In Pieces by Ariel Dawn

04/13/2014 03:58 am
All the Pieces         
I don't think I've read a take on this episode quite like this one.  I like that she and Faith both gave each other something.  Poor Anya, your version of Xander was quite icky. 

Really enjoyed this. 

04/14/2013 07:42 pm
All the Pieces         
Great Chapter :)

04/01/2010 04:53 am
All the Pieces         

04/18/2008 06:31 am
All the Pieces         
if only!  wonderful read, thank you.
Thanks for reading!

04/09/2008 09:44 am
All the Pieces         
Awww - the final chapter.  I've really loved this story - a really nice Buffy and Faith, a scrumptious Spike and dozey Riley.  Perfect.

04/09/2008 12:56 am
All the Pieces         
Awwwww......everything's good in the end.
Thanks for reading!

02/10/2008 04:37 am
riley is pathetic very good read, thank you.
Thanks for reading!

02/07/2008 05:02 am
all I can say right now is that of course Spike can always tell where Buffy is.  I am glad that at least she was able to talk things out with Anya.  And I am gald that Anya found her place.  Riley is just what can I say.... Just a great chapter.  And I am sure that Faith would have been able to give Spike a run for the money if she really did want to get away..
Thanks for reading!

02/07/2008 12:11 am
I wonder if Riley would notice a Faith substitution? Or if he'd even care.
That sounds like a good idea for a fic actually...

02/06/2008 09:19 pm
Oh that was good, and Spike is right they have been doing the fight for years now. And hopefully they can get switched so she can get rid of Riley.
It's on the way

02/06/2008 05:11 pm
Nice to see Riley even clunkier than usual!  Lovely to see this updated.  Big thank you.
Big thank you to you too for reading!

02/06/2008 11:33 am
The muse gave you a double whammy?  Thanks for the new chapter, I know Buffy really appreciates getting all together again.
I'm sure she does!

02/06/2008 10:10 am
Wonder what he said to her to make her stay put?

Hee hee, Buffy's so funny!
Glad you like!

02/06/2008 04:01 am
Have some catching up to do, I think.  Going back to reread the two previous chapters. :)   Loved Buffy's wanting to jump into Spike's arms.

02/06/2008 03:24 am
Good girl Buffy (and so glad she knows how Riley is thinking.  What a wanker!).  Spike is about the only one really able to tell the two apart with no effort.  There is a big message there.

Exellent update.


02/06/2008 02:53 am
Faith and prim in the same sentence? I wonder what's going on. And even if I'm really loving how Buffy and Spike are together in this, and Buffy not trying to act like Little Miss Perfect, I know that Spike can be really intuitive and Faith really insecure and I wonder what they talked about. Did Spike cut a deal with Faith or something? I'm so interested to find out.
Great story and I'm so glad it's updating again. Keep up the good work.

10/25/2007 04:21 am
Movies with the ghost         
somewhere back riley's and angel's bloodlines must cross. what a pair. very good read, thank you.
Thanks for reading!

10/23/2007 02:46 pm
Movies with the ghost         
Great dialogue in this! I love it. Buffy's ex-s certainly need putting straight about a thing or two!
That they do!  Thanks for reading!

10/23/2007 06:36 am
Movies with the ghost         
God, I love when Spike and Angel get into! Ha! Can't wait for more!

10/23/2007 04:02 am
Movies with the ghost         
Well so maybe the spell is going to finally kick in. And right when Buffy was getting ready to leave LA. And when Faith seemed to really become a friend to Xander. Riley just never learns. Great chapter. I am glad that Anya is feeling wanted by someone.
Thanks for the review!

10/23/2007 03:52 am
Movies with the ghost         
OH I wonder why she passed out, and who will get to her first Spike or Angel.
yes, who will?

10/23/2007 02:47 am
Movies with the ghost         
Ah, the transformation is complete.
seems like

10/22/2007 11:47 pm
Movies with the ghost         
Rather like the idea of them communing with Dennis. LOL

Poor Anya, but she's was a matter of time.

I actually felt sorry for Xander in this chapter. He is having a terrible time dealing with the mess of his own devising. Wonder if he and Faith will connect once she's back in her own skin and all lesson having too.

Buffy is completely Buffylike at the end here so maybe the switch is about to finally reverse?!

