Rebel Prince by facingthesun
Chapter #6 - Chapter 6
Chapter 6

“Are you sniffing my sweatshirt?”

“No, no. I was wiping my nose on it,” Spike lied.

“Liar,” Buffy laughed. “Can you sit up?”

“Yeah, I think it’s healing up already, just sore. So, what kind of perfume do you use, sweet?”

“You had the sweatshirt up your nose so you could figure out my perfume? Should I be locking my room now; hiding my underwear from my live-in stalker?” Buffy placed his breakfast tray on his lap and pulled up a chair next to his bed. “Why do you want to know?” She asked, sitting.

“Just curious,” he mumbled, playing with his food.

“Do you not like it? I didn’t mix anything with it because I thought substituting blood for syrup would be too disgusting, even for you.”

“No, it’s good,” Spike said after taking a bite. “I can’t even remember the last time I had French toast.”

“And look, once again, not even burnt,” Buffy smiled, tucking her hair behind her ears. “And in a few minutes, I’m going to bring the TV in here so you don’t have to get out of bed.”

“You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you, love?” Spike asked, humbled by the trouble she was going through to make him comfortable. “You don’t have to do all this…”

“I want to.”

“You do?”

“Shut up, Spike. And since you’re the wounded one, you can even pick out what we’re going to watch today.”

“Oh? I like these new rights of the wounded. I want something gory--.”

“Don’t get too excited, Spikey, there’s a catch.”

“Of course,” Spike rolled his eyes playfully.

“You can choose anything from my movie collection,” Buffy said cheerfully. “I try to keep the gore at work and not in my home life.”

“I guess that’s understandable but I don’t wanna watch your collection of My Little Pony home videos.”

“You saw those,” Buffy gasped, embarrassed. “Mom, she won’t let me get rid of them…they’re collectables…”

“Whatever you say, kitten,” Spike smirked at her blush. “So what do I have to choose from?”

“A wide variety of chick flicks--.”

“Sod that. I had my fill of those yesterday.”

“Let me finish. I’ve got a handful of romantic comedies, some great kiddy movies—me love anything with a Muppet—and Disney galore.”

“It’s gonna be a long day.”

“It’ll give you plenty of time to rest.”

“So we can go out hunting for evil tonight.”

“Spike…you’re hurt.”

“I have a deal to keep up, Slayer. You can’t stop me.”

“Fine,” Buffy sighed, “but I want you to take it easy. No showing off, no fancy-move-making. I mean it.”

“Yeah, yeah, but all the moves I make are fancy, Slayer. I just can’t help it. I am what I am.”

“Shut up,” Buffy teased, “I’ll be back with movies and a TV, ok?”

“Hurry back.”


“I love this movie. Good choice.”

Spike watched as she struggled to get comfortable in the wooden chair. “That chair isn’t going to get any more comfy, no matter how much you wiggle, kitten. I know from experience.”

“It’s not that bad…” She finally got situated but then she realized that she couldn’t see the TV screen. “Shit.”

“There’s enough room over here if you don’t mind…” Spike offered, softly.

“On the bed? Next to you?”

“We don’t have to cuddle under the sheets but you can sit beside me, I don’t bite—well, not anymore. And I’m wounded, jab me in the stomach a few times and I’ll back off.”

“You know, you always suggest these things: we don’t have to yada, yada, yada but somehow that’s what always ends up happening.”

“What are you saying? Shall we cut the crap and have a cuddle now?”

“No.” Buffy laughed nervously as she made her way around the TV and to the other side of the bed. “I’m just stating a fact…I was being observant.”


“It is kinda cold with all the blinds shut…” She grabbed the throw blanket that was on the foot of the bed before she settled next to him. “All that talking made the previews go by quickly.” She messed with the pillow until it supported her back and she wrapped herself from neck to toe in the blanket. “There.”

“You’re all Spike-proofed, yeah?” He chuckled, “Even if I wanted to make a move, we’re both wrapped up like bloody mummies.”

“Oh darn,” Buffy teased, smiling.


During their fourth movie Buffy closed her eyes out of boredom. She liked watching her favorite movies with Spike and she was amused by the snarky comments that he constantly made but halfway through Muppets Take Manhattan, she stretched out her legs and pretended to sleep.

“I just don’t get that. Why is it when Kermit loses his memory, he starts talking like a bloody fool? I’ve given people amnesia and none of them…oh, I guess I’m talking to myself,” Spike ended in a whisper. “She’s even more beautiful in her sleep.”

Buffy held her breath, wondering what he’d do next. I want to trust him…please don’t let him try anything, please let him be smarter than that, Buffy thought as she forced herself to seem calm.

“Oh my, I think I’m getting quite knackered myself.” Spike forced a fake yawn and Buffy tried not to snort. She rolled away from him with a tiny sigh as he moved around in the bed.

“I’ll keep my hands to myself, princess,” Spike whispered, curling his body around hers.

Buffy said nothing as he pressed against her.

“She said they’d be upstairs all day…oh,” Joyce opened the door and she put her hand to her chest, touched to see Buffy and Spike sleeping peacefully side by side.

