Always Something by Scarlet Ibis

08/13/2009 02:53 pm
Always Something         
     I usually don't bother to review sad stories (because I get mad), but this one is different - it s so true that Angel & Spike  are pretty much all they have for keeps.
Thank you :D  I'm glad I didn't piss you off!

This fic was response to whether or not Spike would kill himself if Buffy died (again), which I thought was pretty ridiculous since he'd been through it before...He'd keep fighting.  And yes, it does (or will) boil down to just him and Angel, eventually.  Those would end up being the only constants, being immortal and all.

07/25/2009 07:44 pm
Always Something         
sad, poignant but honest - death follows everyone - even the immortals through their loss and grief for the ones they love.

I am so glad that I started reading these small works - I use to skip them, but I was a fool.
My small works or small works in general?

I do think that my one shots are probably my strongest works...but either way, I'm glad you checked out this one, and enjoyed it enough to leave a review.

Thank you :D

07/22/2009 06:28 am
Always Something         
I know I told you I wasn't going to read this again until you wrote a sily fic to balance this out, but I had to read it again because it is so sweet and poignanat AND you made me cry again darnit! Hurry up with the silly one so that I can smile again.
I am so sorry--my Muse hasn't been cooperating.  Maybe a silly fic prompt might help?

And ooh--tears!  I feed off of them, bwah ha ha!

Just kidding :P  Glad you liked it. Thank you :D