Not So 'Normal Again' by greenhair00

Sweet. Thanks n:-)
05/19/2010 04:38 am

01/27/2008 06:08 pm
Fun story, thanks for sharing!

10/13/2007 04:05 am
fun read, thank you.
Thanks to you too! Glad to know people are still enjoying this story.

03/22/2007 06:04 pm
lol...i love the ending, love how you write all the characters, so very true to the show...this story was so cute, so well done, i loved it, pet :)
Thanks so much for the kind words and all the reviews!!

05/23/2006 07:09 am
Great story! Thanks for sharing.
No problem! Thanks for reading!

05/23/2006 05:53 am
This was fantastic! A great deal of fun.

The only that I don't get is what the advantage would be for the Gargh-whatever if their enemy ended up safe in a happy-verse... but still, a lovely story.
Thanks, glad you thought so!

The way I see it, the demon doesn't control what the person sees, it just creates a reality other than the true one. Does that make a little more sense?

02/07/2006 06:28 am
Yay!  I'm sorry I didn't review sooner.  This week has been crazy.  But, I'm here now.  So glad that Buffy decided to make a go of it with the really really real Spike that we all know and love!  Great job! :)
Thank you! I know what you mean about the craziness... it's been a long week. I'm glad you like it and I'll be keeping an eye on your 'It's Not Enough' story! ;)

02/06/2006 09:35 pm
That was a very good story! I liked the ending very much. Very funny with Dawn's little observation. Can't wait to read more from you in the future!
I'm glad to hear it! I don't have any new stories in the works, but I'm thinking about posting my first fic ever... I'll have to do some editing first. =) Thanks!

02/05/2006 11:41 pm
So glad she saw what was always there - even without the potion.
It's about time she wised up, right? Thanks for the review!

02/05/2006 10:58 pm
Aww! Sweet ending :) SOOOO glad the scoobies didn't go rushing upstairs to interrupt!
Thank you. With the exception of Xander, I think the Scoobies would've been fine with a true Buffy/Spike relationship, so I didn't want them to interfere. Glad you liked it!

02/05/2006 10:41 am
That better not be the end! You have a sequel or something planned, right? Because that wasn't the end. I refuse to accept it. WHAT?? Everybody always says it to me! i can say it too. Please don't let that be the end!!
lol Sounds like someone has a bad case of denial! As of yet I have no plans for a sequel, but you never know. Thanks for reading and for all the 'good press'.

02/05/2006 06:48 am
This was such a great story. Better than the original episode. :D
Thank you so much! I didn't like the crazy institute-Buffy very much, but I loved the idea of Buffy finding herself in a completely different setting. Thanks for reading!

02/05/2006 06:13 am
That was just tasty! I loved it. Sorry to see it end so soon... And I especially loved your characterization of Spike. Very true. Thank you!!!
Ok, now I'm blushing! =) I could've continued this story a few more chapters, I'm sure. But, since I had the Scoobies hunting for an antidote in chapter three-ish, I figured I couldn't hold out fixing Buffy for too long. Thanks for reading!

02/05/2006 04:21 am
Nice ambiguous ending.
Yeah, I wanted to end things so that we're not sure what's going to happen with those two. Glad you liked it!

02/05/2006 04:04 am
Nice Spuffy ending to a cute story. Much nicer than having buffy try to kill all her friends!
lol I agree. Thanks for reading and for your feedback!

02/05/2006 03:04 am
Oh i loved Dawn's little comment. Too cute!
I hope you liked the rest of the story just as much! Thanks for reading.

02/05/2006 01:29 am
Fantastic ending. Enjoyed this little fic alot.
Thanks, Megan! I had a lot of fun writing this, so it's good to know that others enjoyed it, too.

02/05/2006 01:22 am
That was a great ending to the story! And Dawn hit that nail on the head now didn't she! I can't wait to see what wonderful story you come up w/next!
Thanks! I'm thinking about posting my first two fics here, but they're a lot shorter. Not sure. Anyway, I'm glad you liked it.

Excellent. :-)
05/19/2010 04:34 am

03/22/2007 06:01 pm
once again, but for different reasons, she's at least tempted not to take the cure, eh? great chapter, love, can't wait to see how it ends :)
Temptation is always fun to write about!

02/04/2006 11:18 pm
Will she dump it like last time or will she listen to Willow the Wise.
You'll just have to wait for the next chapter... which will be up in two seconds. Thanks for the review!

