Closure by Kyra Storm
Chapter #18 - Plans
Buffy absorbed the former Watcher’s words without reaction.

“Willow, can you get on a locator spell?” She asked her friend.

“We’ve already tried, Buffy. I tried for both Spike and Faith. It doesn’t go anywhere then it just fades out.”

“What if we don’t look for Spike or Faith?” Xander asked. “What if we go after that Milton guy?”

“I would need something personal of his, which I don’t think we have.” Willow said.

“Regrettably, no. Although, I’d like to have his head right about now.” Giles answered her.

“I know.” Dawn said excitedly. “What about a spell to locate Kennedy? You know she’s probably with them.”

“That’s a good idea.” Willow enthused, her eyes took on an evil glint. “And I don’t need a personal object of hers. I know what her signature looks like.”

“Lets get set up.” Dawn was relieved to finally be doing something besides waiting.

Unfortunately, it left Buffy to do just that. While the others got set up to do the locator spell she wandered to the back of the library where the scythe was kept. It seemed like years ago she was in here reading up on vampire mating rituals, instead of only a couple of days. The day before yesterday she had been in her bedroom watching Spike sleep, enjoying the sunlight lit up his pale complexion. When he woke up they lay in bed for hours daydreaming about traveling the world together. Now she didn’t even know if she would get to see him again.

She heard as well as felt Angel’s approach, but she didn’t acknowledge him, waiting for him to speak.

“We will find him, Buffy.” Angel attempted to comfort her.

“He’s in so much pain right now.” She said quietly. Angel could hear the anger in her voice. “I wonder how Robin was able to take him down, he couldn’t beat him in a fair fight.”

“I have my best at Wolfram & Hart looking into the entire situation.”

Buffy finally turned to face him, offering him a weak smile.

“Thank you, Angel.”

“It’s the least I can do.”

Buffy winced slightly.

“Angel, about earlier…”

“Forget it.”

“I was out of line.”

“I understand, Buffy.” She didn’t look convinced. “I figured I had it coming. I’m surprised you didn’t do it sooner.”

He sighed and sat down at one of the tables. “I should have realized long ago that you weren’t the same girl I first met. I was just holding on to this fairy tale ideal I had in my head.”

“Yeah, me too. I finally realized that you weren’t the person who I had envisioned in my head for so many years.”

“At least you came to the conclusion on your own. I had to have it beat into me.”

They shared a small smile.

Then Buffy looked around and sighed frustrated. “I need to do something. I can’t just wait here, trying to ignore the fact that my Mate is in so much pain.”

“Well, Xander already checked Robin’s rooms for any clues. There was nothing there.”

“I keep thinking I can smell him, you know?” Buffy was wandering around the room, unable to keep still.

“Well he was in this room only a couple of hours ago, his scent is still strong in here.”

“Could we track where he went from here?” Buffy asked, fire coming into her eyes.

“Probably, but it won’t do us much good with the daylight and he can’t still be in the house.”

Buffy froze.

“Why can’t he still be somewhere in the manor?” She wondered.

Angel just looked at her confused.

“How would Robin be able to carry both Spike and Faith out of here? No cars could leave since the gates have been shut since we got back and he couldn’t have carried them through the forest. Its broad daylight, Spike would already have been dust.” Buffy explained

“That‘s a pretty risky plan.”

“Not really. Of course we‘d assume he‘d leave and head for Milton. With all the empty rooms and wings to hide in it’s the perfect place!”

“Let‘s check it out.” Angel wasn‘t sold on the idea, but it was better than waiting. Plus he owed it to Buffy, to follow her lead in this.

“Hold on.” Buffy walked over to the case holding the scythe, she removed it from the glass. “Robin is going to pay for this.” Her green eyes seemed to glow with ferocity.

Spike slowly regained consciousness by feeling what he thought were thousands of needles being pushed into his skin. He tried to move and stretch, but found himself securely bound.

“Well, look who’s up. Have a nice nap?”

Robin’s voice reminded him of where he was and how he got there. The electrical tingling in all of his extremities reminded him of the spell Robin had in place in the room.

He opened one eye to find Faith still lying in the center of the floor unmoving. He tested the chains Robin had secured him with and found them to be unbreakable. He shook his head to try and clear it from the dull throbbing inside as he pulled himself into a semi-upright position.

“So what’s the plan then?” Spike asked. “Between you and me, Slayers don’t like it too much when you knock them out before declaring undying love.”

“It seemed to work out well for you.” Robin answered him. “I’m not going to hurt her. She just came looking for me at the worst possible time. I’ve convinced Isaac, though, that she won’t be a threat to his new Council. I’m sure I can persuade her that this was the right thing to do.”

