do you think caused it?”

Buffy picked the paper back up, quickly scanning over the article. “It says there are unofficial reports that the necks had scratches and bite marks. Survey says... vampire.”

“So you do a quick patrol, slay the culprit then meet up with us at the Bronze?”

Buffy nodded. “Sounds like a date.”


Spike walked back into the crypt intending to light some candles but halted his progression. He stopped and began sniffing the air. He cocked his head in the direction from which the scent came. “Who's there?”

The shadows seemed to part as the raven haired beauty walked out. “A happy memory, my Spike.”

Spike couldn't speak for a moment. Drusilla was here, in his crypt, walking out of the shadows like a beautiful nightmare. She floated towards him holding a single red rose.

“Mummy has come to make things right again,” she added, trailing the rose down her cheek and over her breast.


“I told you I would meet you there,” Buffy huffed out as she approached the train, taking note of the yellow tape with bold black lettering declaring to all that it was a CRIME SCENE.

Xander struggled for breath, trying to match her pace but failing miserably. “Hey, I know,” he panted. “But Willow and I thought it would be better if I come with.” The construction worker bent over wheezing. “Geez, Buffy, shower me with mercy.”

Buffy took note of his state of breathlessness and slowed up before ducking under the tape. Xander noticed her holding it up for him and he quickly slipped under it as well. He didn't know why his friend couldn't come and do her snooping during daylight hours. Being on the train at night was just downright spooky. Reminded him of the time they were trapped in that frat house during Halloween when their nightmares had come true.

“So, ah, what are we looking for?” Xander asked, flashing his flashlight on the empty train seats. His eyes landed on the taped outline of where one of the victims was found. He shivered.

“Just something letting me know this was a vamp attack, and if so, how many.”

“Well, it's safe to say that the boys in blue didn't leave much for us to work with.”

The slayer scanned the scene for anything that had been overlooked... nothing. After spending a few more minutes searching, Buffy gave a dejected sigh and the two headed back to meet their friends.


The time had passed quickly, neither Spike nor Drusilla spoke. She danced in the crypt, swirling around and reciting what the pixies had told her and how yummy the people on the train had tasted. So full of fear and pleading for their lives, it was intoxicating.

“Why are you here, Dru?” asked Spike, rubbing a tired hand over his face.

“Daddy was a naughty puppy. Me and grandmum came to welcome him back but he refused. All shiny and noble, he won't escape his gilded cage.”

Spike arched his scared brow. “So let me get this straight. Darla is back and the two of you got the grand ol' idea of getting Peaches to lose his soul.”

Drusilla nodded in agreement.

“Sound's kinda... neat.” But the idea of releasing that egotistic psychopath again was downright loony.

“Yes, like lollipops at the circus. Although Angel setting us on fire wasn't fun at all. Tsk. Tsk.” Spike followed her hands to the areas that were burned, across her neck and her chest, where creamy white flesh met with angry red, causing his demon to growl. How could that prick hurt them? Yeah, they were evil, but they were still family. 'Just when did I start thinking of myself as anything less than evil?' Spike silently wondered. The admission shocked him a bit.

“Bloody idiot.” Spike wasn't sure if he was referring to Angel or himself, or both. He paused, looking at his sire once more. “This got you all nostalgic now?”

“I want us to be a family again, my sweet William,” she said with a wistful look in her eye, as if she was recalling the good old days of the four of them together. Drusilla walked closer to Spike, only inches separating them. Leaning in she whispered in his ear. “Come back with me.”

Spike looked at her in bewilderment. “Back to Los Angeles? I did that scene, Dru, didn't agree with me.” Spike walked away from her. She was too close for comfort. “Look around, got a sweet little set up here... decent digs, not to mention all the tasty little happy meals on legs.”

Drusilla only smirked at him making a “clucking” sound with her teeth. “Naughty. Shhh. You needn't make up such stories, pet. I already know why you're not coming. My poor sweet Prince. Funny soldiers put a little nick-knack in your brain. Can't hunt. Can't hurt. Can't kill.” Dru whimpered walking closer to the now sitting vampire.