02/03/2006 01:17 pm
HMMMMMM....I like insightful Willow better than judgemental Willow! I can't wait to see where this story goes!
I do too! I hope you like how it ends!

02/03/2006 10:56 am
Hmmm... She's not going to drink it, is she?
Now, if I told you there would be no point in reading the last chapter. *evil grin* I'll be posting it sometime this weekend.

02/03/2006 10:40 am
*gasp* wow.. now im not so sure which spike i WANT her to be with.. *thinks*...
It's a tough one, I know! It was REALLY hard for me to choose between them... but, I finally did. You'll find out which Spike Buffy chooses sometime this weekend (let's aim for Saturday!).

02/03/2006 08:04 am
I'm really enjoying this story-- Thanks for the frequent updates!
You're welcome... and thanks for reading! I hope you like how it ends.

02/03/2006 04:14 am
I loved the banter between Spike and Xander! And I especially loved willow making buffy realize a few things. Very much looking forward to the next chapter!
My favorite part in the 'Normal Again' episode was where Xander and Spike had to hunt after the demon, so I had to fit it in somewhere! There's only one chapter left and it should be up this weekend. Thanks!!

02/03/2006 03:06 am
Fantastic of Willow to act like a friend for a change. Wonderful chapter.
I felt like Willow had as hard of a year as Buffy did in season 6, so I wanted her to make things right somehow. Glad you like it!

02/03/2006 02:54 am
Yay Willow! Love the way you've tweaked this episode and cant' wait to see where it goes.
Thanks so much! I hope you like the way it ends, too.

03/22/2007 05:58 pm
oh man...i'm actually feeling a bit nervous, you ending the chapter like that...wonder if anya's going to try to exact some kind of vengeance after all :P
lol Sorry, didn't mean to freak you out!

01/31/2006 07:27 am
Yay! *jumping all around!* Buffy was nice to really, really real Spike for once! :P
Don't get too excited, I don't want you to hurt yourself! =) Glad you approve.

01/31/2006 05:36 am
great update.. still think that she should be with human spike.. :)
Thanks! As you can probably guess by now, Buffy's come to terms with leaving him in the delusion. But, ya never know, I have a couple chapters left if I decide to change my mind. =)

01/31/2006 03:33 am
Aww, yay! Very glad she said that to Spike. It needed to be done. She has been a bitch for a long time.
I couldn't agree more! I felt very bad for Spike all through that season. Glad you like it!

01/30/2006 11:44 pm
Is Buffy actually going to make nice in this reality? Be a nice change for her.
Can you believe it? lol I think it's time for Buffy to lose the attitude... for a little while at least.

01/30/2006 11:43 pm
Well it looks like Buffy is going to get someplace with Spike. I just hope that when this is all over, they can come to some kindof understanding and go from there. And hey, Xander working with Spike??? Great update.
I always loved when the show forced Xander and Spike together! The next chapter will have some Spike/Xander teamwork, but that doesn't mean they'll enjoy it.

01/30/2006 11:40 pm
Wonderful new chapter.I so love Buffy realizing that "her" Spike is the same man she can love in the other reality.
Thanks! She needed to be nice to real Spike at some point, right?

01/30/2006 11:29 pm
Love the updates. Please add more soon!
K! =) I should be posting the next chapter in a few days... I hope you can wait that long!

01/30/2006 10:37 pm
I like the way that Buffy is starting to realize what a bitca she was! She needed to say thank you more in the series itself. I can't wait to see how you end this story! Happy writing!
Thank you much! I didn't like bitchy Buffy from season 6, so I wanted her to make things better somehow. Only a couple of chapters left!

01/30/2006 09:55 pm
Aww, I wonder what husband Spike is going through right now...I know it was a hallucination, but still...

I hope Xander can find a way to get Anya back...and I'm glad Buffy apologized to Spike. I loved Spike's line about him being the only one allowed to call her a bitch. Sooo cute! =)

I know what you mean about wondering how hubby Spike and co. are going to deal. I like to think that their little world will still go on and that some version of Buffy stays there. Does that make you feel better? =) Thanks for the review!

01/30/2006 09:19 pm
This is fantabulous. Update muchly required.
Fantabulous is my new favorite word. Thanks and I'll try to have the next chapter Thursday-ish.

01/30/2006 06:23 pm
uh oh.. And thank GOD Buffy is not bitchy Buffy anymore to this Spike. Love the update!
Thanks! There are probably only going to be two more chapters, so I figured Buffy had to be nice at some point.