Spike laughed at him. “Right. Just because she’s danced to your tune so far, doesn’t mean that kittens declawed, mate.” When Robin didn’t respond Spike continued his taunting.

“By the way that was sheer genius on your part. Play on a Slayer’s insecurities and the they tend to be more pliable. Probably hinted she wasn’t any good in bed, right?” Spike shook his head in disgust. “When the truth was you just don’t have the stones to handle a Slayer.”

Robin kicked Spike hard in the head, but Spike was still chuckling as he hit the floor again.

Robin knelt in front of him, he grabbed his hair and lifted his head so he was looking right into his eyes.

“I’m going to kill you. I just have to wait for a phone call, which should be coming in about,” He looked down at his watch. “say, an hour and a half.
I would suggest you use this time to pray for forgiveness for everything you’ve done. You‘ll need it.”

Robin let him go and stood up he walked across the room and grabbed a long knife. He crossed back over to Spike and held it in front of him menacingly.

“Or we could see how much pain you can actually take.”

Spike laughed again.

“Please, I’ve been tortured by Angelus, Drusilla, the US government, a bleedin’ God, the First evil and any number of other little beasties. What makes you think you can do anything so terrible?”

“What about Buffy? Does she have your constitution for pain?” Spike’s eyes glowed yellow at the threat to Buffy. Robin continued unperturbed. “Because through your nifty new bond, she’ll be able to feel every little cut.”

“You cowardly, bloody bastard…”

Robin stabbed him in the shoulder driving the blade deep inside.

“I bet she felt that.” Spike, now in full game face, didn’t say anything. He just kept breathing deeply in an attempt to control his rage so he didn‘t say anything else.

“That’s right. Now be quiet and let me prepare.” Robin stood up. “I have to be ready to kill you in a while.”

With that he walked away and into an adjoining room, leaving Spike to struggle helplessly against his bonds.

In a hotel in Seattle, Isaac Milton was praying. Only he was praying for patience.

“I don’t see why you called Mr. Giles, or why you gave them any time to prepare. They are just going to use it to come after us.” Kennedy was telling him.

“Because, my dear,” He said tiredly. “I would rather have Rupert Giles and the rest working for me. Even if it is under duress.
Then there is the benefits of being able to study this world’s most powerful witch, Angelus and a werewolf who can actually control his changes.
Besides there is nothing they can do at this point to change the outcome at all.”

“Don’t underestimate Buffy.” Rhona said. “That girl tends to shine under pressure.”

“Girls, I have been an Elder on this Council since before you were born, I believe I can take care of Miss Summers and William the Bloody. Its simple really, I’m using their very strengths against them.”

Kennedy and Rhona still looked at him doubtfully.

“Please go check on the other girls. Make sure none of them are having any second thoughts.” When neither of the girls moved he fixed them with an icy glare.

“One of the first things you’ll need to learn is to listen when a Watcher tells you to do something.” He told them coldly.

“Fine, we’re going.” Rhona muttered as they turned and walked out.

Isaac shook his head in disgust and turned his attention back to the book and the prophecy scrolls in front of him.

“Not exactly the cream of the crop are they?” A voice interrupted him.

He looked up and gasped. “Quentin?”

“Ok, so Kennedy is in Seattle.” Dawn informed the others after Willow completed her locator spell. “And I bet that’s where this Milton guys is too.”

“Seattle is a lot farther away than we can go in an hour.” Oz observed.

“Yes, quite.” Giles tried not to sound defeated.

“What if we can get there instantaneously?” Dawn asked.

“Dawnie, I haven’t be able to perfect any transport spells yet. We could end up disintegrating, besides we don’t even know where they are in Seattle.” Willow told her

“No, not using a spell. Using a Key.”

“Absolutely not.” Giles snapped immediately. “As Willow pointed out we don’t even know WHERE they are in Seattle.”

“But what if I don’t concentrate on a ‘where’, but a ‘who’? I could concentrate on finding Kennedy and it would probably take us right to her.”

“How do you even know you work like that, Dawnster?” Xander asked her.

“Well, why not. Look, its worth a try, isn’t it?”

“They don’t even have Spike and Faith. There is no way Robin could have reached Seattle by now.” Giles tried again to dissuade the young girl.

“No, but if we take out the head guy, that should kill the plan to kill Buffy and Spike.” Dawn persisted.

“I hate to say it Giles, but she may be right.” Willow said thoughtfully.

“Willow, I can’t believe you would say such a thing. It could be very dangerous, both for Dawn and Buffy and Spike. Remember what Quentin said if we attempt anything he will kill them all, Faith as well.”

“So what we are just going to sit here and wait for him to kill them. I for one am not planning on being a guinea pig for that man.” Willow asserted. “You aren’t considering accepting his offer are you?”