Riley is a dick, but that is redundent.

Thanks for reading!

06/16/2007 02:39 am
B like         
Boy, has Angel softened up since he's been in LA. He didn't even smell Spike on her. Buffy should just leave Anya alone. She needs space. I know I would, but that's Buffy for you. Hoping there's more to come from LA. Besides Spike, I wouldn't mind having Wesley wrestling me to the ground, yumm! Thanks Ariel, love it!
Thanks for reading!

06/13/2007 04:07 am
B like         
come on Buffy. Take a stand there. And what does she think she is going to be able to do with Anya. I mean if she is rooming with Cordy, she really didn't want to talk to anyone. And really, this is not something that Buffy should be doing. It was Xander that took her up on it. And it is too funny to see Faith getting along with Willow and Xander and seeing how they really are. Just a great chapter.
I think all the characters have something to learn here.

06/12/2007 04:05 pm
B like         
Great chapter. Wow, Faith is actually thinking about Xander's feeling when Willow wants to go to the Bronze.
I'm attempting to make Faith grow out of this expirence...we'll see how it goes.

06/12/2007 02:05 pm
B like         
Great fun!

06/12/2007 07:42 am
B like         
why is she trying to fix this? anya, or anyone, would be well rid of the jerk. very good read, thank you.
Cause she's Buffy, she has this compulsion to fix things

06/12/2007 05:20 am
B like         
While Buffy feels gulty because she came onto Xander , she's forgetting the only reason she picked Xander is because she trusted him to say no. Plus it's a lot better that Anya finds out that he'll betray her sooner rather than later in life.
I think you've hit it bang on!

06/12/2007 05:07 am
B like         
ha ha ha ha ha ha

This chapter was just great! I loved the whole thing! You know it might end up a very good thing for both of them in the end sounds like they are both learning alot!
Well let's hope so

06/12/2007 03:36 am
B like         
OH that end part was good. Running from Angel and not telling about why she was with Spike.
More please.

06/12/2007 02:21 am
B like         
This was a hoot! Makes sense Anya would go to Cordy. She's about the only person Anya would know *G*.

Thanks for reading!

06/12/2007 01:09 am
B like         
Oh, man.....

Buffy, if Xander had turned you down, then Anya wouldn't have needed to leave. Cordy's right about him being a cheater.
yes Cordelia is right!

05/16/2007 05:03 am
I can't believe Xander doesn't get it. It's his fault! He's engaged to Anya, that means no other women, not even Buffy! He deserves to be miserable. Way to go Ariel, great job!

05/14/2007 04:24 pm
Buffy's gonna lose that curly hair and Faith's chin if she's not careful--what with running after Anya. Personally, I'd love to see her torment Angel to get back her Buffy self.
thanks for reading!

05/14/2007 05:30 am
very good read, thank you. xander is almost angel's equal when it comes to someoneelse being responsible for his problems, never himself.
Thanks for reading

05/14/2007 01:43 am
To Angel's? Oh, dear....

Xander should feel like an's his fault he didn't turn Buffy down. Better Anya's gone now, before he starts trying to change her all the time.
My thoughts exactly

05/14/2007 12:17 am
Oh I can't wait to see what this adds up to be in LA.
More please.

05/13/2007 11:35 pm
Actually, as an addendum, the more I think about it, the more Buffy should biotch-slap him upside the head and tell him that he should be grateful that she thougth well enough of him to think that he wouldn't take her up on it, which is why she chose him. hmmph.
you are completely right, but will Buffy do that?

05/13/2007 11:33 pm
OK, has no one but Spike noticed that this was Xander's fualt? That no matter who he thought was in the driver's seat, that was utterly inappropriate? Grrr...
That it was.

05/13/2007 09:28 pm
I wish Buffy had really seen that Xander was the one who did the damage. It might help her deal with Xander's reaction to every other male she has an interest in as time goes by.

Poor Anya....I still think some Giles comfort would do the trick *G*.

Someone needs to mwap Xan upside the head for his poor me's ....the idiot did it to himself!

I agree with you there.

05/13/2007 08:18 pm
Xander's got no right to blame Buffy or Faith. After all , nobody put a gun to his head and forced him to agree to cheat. He really should learn to accept blame for his own actions.