01/30/2006 06:22 pm
Why didn't Buffy just tell him where she went? I think that he needs to know how badly her really hurt her! I loved the interaction w/Spike and Buffy and am glad to see that even if she ends up in the "real" world that there is hope for her yet! Please update soon!
I'm glad to see that you like it! The next chapter should be up in a few days... let's aim for Thursday. =)

03/22/2007 05:55 pm
well that worked swimmingly :P hope she manages to use the info to help xander and anya...i'm loving this fic, love :)
I always wished Xander and Anya could work things out... or did I? =) Guess you'll have to wait and see!

01/28/2006 09:50 pm
Yay I'm all caught up! I want Buffy to stay where she's happy, but I don't know how that would work. She should probably go back to vampy Spike and fix the Willow/Tara and Xander/Anya mess. Then everything will be happy again. =)
Sounds like you're looking for a happy ending! Thanks so much for reviewing each chapter, it gives me the warm fuzzies. =)

01/28/2006 04:40 am
I love Anya's vengeance! Are the witches working on a potion for Buffy?
Anya's always a ton of fun. You can get away with so much just by putting the words into her mouth! And yes, they are working on Buffy's antidote. If you remember from the episode, the antidote Willow gave Buffy looked, well, clumpy. I just figured something that nasty would stink to high heaven, too.

01/28/2006 03:40 am
Oh man! I was hoping that she was going to Anya to ask for a way to stay there in that reality, not to get the answer to the other realities Xander. Please update soon!
I still haven't decided if I want Buffy to stay in the reality or not. I guess I should start thinking about that, huh? Anyway, thanks for reading!!

01/28/2006 02:09 am
Hmm, Now that Buffy knows where Anya went, I wonder what Xander will do, when she tells him?  Oh, and for the record...  Yeah, I probably needed a tissue, but I'm ok now.  *L*  I want her to stay with the really real Real Spike.  Human spike is sweet... But, vampire Spike is much more fun!
I'm glad you're all better now. *hehe* I'm getting some reviews that want her to stay with the hubby and some that want her to be with the blood sucker. I think I should start a poll or something: should she stay with human Spike or vamp Spike?

01/28/2006 01:59 am
Wah! :( too short! Oh please let buffy wind up with vampy Spike... Love this story!
Is that whining? lol I'm afraid you'll have to wait and find out like everyone else! =)

01/28/2006 01:36 am
I'm loving this. Can Xander reach new heights of horribleness? I'm putting my money on Buffy realising that Spike is Spike.
Thanks, Lou! I kind of felt bad for Xander in season 6. I mean, he was so totally clueless to everything going on with the women in his life! Still, he severly jerky to Spike, so that made him lose some of my sympathy. Glad you like it so far!

05/18/2010 04:54 pm

03/22/2007 05:52 pm
Eleven would be nice if she could stay, wouldn't it? i almost hope she can..or maybe she'll just wake up to the fact that real spike is the same person as in her delusions...
You'll just have to read on and see...

01/28/2006 09:46 pm
Awww! She *should* stay! =)
Sounds like I have another vote for Buffy to stick with human Spike. lol It's a close race!!

01/26/2006 04:31 pm
I don't know who I really want to pull for. Do I want Buffy to stay where she is happy and with newly human Spike, or do I want her to come back to her original reality and give MY Spike a chance. Great update.
It's a tough one, I know. Thanks!

01/26/2006 04:13 pm
Now if Buffy could only carry this attitude back to Sunnydale1, she'd be a lot happier with life!
Sounds like I've got some debating going on among the readers. Some say to stay with human Spike, but other want her with vamp Spike. Which one will it be? ...actually I don't know yet. =)

01/26/2006 03:35 pm
Poor Buffy! To finally be so happy and then have to worry about going back! Please update soon!
That's got to suck. Thanks for reviewing!!

01/26/2006 01:54 pm
aww..... poor confused Buffy. I'm really enjoying this story - it's hard to tell where you're taking it which keeps things interesting.
The reason it's hard to figure out is because I haven't got it figured out myself! Glad you like it, though!!

01/26/2006 06:44 am
Oh that was so sweet!  *sniff*  You are killin' me here!
Thanks! Do you need a tissue? =)

Spikes Slayer2
01/26/2006 06:32 am
aww... thats soo sweet.. i hope she chooses the reality where she is most happiest *cough*Human spike*cough*
Subtle, very subtle. lol To be honest, I'm not sure which way I want to go with it. Maybe I can be swayed... =)

01/26/2006 05:05 am
She could have Spike in both worlds, just not a human one. More story please.
I know I wouldn't mind having two Spikes! lol Thanks!!