“Oh dear.”

“It’s sweet Rupert and you know it.”

“What is?” Willow pushed between Giles and Joyce and she froze. “Wow. You weren’t kidding, Giles. She’s with him willingly…”

“No, not willingly, let’s not forget why we’re here, Willow.”

“Sorry. Should we wake them?”

“They’re already awake,” Buffy grumbled. “Hi, Willow.”

“Joyce. Watcher. Red. Go away,” Spike said in the same tone, neither of them opening their eyes nor moving away from each other.

“We think we’ve figured out why you and Spike are acting so strangely,” Giles said, ignoring Spike. “And we want to cast another spell to make everything return to how it was.”

“Over my dead body.”

“You’re already dead, Spike. I have to remind him all time. What kinda spell?”

“Buffy, we don’t need another spell.”

“I know just let ‘em talk. They like talking.”

“Buffy,” Giles frowned.

“Rupert, maybe you should give them a few minutes before you start your long-winded explanation,” Joyce said, touching Giles’ arm. “Why don’t we all go down stairs?”

“I guess, yes, Joyce you’re right. Ten minutes, Buffy and bring Spike. I think I have more rope in my car, we can tie him up again…” Giles said as they turned away from the guest room.

“I’ll, um, just close the door,” Willow said quietly, before she joined Joyce and Giles.


“What do you think he’s up to?”

“Don’t know, don’t care to know either.”

“He wants Willow to cast another spell,” Buffy said, untangling herself from her blanket. “That could go bad.”

“She could turn us into fucking stink beetles.”

“She means well…she’s probably still guilty about the other spell.”

“But the Watcher doesn’t mean well, he’s pissing in his tweed panties, thinking that I’m trying to brainwash you or something.”

“Aren’t you?”

“No.” Spike scratched his head, not following. “What makes you think I want to do that?”

“Well, you seem to be really gunning for us to have a ‘more than that’ relationship,” Buffy made air quotations as she walked around the bed.

“I don’t want to brainwash you, Buffy. I want you, of course I do, but I want you to want me as well and out of your own free will. Haven’t I mentioned that before?”

“You could have but I probably wasn’t paying attention.”

“Do you really want them to mess with us? I think we’re doing just fine, bumbling with our own relationship. But we’re building, yeah? Sure, we’re having our ups and downs but that’s what makes it real.”

Buffy thoughtfully chewed on her lip, “I—let’s just hear what they have to say, ok?”

“Whatever you say, Slayer.”

“Spike,” she went to help him out of bed, “what if Willow’s spell is messing with us?”

“That’s rot and you know it.”

“It was just a question,” Buffy pouted. “Can I check your stomach?”


“Don’t get all grumpy with me.” Buffy poked him in the arm.


“That didn’t hurt.”

“It smarted.”

“God, you’re such a weenie.”


“Shut up,” Buffy grumbled as he laughed. “You ready to go downstairs now?”




“You’re a pain,” she said glaring.

“Love you too, cutie,” Spike said returning her dirty look.


“Buffy, do you remember that de-lusting spell?”

“Not fondly,” Buffy frowned. “Cordy was nearly killed because you wanted to stop your and Xander’s evil passion to play footise with each other.”

Oh, that’s my girl, Spike thought with a smirk as he sat next to Buffy on the sofa. You tell her, kitten.

“Yeah, that’s the one,” Willow replied sheepishly. “Giles and I think that spell will fix whatever’s going on between you guys.”

Fix, bah.

“And how exactly are we broken,” Buffy asked as if she could read Spike’s mind. “It’s not like we still want to get married. We’re not even dating. We’re just…learning how to tolerate each other. There’s not lust to get rid of, Willow.”

Oh, well that last part is a fib and she and I both know that.

“Buffy, it’s for the best,” Giles added. “Spike may be a harmless creature due to his…impotency--.”

“Hey!” Spike spoke up in a growl.

“But you mustn’t let anything cloud your judgment,” Giles continued. “No matter how much he’s changed, he’s still evil.”

You’d better believe it; I’m still bad, Spike silently agreed. I’m bad to my fucking bones. Rotten to the core—

“Yeah, right,” Buffy said with a snort.


“Spike, remember, lying doesn’t benefit anyone.”

“Oh, you…” Spike gave Buffy a dangerous grin. Looks like someone was paying more attention than she’d care to admit.

“What? You gonna call me a name?”

“Someone got up all feisty after her nap, yeah, kitten?” Spike was amused that Buffy was willing to flirt and play their usual game in front of the others.

“Buffy,” Giles cleared his throat.


“I would like for Willow to perform the spell as soon as possible.”

“Giles and I went over it tons of times, I’m sure it’ll be fine. Without a hitch,” Willow said smiling.

“And the only thing you hope to accomplish with this spell is to make me hate Spike?”

“No, we’ll be reversing the last of Willow’s initial spell,” Giles explained.


Spike grinned, “You heard her.”

“Spike’s changed—he’s going to change even more, aren’t you?”

“That depends on what you’re getting at.”