Buffy really should listen to Spike.

And Faith's right, Xander does massive screwups with women who definitely won't forgive him for what he did.

Faith is kinda insightful that way.

05/13/2007 07:31 pm
This is fun -- LA should be interesting!

05/13/2007 07:03 pm
I think It was all Xanders fault. He was the one with the girlfiend and he had no problem cheating on her, as long as he thought he could get away with it. A true friend would be warning Anya off. Once a cheat always a cheat. You let them off and you're setting a precedent.You've given them permission to do it again. I hope Anya has more respect for herself, that to take him back.
Oh I have plans for anya, they aren't Xander plans.

05/13/2007 05:33 pm
The spell to resolve their identities has some really unusual philosophical implications. Identity is usually strongly tied to continuity and this spell completely destroys continuity. I mean, it makes complete sense from a structural point of view since you are your memories and your personality and your body and nothing else. Except that's not how most people think. From Buffy's or Faith's point of view, it's like they're willing their own self-destruction. I wonder what they'd do if they realized this.
That's a very good point.

05/01/2007 04:13 pm
Loved that you had Xander show his true colors for a change, though I hate what it did to Anya. Spike will get it but what Xander did to Anya, no way in hell! Besides she's the slayer, she could of thrown herself at Spike a lot harder and brought him to his knees. Great update, thanks Ariel.
Thanks for reading!

05/01/2007 01:25 am
Phew, to that fact that the spell looks like it's working, but boo to how Xander reacted to Buffy. Good thing Anya saw that, so she knows just who she's getting herself involved with.
Yep, Anya deserves better

04/30/2007 10:33 pm
buffy has faith down pat, xander is a jerk. very good read, thank you.
Thanks for reading!

04/30/2007 08:23 pm
Oh yeah...Buffy did get Faith spot on. Still kinda glad she now KNOWS Xander has never gotten over his interest in her (maybe she'll blow off his anti-Spike crap knowing where it really comes from). Anya might be better off too come to think of it (calling all Giles'! Anya available!)

Faith isn't really trying but at least it is starting to work.

Poor Spike, I am sure Buffy will make it up to him in time though.

Yes, I'm hoping that what I have planned for Anya will make her life much better. Thanks for the review!

04/30/2007 01:23 am

Stupid Xander!

At least Spike knows there's more at work then just what they saw.

Poor Anya....
Yes, stupid Xander.

04/30/2007 12:06 am
Neat. Very neat. :)

04/29/2007 10:41 pm
What happened between Xander and Anya wasn't all her fault, she didn't put a gun to his head and force him to say yes.
Very true, but will she believe that?

04/29/2007 10:18 pm
Ouch. Xander's a shallow ass.
yep, he is.

04/29/2007 09:59 pm
Buffy's being pretty gutsy in this and it's paying off. Nice chapter. Hope she's not overdoing it though!
She is. As for overdoing it, we'll have to see what happens next.

04/29/2007 09:41 pm
OH I love it, more please.

04/29/2007 09:26 pm
Okay Xander is and has always been an A$$... I can't believe that he would do something like that. I do feel bad that Buffy had to live up to 'Faith'. But it does seem to be working.
Hopefully. Thanks for reading!

04/29/2007 09:04 pm
oh man! STUPID XANDER!!!!!! oh well better Anya finds out NOW than later! I think its going to work out,, seems rough now but I can feel silver lining if not see it yet!

Great chapter!!!!

04/25/2007 09:33 pm
Buffy is so chicken, surprised she isn't molting. Sleeping with Spike is just what she needs to push her Faithiness over the edge, maybe the next time. Riley's so pathetic. Great chapter, thanks Ariel.

04/23/2007 11:00 pm
Long way to go there!
Oh ya, a long long way

04/23/2007 04:14 pm
This is just too funny for me. Buffy trying to be Faith but not Faith when it comes to Spike. And Faith having the be bound to Willow to try and be Buffy. Just too funny. And Riley just as dumb as ever.
Yes yes he is. :) Thanks for reading!

04/23/2007 05:03 am
I like Willow on Faith patrol. I also like that Riley's frustrated and somewhat desperate (never liked him).
Yes I like making Riley uncomfortable too.