01/26/2006 05:04 am
aww how sweet!! I hope this heading where I think it is! Can't wait to read more of this :whip: I loved the part with dawn and the "thingie", it was hilarious! :lol:
Are we thinking the same thing? lol Thanks again for featuring my fic!

01/26/2006 04:24 am
Good chapter. Not to bad but I am not quite sure what it is that Buffy is going to do with however it turns out
Guess you'll have to read the next few chapters to find out, huh? =) Thanks for reviewing!

05/18/2010 04:50 pm

03/22/2007 05:42 pm
hmmm...i've wondered about this many times actually, because of certain things in that episode, but maybe it's not so much a delusion as an alternate reality, you know? a different dimension? great chapter, love, looking forward to reading more :)
I thought it would be an interesting take on the episode, so I'm glad to here that others thought so too!

01/28/2006 09:43 pm
I hope everything gets fixed with the real world -- season six was too angsty.
There was a ton of angst in season 6, but it loved it! Angsty bits always make me want to jump in and fix everything... which is part of the reason I wrote this fic. =)

01/25/2006 09:54 pm
Why would she help Xander when he is so very helpful to her? Blech to the Whelp.
lol I'm guessing you're not a Xander fan. =) Thanks for reviewing!!

01/25/2006 03:33 pm
liking the hints we're getting now at Buffy realising that Vamp Spike isn't so bad afterall. Good update.
Thank you!

01/25/2006 07:10 am
I like that Xander wants to know how to find Anya. I didn't like how easily Xander distanced himself from her, on the show. Xander, of all people, being the strong stay away guy? It didn't work for me. Can't wait for the next update.
I know what you mean. Xander could never let something go, so why was he all avoidy when it came to Anya? Anyway, before I write another story in this little response, I'll just say thanks. =)

01/25/2006 05:47 am
Another great chapter! I love the way you are having Buffy 'see' Spike this way. Looking forward to more!
Thank you, and thanks also for chatting up my story. Apparently I gained a few readers out of it!

01/25/2006 05:27 am
well, i'm not sure i like this xander too much. he seems really egotistical. hmm but it's a great update.
Well that's Xander for ya. I thought he was a huge jerk all through season 6, so I tried to show that here. Normally I like Xander. really I do!

01/25/2006 03:10 am
oh this is so sweet. I'm loving this. I love the way the other spike, is causing her to start seeing how alike this spike and that spike really are.
Thanks! I think my infatuation with Spike is caused by the fact that he gets to act like a jackass and a sweetie!

05/18/2010 04:46 pm

05/18/2010 04:45 pm

03/22/2007 05:37 pm
lol...dumb spike.. :P but buffy better be nice to him...i love the way you write this, it kind of reads just like an episode of the show, you know? :) great job :)
Aww, thanks so much!

01/28/2006 09:41 pm
Heh, he just can't win. I am really enjoying this story. =)
That poor guy... glad you like it, though!

01/24/2006 01:55 pm
I'm really enjoying this story-- Thanks for the regular updates! Also, thanks for the clarifications in form of response to reviews of this chapter.
No problem! I wasn't sure if people really read these responses or not, so thanks for letting me know that at least one person does. I know I hate it when I get all confused and the only response is "Thanks"... so, uh, "thanks!"

01/24/2006 05:40 am
ooh, me likes this story! glad bsb and co were pimping it out on the tag yesterday otherwise i wouldn't have read it (no offense, it just didn't 'grab me' is all and i have loads of WIP's on the go and much studying to be done aswell!). Anyway, really original idea for a story and well written. Keep it up.
Thanks Lyns! I know what you mean about staying busy (although I'd much rather sit around and do nothing), but thanks for taking the time to read. Maybe I need to work on my summary descriptions? Thanks again!!

01/24/2006 04:20 am
LOVE DAWN! She always seems to show up at those awkward times. Really wish that Buffy would wisen up and see that "human!Spike" is the same as the real Spike.
I never really liked Dawn as her own character (too whiney), but I liked her interactions with the Scoobies. So, I wanted to give her some sort of importance in my story! Thanks for reviewing!!

01/24/2006 04:16 am
Yeah, apparently I had a blond moment (even though I'm a brunette) and forgot the oh-so-important A/N to explain my ideal season six.

01/24/2006 02:41 am
awesome chapter. I liked how buffy admitted that she liked the other spike. Did they have their canon sex romping in this already? I can't remember and god forbid I go through the other chapters to see. Can't wait to read more!
oh, oops. I forgot to put my A/N in Chapter one. I didn't like that Buffy was using Spike for sexcapades, so there's been nothing more than the kiss from OMWF.

