Closure by Kyra Storm
Chapter #1 - Prologue
The young woman stepped out onto the balcony. She was petite, but there was power and strength underlying in her movements. She seemed almost regal standing in the approaching night in a colored evening gown that matched the fading light of the sky. Her pale gold skin and honey blonde hair contrasted warmly with her shimmering gown.

The beaded flowers on the skirt of her dress caught the lights from inside and sparkled as she walked forward to the railing. Absently setting down a glass of wine on the table beside her, she closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, enjoying the feeling of the warm night air.

As the last lingering light left the sky, she could almost feel the summer stars above her beginning to blink on. She grasped the balcony tightly as if to anchor herself, she threw back her head, closed her eyes and a smile came to her face as she let the night wash over her.

The night brought with it the thoughts of him.

She let the memories come, filling up the empty hole inside of her. She remembered the emotions he evoked in her, the coolness of his touch, the way his voice sounded whispering words of love in her ear, the smell of leather and tobacco that seemed to permeate his skin, the taste of his lips against hers, the depth of feelings dancing in his eyes.

She remembered HIM.

There was no grave to mark his passing and no one, not even the ones who were there really understood the sacrifice he made for them.

She tried not to let her regrets color the time she spent out here remembering him. He didn't deserve her regrets, he deserved remembrance and honor.

She opened her eyes and stared at the stars, not even aware of the tear that ran down her cheek. She searched the night sky for any sign that he was Ok, that he knew how much she missed him, how much she loved him.

The sound of an owl deep in the forest was her only response.

Her eyes closed again in pain for a moment and a small whimper escaped from her throat before she could stop it. Resolving herself she opened her eyes and continued what she had come out here to do.

She said the same prayer she said every night, for him to be at peace and happy.

She had done this every night since Sunnydale was destroyed. Some nights she would sit outside for hours and talk to him, other nights she would just take a minute, but she never forgot.

He had done the same for her when she was gone.

However, she had come back...

"147 days yesterday, 148 days today. Except today doesn't count does it?" Piercing blue eyes staring at her with wonder...

She shook her head to dispel the apparition before her. Her hands were clasped tightly together in front of her, remembering the last time she had touched him. She could still feel a tingling in her hand that had remained since the cavern. It was a constant reminder of the part of herself that she was missing.

"Right then, let's go be heroes." Sounding so resigned, and defeated.

She had thought there would be time later. She never thought she would lose him, her steadfast dark knight.

But there wasn't a later.

He was gone and he wasn't coming back.

As her body started to shake with grief and pain she bowed her head trying to fight the sobs that threatened to overwhelm her. Across the night her voice came, no more than a whisper, sad and lost.