04/23/2007 04:27 am
I think on some small level Faith is sorry what she did, not with breaking up Buffy and Riley but maybe getting suck and having to act liek Buffy now, that's why she's sorry, lol. Can't wait to see what will happened between Buffy and Spike while the dance and after.
Yes you're right, that's exactly why Faith is sorry.

04/23/2007 02:57 am
Oh I love it, more please.

04/22/2007 11:10 pm
Funny. Somehow, I don't think this is going to be a quick process.
Nope, I don't think so either.

04/22/2007 07:13 pm
he he he he he great chapter!

I kinda hope Buffy and Spike dont do too much,, i dont want it to mess things up later for them,,, perfect excuse for Buffy to use! Grrrrrrrrr!

great chapter!
Thanks! And I don't think Spike really wants to give Buffy any excuse!

04/22/2007 05:22 pm
Love Faiths offhand remark about Spike to Riley ...:::snort:::...

Good update. I get the feeling that Faith will have the harder time. Buffy just needs to follow her own desires and stop thwart them with her Buffy Moral Filter and she can immitate Faith just fine (and enjoy Spikey goodness).

And I think you are right in that observation, Faith is going to have the harder time.

04/08/2007 02:22 am
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
Good thing Buffy's training for this -- she'll need it!
Yes she will!

04/04/2007 10:08 am
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
Tootsie Pop Spike, how cute! Nice way to keep Faith under control. Oh yeah, Buffy's going to have to act like Faith around Spike, that's what we're all waiting for. Does Giles have a porn stash or was Faith rattling his chains? That is getting so good, looking forward to the next update Ariel, thanks.
Thanks! Oh I'm sure that Giles has a stash of porn.

04/03/2007 03:42 pm
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
well well well Faith is going to help them... Loved how she was scared to run into Spike while out. She did warn him though.
yep she did

04/03/2007 03:20 am
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
gooey tootsie pop? My brain kinda stuttered on that one. funny, though.
Can't wait to see what happens when she sees Spike...

04/02/2007 09:39 pm
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
This is really, really good!!

04/02/2007 02:13 pm
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
hehe I really like this story!! You've got the voice of all the characters PERFECT! Not to mention how funny it is! I've giggled out loud more than once :P can't wait to see what Buffy acting like faith does to Spike!! hehe holding out for the next update :D
So glad you are liking the fic!

04/01/2007 09:41 am
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
rofl, tootsie pop, loved it. need more.
coming up!

04/01/2007 07:27 am
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
ha ha ha ha!

Great chapter! I always love your stories! Going to start your new one!

04/01/2007 07:10 am
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
very good read, thank you. love buffy being afraid of what is happening with her and spike and being afraid of losing it.

04/01/2007 03:54 am
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
She might try acting like Faith, but she still thinks like Buffy. Tootsie pop analogy case in point--I'm thinking this isn't going to work.
maybe, maybe not

04/01/2007 03:14 am
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
Personally I think Buffy should realize that Faith would be having a bit of cool vampire goodness and take advantage of a "good reason" to just go for it *G*.

Lovely update and I love the chapter title.


04/01/2007 02:13 am
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
The tootsie pop works better than cookie dough. LOL
lol, BTL assured me that the analogy didn't suck...

04/01/2007 02:09 am
Hatchet-y Murder-y girl         
Oh I love it I wonder how long she will have to act like Faith.
I haven't quite decided that yet

03/23/2007 01:45 am
just love that Buffy and Spike were kindof working on a friendship. And how about her giving him a warning of how she is ging to have to start acting in an effort to get back.
I'm really trying to make Buffy grow from this experience, we'll see how it goes

03/22/2007 11:21 pm
So Buffy has to act like Faith to get back into her body. How will the get Faith to act like Buffy? And what's up with Xander and MIA? Can't wait for more.
oh it'll all work out. Xander's just not there, my muse didn't want to write him yet, don't worry he makes an appearance in future chapters...but then Tara disappears, just the muse doesn't want to write her, it's very complicated.

03/22/2007 06:15 pm
Of course she could seduce Spike....that would be Faithlike *G*....Yup, perfect solution for everyone.

Loving this still. I think it is a hoot (and TOTALLY in character) that she is obsessing over the nose! Of all the things to be upset over it would be a vanity issue. LOL

Thanks so much!