01/24/2006 02:25 am
Teeheehee! The reality Buffy is as mean as ever. Poor Spike.
I know, I know. I felt really bad doing that to him!

05/18/2010 04:41 pm

03/22/2007 05:11 pm
hmmm....wonder who the person in the doorway was? tara, with the stutter? oh poor real-spike, that has to be so confusing and hard for him :( great chapter, love :)
Good guess! I felt sorry for Spike here to, but it had to be done!

01/28/2006 09:40 pm
Aww Spike is so sweet! LOL switching mid-kiss. That's not confusing for anyone...I wonder if other-world Spike is still kissing his wife right now. =)
I like to think that he is. Thanks for the reviews!

01/23/2006 07:47 am
Hahaha!  Switched mid-kiss.  That was good!
Thanks! How weird would it be to open your eyes after a kiss and find you weren't lip locking with who you thought?

01/23/2006 06:05 am
At this rate Buffy's head will explode!
lol, I sure hope not! Messy, you know.

01/23/2006 03:43 am
who is it?!?!?!?! update asap!
I bet you can guess!

01/22/2006 11:42 pm
Another great chapter. So, in that reality they really did pull her out of hell. Good job.
Thanks! I wanted Buffy's delusion to be a kind of 'this is the way it was meant to happen' type of thing.

01/22/2006 02:23 pm
Was there a reality switch mid-kiss? Hard to keep up and I sure am confused. Buffy must feel like loony Drusilla.
There sure was! I know the switching can be a bit confusing at times. But if you're confused, imagine how Buffy feels! Thanks for hanging in there!

01/22/2006 01:59 pm
who is it? heh more more.
Come on Zoe, I bet you can guess! If not, I'm afraid you'll have to wait until Monday.

01/22/2006 01:41 pm
yeah, two chapters in one day. I like being spoiled like this! :) Another fab chapter. I really like this story. Buffy's going to start getting dizzy if she doesn't stop bouncing back and forth!
Don't get too use to it! lol I won't be posting again until Monday.

01/22/2006 01:34 pm
MAN, she was finally opening up to Spike and she was pulled back. Great update.

10/12/2007 11:47 pm
dawn is very well done. the so observant buffy at the end of the chapter is hilarious.
Thanks so much! I had fun with this one!

03/22/2007 05:08 pm
Seven that's a huge difference there...hmmm...wonder how they're gonna get this all straightened out?
Another couple of chapters should tell ya! =)

01/28/2006 09:35 pm
Dawn is the best sometimes. Wouldn't Buffy have been able to tell if he wasn't a vampire? And Dawn mentioned that bit about his crypt in the beginning... I'll just read on. =)
Here's my take on things: upon realizing that Spike is her hubby, she tried to avoid him as much as possible. Therefore, she never saw him do any non-vampy things (except the bite of toast, but we all know he ate normal food sometimes). As for the crypt, that was the last place he 'owned', so he would have had to move in with Buffy, probably even before they got married. I hope that clears things up for everyone!

01/22/2006 11:12 am
interesting twist. i was under the impression spike was a vamp in both realities??? still, i like it.
If you look over the previous chapters, even time I refer to hubby-Spike being a vamp it's when Buffy is thinking or talking. I was afraid some people might be confused about that!

01/22/2006 10:31 am
Human, or gem? Hmmm....Got me wonderin,now!
lol Thanks for the review!

01/22/2006 02:03 am
well that was something I wasnt expecting... Can't wait to read more!! I am truly enjoying this story.
I was trying to throw a surprise to two in there, so I'm glad it worked! Thanks for the review!!

01/21/2006 09:14 pm
Whoa! Now we are talking about another reality. I hope Buffy doesn't hurt this Spike too badly...
I like Spike too much to hurt him... much. *hehe* Glad you like it!

01/21/2006 01:52 pm
EEEP! How did that happen? I must be blonder or more brain damaged than I thought.
lol! Nah, I'm just mean. :-)

01/21/2006 01:39 pm
what???? crap you are the most evilest of the evil. normally a writer says: "i'm evil aren't i?" and it's a big didn't say it...but MAN you are evil lol. more please!
I'm hoping that evil = good. lol Thanks for the review!