Bending down in front of him she placed her hands on her head. “Got a chip in your head.” To punctuate her understanding Drusilla jerked her head back in mocked pain. “What have they done to you?” Tenderly she reached out to place her hands on Spike's head but he quickly jumped up from his armchair and past her, knocking her over in the process.

“Right, so you've heard. Poor Spike's become a cautionary tale for vampires? You better be good, kiddies, or else they'll wire you up someday.”

Drusilla gracefully rose to her feet, brushing some dust from her dress and hands. “I don't believe in science. All those bits and molecules no one ever sees. I trust eyes and heart alone. And you know what my heart is singing right now?” she asked, taking Spike's hand in hers then placing it over her dead heart.

“You are a killer, born to slash and bash, and bleed like beautiful poetry.” She added the last part with a tiny shiver of delight, her eyes dancing with merriment. “No little tinker-toy could ever stop you from flowing. It's a lie, it fools you.”

Spike pulled his hand back from her grasp. “It's not that, luv. I've, I've changed. Can't go back to what I was.”

Drusilla's eyes darkened for a moment before she smiled. “You haven't changed one bit. You are who you are. You are what I made you. And I've come to give it back. Sunshine will never accept you. You may have been burnt, tinged by the sun, but...” she trailed off swaying to music only she could hear. “But the darkness calls. Can't you hear her?”

Drusilla swooped in capturing Spike's lips in hers before shifting into game face, nipping them, drawing blood, then licking it away. The two twirled in circles as her human guise slipped back into place. “Can't you hear it, my dark one? It dips and twirls and sings to you.”

Spike growled as he felt Dru trying to use her thrall on in him. She was even more manipulative than he remembered. The stars must have been chatting up a storm for her to feel this threatened. She was pulling out all the stops.

Drusilla could see that her childe was resisting her and she began to frown before a thought dawned. There were more ways to get her puppy to do her bidding.

“Since my precious William doesn't want to play nicely, I guess I'll go and take my tea some place else.” She turned and headed for the door.

“Where are you going, Dru?” Spike growled.

“Away, to the dancing lights. Where the lambs go to feed. The milk is sweeter there and makes plenty of tea.”

“Bugger.” The blond knew exactly where she was headed, all he could do was hope that his sire's and the slayer's paths wouldn't cross this night.


Buffy sat at the table, chin in hand and finger tapping restlessly atop it. She really wasn't enjoying her quality time with her friends. Before she'd gone to the station she had sat with her mom, discussing her desire to stay home with her. Some quality mom and Buffy time together since Dawn was out with Janice. Joyce was firmly against it though, stating the fact that Buffy hadn't spent any time with the gang since the night of Dawn's surprise party. Buffy tried to argue but her mom won out in the end.

Willow was saying something to her but she couldn't make it out, not that she really cared. Instead, she found her thoughts drifting to Spike and wondered what he was doing at this very moment. Buffy could kick herself, she really wished she'd knocked on the door or just kicked it in and made him forgive her. But no, she had to be all scared-y Buffy and respecting the privacy of others. 'Stupid vampire, she mumbled under her breath.

Buffy couldn't help it if she felt moody, and withdrawn, and could only think about wanting Spike back. At first she chalked it up to hormones and being pregnant, but the more she reflected over said feelings a thought occurred to her... she loved Spike. Holy crap, she like loved Spike. How the hell did that happen? And when? Okay, yeah, she wasn't in love with him, but she did love him in that not so brotherly kind of way or you're my best friend kind of way either. It knocked the wind out of her sails. “I totally love Spike.”

Willow and Tara looked at her. “Wha... what did you say, Buffy? I couldn't hear you over the music?” Willow shouted, as the house band started to play a cover song.

“Huh, oh, ah, nothing. I didn't say anything. I'm just going to get another diet coke. Be right back.”

Tara watched as Buffy quickly weaved through the crowd of teens and college students - and possibly some demons too - and smiled. She had heard the girl's admission.