03/22/2007 08:02 am
Wow, sanction to act slutty. Go Buffy! How on Earth are they going to force Faith to act like Buffy? That might be a little more problematic.
Yep that's the problem isn't it?

03/22/2007 05:28 am
That's a bloody revelation on her part! Spike's going to be glad once this is over, Faith always wants to get laid when she's finished slaying something and who is she currently patroling with? That was fun and I hope more fun is to be had, in the near future. Great chapter, thanks.
Thanks! And definately Buffy will have to deal with the whole Faith getting horny and hungry after patroling issue.

03/22/2007 02:53 am
I can't wait to see how 'acting like Faith' plays out. Almost more than that, I want to see Faith's side of this.
you will get to see Faith's side in the next couple of chapters

03/22/2007 02:24 am
loved the update. thank you. buffy's response to spike's last question is hilarious.
Glad you are enjoying!

03/22/2007 02:05 am
oooo, this is going to be fun.....
I certainly hope so!

03/22/2007 01:37 am
Why do I feel like this "acting like Faith" thing is going to lead to some naughty behavior with Spike? hehe what would make you think that???? *tries to be all innocent*

03/21/2007 10:13 pm
Oh I love it.
So Glad!

03/22/2007 05:14 am
Like this Faith part of Buffy. Riley might not but we do. Also like that She's being honest about her feelings about Spike too! Sorry I missed this but it means two chapters for me to read, so yay! Love this story Ariel, thanks.
Thanks for reading!

02/28/2007 07:35 pm
Really enjoying the honesty that happens when Buffy opens her mouth now, as I'm sure Spike is too, since he's getting all sorts of valuable information. Riley really needs to learn to back off before some of the violent slayer tendancies make themselves felt
That he does!

02/28/2007 06:18 pm
this is very cute, at first i thought it was going to be one of those buffy does spike like in 3 seconds but it turned out to be faith it her,glad spike is holding out
Thanks for reading!

02/28/2007 04:17 pm
I just love the way Buffy is trying to come to terms with still being mixed with a little Faith... ANd go SPIKE for not giving in to temptation. Awesome chapter.

02/28/2007 03:17 pm
Hmmmm ... so there's no quick fix, and she's forced to be brutally honest. Must be amusing for Spike, and I'm glad he's not taking advantage. Yet.
yet, being the operative word there :)

02/28/2007 12:03 pm
Great chapter!! Flipping Riley the finger -- perfect. This is definitely doing Buffy a world of good.
That's my opinion too!

02/28/2007 09:30 am
Interesting. Looking forward to the next chappy.

02/28/2007 07:32 am
good chappie. buffy giving riley the finger, excellent. now, however will she holdout with Spike? Can't wait for more.
Thanks for reading!

02/28/2007 06:38 am
So, when she exhibits poor impulse control she claims it's Faith? *Snort* Yeah, right. Looking forward to more.

02/28/2007 05:40 am
loved the update, thank you. the highlight of the chapter is a tie. buffy's gesture at the end and spike's reluctance to accept buffy's invitation until she is all buffy.
Glad you like!

02/28/2007 04:31 am
Ha ha ha ha ha ha Great chapter! TOO FUNNY!!!!!! and Spike what a sweet guy!
Glad you like!

02/28/2007 04:25 am
I'm loving every minute of this. That is all.

02/28/2007 03:50 am
Oh that last scene would have been priceless, So Spike won't do anything with her because of the nose interesting.
Well he does have his standards...hehehe

02/28/2007 02:21 am
HAHA! I love this! More please :)
Thanks so much!

02/28/2007 02:12 am
love it, like it, keep it up.


02/28/2007 01:05 am
Love Faith's brashness popping out in Buffy. She needs that dose of truth.
That she does

02/28/2007 03:39 am
Classic Buffy with a Twist         
Oh she has come to her sense sort of.
you would think that, but this is Buffy we are talking about here

02/06/2007 04:33 pm
Classic Buffy with a Twist         
Good thing Spike's behaving so decently!
He is such a gentleman sometimes

02/05/2007 10:00 pm
Classic Buffy with a Twist         
I'm glad Spike didn't just jump at the chance to be with her, since she clearly wasn't in her right frame of mind. And isn't it telling that once the conversation got serious she ran away. She really needs to admit things to her self and stop running from what she wants
That she does

02/05/2007 08:47 am
Classic Buffy with a Twist         
Just finished this at FB and I wanted to give my support to a fun fic with a great twist. Love it, thanks.