05/18/2010 04:35 pm

10/12/2007 11:41 pm
shame she couldn't confide in spike rather than re. good read, thank you.
That would've made it too easy. =)

03/22/2007 05:06 pm
hmmm...that should work, wouldn't it? except that if she's only taking the antidote in her hallucination, then it shouldn't do any good at all...right...? I think i'm confusing myself, or you're confusing me, or something... :P great chapter, love :)
A little of both maybe. =)

01/28/2006 09:32 pm
Ohh I hope she changes her mind and decides to stay! LOL
We'll see... Glad you like it!

01/21/2006 08:27 am
Oh dear! Buffy is going to go for the reality where she is miserably unhappy and lying all the time to everybody, including herself. More story please.
Next chapter coming soon!

01/21/2006 08:01 am
I like this take on that episode. More soon?
Thanks! I'll try not to make you wait too long.

05/18/2010 04:31 pm

03/22/2007 05:03 pm
poor spike, she's so mean to him when all he wants is to help her :( poor guy...great chapter :)
Bitchy Buffy from season 6 had to show her face at some point, right?

01/28/2006 09:31 pm
Mmm snarky AND caring Spike. =)
Doesn't get much better than that, huh? lol

01/20/2006 01:49 pm
I liked how you portrayed Spike in this chapter.  Snarky attitude, while still revieling his true feelings, underneath.  Cool chap!
Thanks! Spike is fun to write, don't you think? You can make him an ass in one line then turn around and make him a sweetheart!

01/19/2006 02:51 pm
Is Buffy going to wake up in the "married to Spike" reality next? It's a wonder she never had a nervous breakdown every month the way she tries to lie and keep secrets from some and not from others. Too complicated for me. More story please.
I know what you mean! You'd think that after a while it would just be easier to tell the truth and get things out in the open. But anyway, glad you're enjoying it!

05/18/2010 04:19 pm

03/22/2007 05:00 pm
well at least now she sort of knows what's going on, but i could see how this could get very confusing very fast...another excellent chapter, love ;)
I sort of confused myself when I was writing it. I kept having to go back and remind myself which reality she was in.

01/28/2006 09:19 pm
Aw! I want to see more of the delusional world before Buffy has to go back. =)
You'll get more, don't worry. =)

01/19/2006 02:39 pm
Great chapter! I liked how it went back to 'normal' from the shower! *heads off to read more*
Thanks! I wanted to confuse Buffy as much as possible. Is that nice? No, but it sure is fun!

05/18/2010 04:15 pm

03/22/2007 01:36 pm
awwww, this world sounds so much better than season six buffy-world was...excellent job so far, loving this fic, pet :)
Wow, thanks!

01/28/2006 09:16 pm
Yay you kept Xander and Anya together. =)
Yeah, I liked them as a couple. So I thought, 'hey, I'm making this reality, so things are gonna be the way I wanted them to be!'

01/19/2006 09:36 am
Just picked this up. Clever. Will be interested in where you go with it.
Thanks! I hope you enjoy what's to come.

01/18/2006 02:52 pm
this is really good. can't wait for more.
Thanks! Glad you like it!

05/18/2010 04:12 pm

10/12/2007 11:17 pm
fun read thank you. buffy and dawn voices excellent.
Thanks! Glad you like it.

03/22/2007 01:32 pm
so...she's still pretty much in her world, just married to spike? very very good so far, i love how spike and dawn are both so totally's so funny....looking forward to reading more, love :)
I guess you could call it a different version of her world. Thanks for the review!

01/30/2006 09:40 pm
I have to say, this is the first fic I have read that I remember there being wedding pictures; I like it! Usually she is just forced to play it by ear until someone tells hers whats going on, here she has clues! I am off to read the next chapter.
Glad you like it! After seeing 'Something Blue' the first time I wondered what Spike and Buffy's wedding pics would look like. So I thought I'd put those images down here. Thanks again!

01/28/2006 09:13 pm
Aww sweet concerned Spike! Aww wedding pictures! Heehee Buffy and Dawn's conversation was really cute. Oh this is so much fun! =)
I'm glad you like it so far!

05/18/2010 04:07 pm

03/22/2007 01:28 pm
oh man...this should get very interesting :) can't wait to see your take on this episode, love :)
Glad it got you're attention.

01/28/2006 09:06 pm
Just starting reading this since so many people recommended it! =)
Welcome to the story! I hope it lives up to the hype.

01/25/2006 05:14 am
I love those tender interludes between Spike & Buffy, when he lets his guard down. Very well scripted! Thanks for the frequent updates!
You are quite welcome! Although I'm afraid it's gonna be a couple days before I can update again. Still, thanks for the review