Dru climbed the steps stalking her prey. It was an unsuspecting couple making out on the balcony overlooking the dancers below. As they were ascending the stairs things moved in slow motion for Spike. The emotions bubbling up inside him seemed to be too much. It had been far too long since he'd been out on the hunt, and with Dru no less. His demon was purring in delight at the notion, though he knew he wouldn't, or couldn't, actually partake in any killing. Spike also knew Dru was on a mission, out to prove to him that he was the same creature she had created all those years ago in that alley. Before he knew it his sire had attacked, going after the young woman first; snapping her neck then tossing her back to fall into his waiting arms.

Now I will tell you what I've done for you:
Fifty thousand tears I've cried.
Screaming, deceiving and bleeding for you,
And you still won't hear me.

I'm going under...

Drusilla lunged at the boy who now looked on in fear. Her fangs sliced into his neck as she began to drink greedily. Spike glanced down in horror at the body in his arms. There was a time, not long ago, when he would have relished this moment. In the kill. Even now he could imagine the rush of warm blood slipping down his throat, but instead of jubilation he was sickened by the idea, and also by what Buffy's reaction would be. Drusilla raised her head from her meal and frowned.

Don't want your hand this time, I'll save myself,
Maybe I'll wake-up for once.
Not tormented for daily, defeating by you...
Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom.

The vampire let the body drop to the ground as he fled for the stairs. Drusilla growled in frustration before tossing her meal aside and following after him. They stopped on the dance floor as Dru pulled Spike into her embrace. “What's wrong with you?” she hissed through clenched teeth.

“Can't do it, Dru. Not that monster anymore.”

She turned in his arms and started to dance, rubbing her body enticingly against his. Spike's arms automatically wrapped around Drusilla's tiny waist, pulling her into him. He couldn't deny it felt familiar and comforting after being adrift in a sea of emotions and lost for so long. It would be so easy to submit to her and follow her as he used to. Go back, back to the way things were before. Spike closed his eyes and swallowed.

“My prince is lost to me forever, isn't he?” Drusilla asked gazing up into his face her hand resting under his chin. “Just a puppy with no fangs.”

Spike didn't reply; his eyes were locked onto distraught hazel ones.

Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies,
So I don't know what's real and what's not.
Always confusing the thoughts in my head,
So I can't trust myself anymore.

I'm dying again...

Buffy gasped, turning pale, the empty glass falling from her hand and shattering on the floor. This so wasn't happening. Was it? There was no way in hell that Spike was being groped by the queen of all hos and she was witnessing it.
“Oh, God,” she managed to gasp out before turning to run.

Spike extracted himself from Dru's clutches and ran after the blonde. She had already exited the club and was heading up the street. “Buffy!” he shouted. “Slayer, stop!”

The door slammed shut behind him as the music filtered out into the night air.

So go on and scream,
Scream at me. I'm so far away,
I wont be broken again...
I've got to breath,
I can't keep going under.

Buffy whirled around glaring at him. “What? What could you possibly say?”

God, she was so stupid. How could she have trusted him? Let him in so close? Chip or not, Spike had just proven he could still be dangerous, that was the only reason why Hozilla was back in the picture.

“It's not what it looks like,” he pleaded with her.

Buffy folded her arms over her chest defensively. “Oh, I'm sorry. My eyes must not be working properly. It's just, you know, I saw you and super skank grinding on the dance floor, and I'm quite sure there's a couple of bodies laying dead around here some place. So sorry if I'm not all with the believing.”

“It's not like that, Slayer. Would you just shut your fucking mouth and listen,” Spike ground out. She was really starting to grate on his nerves. Did she give him any credit at all?

Buffy was about to respond when her eyes went wide and she started to convulse before falling to the ground. Spike glared at the figure standing behind her. “What the fuck did you go and do that for?” he yelled.

Dru only laughed, “Naughty slayer, messing up my plans. Didn't I tell you I was here to fix what's broken?”

Spike just ignored her and bent down to tend to Buffy. Drusilla smiled before shooting him with a dose of electricity as well.

“Looks like you served your purpose, all blue and pulsing with power,” she addressed the cattle prod before tossing it into the nearby trashcan then bending down to toss the slayer over one shoulder and her childe over the other. Her insane giggling echoed in the night air.