“Come here.” Buffy leaned forward whispering, “Tell them that you can hurt demons. Tell them that you’ll fight with us.”

“Buffy…I don’t know…”

“Were you lying to me?”

“No, but I thought we could keep me becoming a softy between us.”

“Yeah, right. Tell them.” Buffy looked him in the eye. “If you do it, I’ll consider it as earning bonus points towards you winning our deal. Come on, do you want all our feelings to be sucked away by magic? I know I want to keep mine, even if they’re stupid.”


“Don’t interrupt, Watcher,” Spike snapped, keeping eye contact with Buffy. “You really wanna keep them, all the lust, all the warm fuzzies we’ve been sharing lately?”

“Yeah,” Buffy said, looking away. “I…I kinda like them.”

“If we didn’t have an audience, I’d be all over you, Slayer, kissing that little blush away.”

“Spike, stop.”

“I’m just happy, love.”

Buffy couldn’t help but return his grin, “Giles, Spike needs to tell you something.”


“And you believe what he is saying Buffy?”

“I saw it. He can fight anything that isn’t human. He can defend himself and others and he’s willing to help us.”

“And you believe that you can trust him?”



“Because. Giles, in the past few days I’ve seen sides of Spike that I didn’t know existed--.”

“He’ll turn on you.”

“No,” Buffy said, frowning.

“How can you be so sure?”

Because he loves me, Buffy wanted to say. “Just trust me, Giles, he won’t. And if he does turn on me, I’ll make him very, very sorry.”

Giles took out his handkerchief and cleaned his glasses. “Not only do you feel he can run about without being tied up, you also believe he should find a place of his own?”

“He’s not a little kid; he shouldn’t be watched all the time. He needs to live on his own.”

“He doesn’t have any money to pay for rent. Will you and your mother pay his bills?”

Buffy glared, not appreciating his tone. “We’ll find something. Something cheap.”

“Sure you will.”

“Giles, why are you being like this? You should be happy to have him on our side. He knows stuff. He has connections that I’ve never been able to get. He’s strong and I trust him.”

“He’s tried to kill you numerous times.”

“He helped me save the world.”

“And then he left you to face Angelus on your own.”

“He’s changed.”

“He could change again.”

“God! I’ve had enough! This is my decision. There will be no de-lusting spell and Spike is one of us now. We aren’t going to tie him up and we’re going to help him get back on his feet.”

“I see I have no say in this matter. Alright, Buffy, we’ll do whatever you say.”


“I saw you lurking. You were listening,” Buffy said. She went to Spike in the kitchen as Joyce saw Willow and Giles to the door.

“You were brilliant.”

“I don’t feel brilliant. I feel crappy. Giles is so mad at me right now.”

“He wants to protect you.” Spike prepared his own blood in the microwave and watched as it spun. “He’s doing his job, pet.”

“Are you saying that I shouldn’t trust you either?”

“No, I’m saying that Giles was just doing his job. And as for you trusting me, I’m honored that you do. The week isn’t even up yet.”

“Well, if you mess up, I’m taking back everything that I said.”

“I’m sure you will. It gives me incentive to try my best.”

“I think I’m changing sides and I’m going to cheer you on…I don’t want to prove Giles right. I hate when he’s always right.”

“Look more pressure on me to perform, goodie.”

“You’ll be fine.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah and it bugs me to admit it.”

“Your confidence in me means so much, princess.”

“It’d better.”

“We patrolling?”

“Depends, how are you feeling?”


“Can I look now?”

“I guess,” Spike said with a sigh. “I don’t see why you enjoy poking and prodding me so much.” He leaned against the kitchen counter and raised his shirt.

“I’ll be gentle,” Buffy promised, slowly taking off the tape that held on his bandage. “Don’t want you to cry like the big weenie that you are.”



“Bite me.”

“Oh, I could and I wouldn’t even get a headache,” Buffy teased, sticking out her tongue.

“Is that an invitation, princess?”

“No. No more kissing until the week is up.”

“It’ll be hell.”

“Oh, stop being so dramatic.” She closed her eyes in preparation to see his wound.

“How’s it look?”

“Good,” Buffy said, pleased. She ran her finger lightly over the cut that was nearly becoming a scar.

“That tickles.”

“You’re ticklish?”

“Isn’t everyone?”

“I don’t think I am.”

“Are you giving me a challenge,” Spike asked with a smirk. “Sounds like it’d be fun.”

“No…well, maybe later.”

“Later, yeah?”

Buffy blushed, “That’d be much, much later and well after our date.”

“Another reason why this is all worth it. I’ll jump through hoops to see you giggle due to my fingertips, sweet.”

Buffy’s heart sped up as Spike’s head leaned dangerously close to hers. No kissing, Buffy; she reminded herself to stay strong.

“Would you be terribly offended if I gave right here a little kiss?” His finger made lazy circles on her cheek.


Buffy closed her eyes as his lips moved closer to her skin.

“Too bad,” he whispered, pulling back at the last moment.

“Oh you’re mean.”

“Aren’t I?” Spike gave her a mischievous little grin before grabbing her hand, “Let’s get out there and kill something, kitten.”