Revolution of Tranquility by Akaelalee

Flames to Dust
06/23/2008 09:58 am
Chapter 6         
"Finally she cleared her throat"...... and you go and cut the history?!?
You are EVIL!! The story is incredible and I hope that continues soon because I hope that the end is not near. I love the mix of characters between this two Universes. Perhaps you could do it again with another 'Final Fantasy', 'VII', 'VIII'? Your choice!!

06/24/2007 12:40 am
Chapter 6         

Flames to Dust
06/24/2008 10:02 am
Chapter 5         
This story is so GOOD!!
I would like to see a lot of interaction with our world by Yuna, Rikku and cía. Also you could include, when both groups together, some conversation in Al Bhed between Rikku and Spike; even to comment that they are 'brothers' and Yuna is a cousin of Spike. Imagine the conversation that they would have after Rikku´s meeting with Xander.
Dont stop the story Akaelalee.