Buffy slowly drifted back to the land of the living, her eyes were blurry upon opening. She blinked, adjusting to the dim light. She went to move her hand to rub the back of her neck but found that she couldn't. Looking to her right she saw that her wrist was chained to a wall, the same with the left. Looking around Buffy guessed that she was under ground somewhere. Hearing a moan, Buffy raised her eyes, blinking them to focus on the source.


Spike slowly drifted awake as he heard his name being called. He opened his eyes to see the slayer glaring at him in confusion. What the hell did he do now to piss her off? That's when he noticed he was tied to a pillar under his crypt. 'Balls.'

“Why am I chained to a wall and you're tied to a pole?”

Spike didn't answer as he struggled against his bonds for a moment before calling out for Drusilla.

As if on cue, Dru came dancing out of the darkness and into the dimly lit room. “Oh, look Miss Edith, Sunshine and William are awake. I wanted to play a little but Miss Edith thought better of it.” She paused then pouted. “She always did ruin my fun.”

“Dru, what's this all about?” Spike asked through gritted teeth.

“Such an eager little one, always wanting to know the price. I said I was here to fix things. Like mending a birdie's broken wing.”

“Drusilla, I really don't have time for this, so unlock these cuffs so I can be on my merry little way. I won't even dust you or punch Spike in the nose.” Buffy finished with a saccharine smile.

Drusilla walked over to Buffy slapping her across the face, not hard but just enough to let her know that she was serious. “I wasn't talking to you. You'll hold your tongue or get no cake.” She turned to look at Spike. “You helped send Daddy to hell for her?” She looked at him with reproach. “I should be cross with you... maybe later.”

“You've already done that. Chaos demon, slime covered antlers, ring any bells? Just get on with it, what are you here to fix?”

“Sunshine hurt the Poet. And now he cowers to lick his wounds. Both are too stubborn to say sorry.” Drusilla walked over to Buffy and, with a gentleness that the slayer had never seen from her before, bent down and placed her hand on Buffy's stomach. Drusilla looked up to stare into Buffy's eyes. “You don't know it but you are effulgent. William's sunshine. You are for him, as he is for you.”

Buffy's brow scrunched together in confusion. “Huh? Effu-what-a-who?”

“Such a silly girl. He loves you. And has given you such a special gift.” She patted her stomach once more. Buffy's eyes widen in alarm. How could she even know? Had the lotion stop working?

“You told her?” she shouted at Spike accusingly.

Spike fixed Buffy with a “duh,” look before responding. “No, you daft bint. I haven't told her a thing. You know, pixies, stars, Miss Sodding Edith. She has her sources.” Spike turned his head to Drusilla. “Let me go, pigeon.”

“No, not until you admit it,” she pouted.

'Admit it? Hell.' Spike sighed; he knew what she wanted him to say. He stared back across the way searching out Buffy's heated gaze, but glad that for once it was directed at the other vampire in the room. “Buffy.” She moved her eyes to lock with his.

'Here goes nothing,' he thought before taking a deep breath.

“I'm gonna tell you something and if you feel the need to dust me later, well, we'll discuss it.” He paused once more taking another unneeded breath. “Slayer, I love you.” He paused, waiting for the look of disgust to cross the blonde's face, but it didn't come. Taking that as a sign to continue, Spike pressed forward. “You're all I bloody think about. Dream about. You're in my gut ... my throat ... I'm drowning in you, Summers, I'm drowning in you.”

Buffy just stared back at him, blinking in shock. He loved her? No, it wasn't a question, it was fact. A statement. Spike loved her, like in love with her. It was sort of neat. Wasn't she just thinking about this at the Bronze? A thought occurred to her, causing her to shake her head, she couldn't believe it. How could he love her and get all Dirty Dancing with Dru?

“She's really not too bright is she?” Drusilla observed. “The rain has gone but the clouds still hide her from the day. He was your eyes and ears, little one, keeping watch over me.”

“Hey, I think you just insulted me.” Buffy glared at Drusilla. “Spike, translation, please. I don't speak psycho.”

“Said it was all her. I was only tryin' to keep Dru out of trouble.”

“You know, Sunshine loves you too.”

Both heads snapped up to look at the female holding them hostage. One in disbelief and the other shocked at how she could know.