“Certainly not!!” Giles was offended that she would even ask.

Willow just shrugged.

Just then Angel and Buffy came from the back. Buffy stumbled a bit and grabbed her shoulder, wincing in pain. Angel grabbed her.

“Are you Ok?” He asked.

“We need to find Spike.” She growled, fighting to regain her focus and shut out his pain.

“Buffy, I think we have a plan.” Dawn ran up to her sister and quickly explained her idea.

“Ok. How much blood would it take for you to open a gate big enough to get everyone through?” Buffy asked her worried.

Dawn considered a moment.
“Honestly, I think it would only take a drop. The rest will depend on my concentration. I think with Willow’s help to augment my powers it won’t be a problem.”

Buffy thought a moment. “Angel and I think Spike and Faith are being held somewhere in the house.”

Sounds of shock echoed throughout the room.

“It makes sense. The house is really good at keeping anyone who is a danger out. It wouldn’t be so good if the danger was inside.” Willow said thoughtfully. Her eyes got wide. “Plus it would explain the locator spell. It was looking for him here, but couldn’t break through the cloaking.”

“That’s what we were thinking.” Buffy nodded. “You guys go after Milton and the other Slayers. Angel and I are going to track Spike.”

“You want back up?” Oz offered.

“No, you and Xander go with Giles, Dawn and Willow. I know you guys will protect them.”

“Always.” Xander said solemnly.

Buffy walked over to her sister. “Please be careful.” She told her.

Dawn was irked at being singled out as if she were a child. “Chill, we aren’t even sure if this will work.”

“Yeah, we could wind up in a different realm altogether.” Willow added.

Buffy’s eyes got wide and she looked at Willow.

“Really not helping, Will.”

“Oops, sorry.”

Buffy looked at her friends for a moment, she knew there was a possibility she wouldn‘t get to see them again.

“Thank you, guys. I know if it weren’t for me none of this would be happening right now.” She met each of their eyes.
“I don’t regret a single thing about my decision, but I probably could have picked a better time and way to do it. I’m sorry that I put us in this position.”

Willow smiled at her warmly. “C‘mon Buffy this is what we do.
Ok, so this time we aren‘t saving the world, we‘re saving you. But that‘s just as important to me.” She gave her a warm hug. “Tomorrow we’ll go shopping.”

“That goes for me too. Except for the shopping part.” Xander agreed joining in on the hug. “What would I do with my time if I wasn’t out trying to get killed.”

“Watching too much reality TV, probably.” Oz interjected.

“I actually liked that Joe Schmoe show.” Everyone stared at Xander. “What?”

“Buffy, time.” Angel got her attention.

“Right. Let’s do this.”

Buffy and Angel started to leave the library. When Buffy walked past Giles he reached out for her arm.

She stopped and looked at each other, neither one spoke.

“Buffy…I…” He didn’t know what to say. How could he explain, make her understand.

“I love you.”

Three words. They were an explanation, a defense, an apology and so much more.

She hugged him tightly.

“I love you, too.”

Things between them were not fixed, but they had established an important common ground.

Buffy and Angel left the library as the others prepared to leave for Seattle.

Robin came out of the room he had entered a while before, carrying a large axe.

“Everyone was so curious about what could actually kill you and Buffy now. Its simple, really.” He fingered axe’s sharp blade. “Decapitation. A stake won’t do it anymore. Sunlight will burn you pretty badly, but it won’t kill you.
However, simply cut your head off and not only will the world be rid of you, but also your whore.”

Spike started growling and fighting against his bonds. Robin looked at his watch.

“Not long now.”

“What are you?” Isaac asked the figure standing in front of him.

“You’ve been an Elder on this Council for many years now, Isaac, surely you know the answer to that.” Quentin mimicked his earlier words.

“What do you want?” Isaac then asked, looking very shaken.

“I have a bit of a problem with your plans, although I do give you full points for its devious nature. However, I can’t allow you to kill Miss Summers. I’m sure you understand why.”

At that Isaac smiled thinly. “Ah yes, I do understand. Actually that’s why I’m doing it.”

“I think that would be a very large mistake on your part.” Quentin morphed into Buffy.

“You won’t succeed. I will stop you, because I always win. You can’t defeat me, you know that.” She told him in her sweet voice.

“Get out of this office immediately. You don’t frighten me.” Isaac shouted.

An evil grin spread over Buffy’s face. “Of course I do. You know I’m going to destroy you.” With that she faded out of his office.

Isaac picked up his phone. After several attempts to get his shaking fingers to dial the correct numbers he reached Robin.

“Kill him. Kill him right now.” He said into the phone.