02/05/2007 08:05 am
Classic Buffy with a Twist         
Ugh, stupid Buffy and Spike. No, Spike is being good, doen't want to take advantage. Good Spike. Poor Buffy, I feel her pain.
Yes Spike is being very good isn't he?

02/05/2007 02:45 am
Classic Buffy with a Twist         
Clever concept. Will our girl have to resort to plastic surgery, extra hair dye and years of therapy or will Giles and Willow figure out how to re-switch her all the way? Can't wait to see what happens next!
Who knows? I haven't written very far ahead. *g* Thanks for reading!

02/05/2007 01:12 am
Classic Buffy with a Twist         
I wonder if a Buffy-ized Faith could be turned loose on the world? Just my weird mind at work. I'm liking this so far.

02/04/2007 08:39 pm
Classic Buffy with a Twist         
classic buffy indeed. fun read, thank you.

02/04/2007 07:24 pm
Classic Buffy with a Twist         
Interesting development! I sort of like the hybrid version though. Spike is a clear gentleman to let it pass for now (or pragmatic as heck).

Good chapter.


02/04/2007 06:10 pm
Classic Buffy with a Twist         
Very well written Classic Buffy dialogue! It seems to me that this is the real closet Buffy..out there and not Faith's character at all.
Perhaps it is....

02/28/2007 03:24 am
I just found this it looks good.

01/16/2007 06:06 am
that was a wonderful read, thank you.
Thanks for reading!

01/14/2007 01:04 am
Hah hah, she shouldn't have any problem with brown hair under the circumstances. How did Spike know?
He's just observant like that :)

01/13/2007 11:22 pm
What a start!! Fabulous dumping and Buffy being nice to Spike!

01/13/2007 08:07 pm
ooooo, love the start ad.

01/13/2007 07:31 pm
Lovely start. Yup, Spike would have put two and two together once he sobered up a bit. Wish Buffy would have turned to him like in this story. Look forward to more.


01/13/2007 06:13 pm
How cute was Buffy's insistance that Spike would know her right away, and her glee that she was right and he could tell the difference. Yeah I knew Riley was going to get kicked to the curb as soon as he revealed he couldn't identify his own girlfriend
Ya, I'm not a big fan of Riley, can you tell?

01/13/2007 01:33 pm
Is that all that got switched, or are we going to see a few new personality traits too? Very cute.
You'll have to read on to find out

01/13/2007 12:12 pm
Great chapter, hope there will be more soon.

01/13/2007 10:11 am
Leave it to Buffy to worry about the nose. Riley needs a clue. Maybe a clue-by-four to beat him over the head with?

01/13/2007 08:11 am
hehehe. I like this. Very different. And a very likely way Willow's spell could have ended up. I love her statement that she knew Spike was her favorite vampire for a reason. haha
Thanks for reading!

01/13/2007 08:11 am
hehehe. I like this. Very different. And a very likely way Willow's spell could have ended up. I love her statement that she knew Spike was her favorite vampire for a reason. haha

01/13/2007 08:08 am
That's awesome! What a great idea for a fic. The dialogue flows very well, and the voices sound right too. This has the makings of one of those fics that I always wished someone would write - and never knew it.
aww that's so sweet! Thanks!

01/13/2007 05:32 am
Hee-hee! When I first read the summary, I thought, what? Buffy's gonna have psychotic tendencies now, and Faith's gonna have a stick up her bum? But this was hilarious! Of course, I think some parts of their personalities smooshed, cause Buffy's apparently grooving on the Spike-train, just as Faith was in the Bronze. Intriguing. Thanks for writing!
Thanks for reading!

01/13/2007 05:04 am
lol i can imagine what they would look like.. Good on spike for figuring it out!
yep, yay spike!

01/13/2007 04:10 am
Oooooh! Now here's a plot idea that I've never seen. Can't wait to see what happens.

01/13/2007 04:05 am
This is delightful and it's got so much potential. Though the thing that came to mind with the summary was personality changes. :)
oh there is more to come!