“How did you? I mean, pffft, no.” That came out more harshly than she'd intended. “I mean, I think, well.” Buffy sighed. “It's complicated, now let me go.”

“What do you mean it's bloody complicated? You either do or you don't.” Spike shouted.

“I... Spike, so not helping.”

Drusilla sighed before turning to get the keys. A promise was a promise, and since the slayer was in a delicate condition Dru couldn't play with her. And Spike was out of the question - he only wanted to play with his Sunshine. None of them noticed the fourth person who had entered the room, not until Spike's startled scream filled the air. Buffy made a mental note to tease him later about it. 'Cause he so screamed like a girl.

Spike looked down at the arrow protruding from his chest, a mere three inches from his non-beating heart. Harmony stood next to the wooden ladder, crossbow in hand and a quill on her back full of deadly arrows. “Okay, Dru, enough is enough let me go. Now.” Spike bellowed pulling at his bindings.

Harmony was livid. After her botched attempted at getting the slayer killed, and winning her Blondie Bear back, she started keeping closer tabs on both of them. She knew those reenactments of her being the slayer should have tipped her off, but it was still a shock when she found out that the Master vampire was helping with Buffy's slaying duties. And now his confession of loving her, it was too much. But the topper on the cake was that she was pregnant. Oh, Harmony may not have been the smartest apple in the barrel, but she was able to put two and two together when Drusilla rubbed Buffy's stomach. Eyes narrowed to tiny slits and chest heaving, Harm was so going to dust Spike - or at least throttle him. Since it was clear he was obviously boinking Buffy while they were still together. Gross much?

“You are so totally twisted, you sick.... vampire. I mean, ugh, you so had me acting like the slayer so you could get off. That's just wrong.” The blonde spat at Spike as she started to load her crossbow once again.

“Normally little girl, I would have no worries about you teaching our boy a lesson, but this time there will be none.” Drusilla informed Harmony before lunging for her. The two female demons started rolling around on the floor as they fought for dominance. Spike grunted, finally breaking free of his binding, pausing a moment to give his wrist a quick rub before his attention was distracted by the two on the floor. Drusilla was straddling Harmony's waist as she clawed her face. The blonde shrilled in pain.

“Looks as if Mummy will get to play after all,” Dru cooed, leaning down and licking the blood from Harmony's cheek. Spike stood gazing at them, transfixed. The only thing better would be watching Buffy and Dru go at it; of course the slayer would win. But still, it would be frigging hot. He could picture it now, the two of them rolling around hissing and grunting as they fought each other. There would be hair pulling, maybe a few ripped pieces of clothing. Buffy straddling Drusilla's waist as she bucked her hips to get the slayer off of her. That would be more than hot, that would be a bloody fantasy come true.

“Spike! Spike, get me loose!” Buffy shouted, rattling her chains. The vampire snapped out of his hazy fantasy, adjusting himself quickly before bending over to retrieve the keys which Dru had tossed to the ground. Walking over to the slayer he unchained her. Buffy stepped around Spike and watched the two women still tussling.

“Sorry, Slayer. Didn't mean for any of this to happen.”

Buffy was beyond reasoning at this point. Spike had let his stupid crazy sire stun her and kidnap her, then chain her up in some underground cave. She didn't respond, opting instead to just glare at him. Unlocking the box marked “special occasions” Buffy reached back, pooled all of her strength, then let her fist fly. It connected with Spike's nose sending him flying back several feet before crashing into one of the stone walls. Sparing a final glance at the still fighting demons, Buffy headed for the ladder and to freedom.

Spike sat up pulling the arrow out of his chest and throwing it to the floor. He gingerly touched his nose, cursing under his breath. “Said she wouldn't punch me in the nose. Stupid bitch.”

Marching over to Dru and Harm, he pulled his sire off of the other vampire. “Should stake you myself for trying to dust me.” Spike bent down and grabbed Harmony by the neck. “Now run along back to the rock or fluffy pillow you crawled out from, and don't let me catch your face around here again. Or I will dust you.”

Harmony nodded before retreating. Spike turned his attention to Dru. “Now, what to do with you?”

Drusilla cooed and clapped her hands in delight.
