Once More With Feeling (Redux) by GoldenBuffy

Cool. Thanks. :-)
05/15/2010 04:37 am

10/20/2007 05:02 am
lovely read, thank you. if only it had gone this way.

05/30/2007 08:55 am
Cool story. I think the term is cold day in hell though before that last bit with Angelus happens. LOL.

12/24/2006 04:02 am
Wow, that was great! GB. Love your version much better. Fantastic Spuffy lovin too. Great prezzie for Christmas, thanks. Have a Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.
Yay, I'm glad you liked my version better. I may be bias, but I like mine much better too, more Spuffy lovin, hee hee hee. You too and be safe having fun. ^_^

12/24/2006 02:03 am
Fun story, GB - I always wondered where Buffy got the money for her underwear collection.
Hee hee hee, me too. Guess Spike's buying them now. Glad you liked.

12/24/2006 01:50 am
lovely piece, i very much enjoyed it...very hot, and i love how in the end she was not ashamed to admit her feelings for him :)
Awww, thanks sweetie, glad you liked it. And yes I like Buffy being forth coming with her romance with Spike. Shoot, just let everyone know,lol.