Swerve by Shadowlass

Buffy Convert
03/03/2014 02:38 am
Best. One. Yet.

08/07/2011 03:37 pm
This is so cute!   Really love the stylish dialogue. 

Thx. :-)
07/05/2010 02:07 pm

03/25/2010 12:21 am
What a wonderful, sharply written story!  This entire piece was laugh out loud funny, but a couple lines had me howling:   “Besides, I’m not really one for the sacramental rituals. What with my worshipping Satan and all.”

Buffy stared at him. “You worship Satan?”

“Well, not worship. More like admire his continued excellence. I mean, thousands of years, most of us would just give up, start not caring. Lower our standards. But him, no, he just keeps trying to top himself. I mean, look at the state of the world today. Look at what they show on Fox! Gotta give credit where it’s due, right?”

“Did you just say you have to give the devil credit?”

This, too:  “Anybody who wants to view a married couple that’s not in love, in its natural habitat, the bus leaves for my house in ten minutes.”

I was laughing during the entire conversation with Joyce, but this brought tears to my eyes:  “I mean, yeah, he’s my grandsire, and yeah, there was a time or two back in the day when we were bored and the girls were busy and we found ways to amuse ourselves, but it’s not like we’re…” Spike noticed the women staring at him and finally fell silent. “Uh, no, we’re not related.”

“Have you ever considered not talking?” Buffy asked in exasperation. “Mom, this has nothing to do with Angel.”

“We’re nothing alike,” Spike assured Joyce.

“I mean, just look at his hair. That’s the product of a disturbed mind.”
 Tears, seriously.

This, too:  The battle, when it came, was ugly. Well, it was ugly if you didn’t like watching two gorgeous chicks fighting. Personally, Spike wished it could play in a continuous loop inside his head.

It was damned frustrating that he couldn’t take part, though. He knew his girl would mop the floor with the brunette Slayer, but he wanted to help. At the moment, though, what he really wanted to do was watch.

“Go, go,” Joyce said as he shifted from foot to foot, reluctant to leave her.

“Thanks, Mum,” he yelled behind him, rushing down the stairs.
 Joyce shooing Spike out to the slayer show was priceless.

Thanks for making me laugh and laugh.  This is classic.

03/10/2009 09:25 pm
have read loads of 'Something Blue' fics, but this is the best by far, really made me laugh out loud!

02/18/2008 07:25 pm
holy chucklingness:) I was in my school library so I had to keep myself from tittering out loud, but man that was one hilarious story:) I loved the awesome Spike/Joyce moment when she was all like, "Why is his hair that way?" "Well there was that one time..." Oh my goodness. And the Giles/Scotchness. Definitely a fab piece of work:)

10/21/2007 06:41 pm
Buffy listening to Spike's opinion... I like it!

10/18/2007 05:54 am
Shadowlass!? Is that really you? ;)

What a great romantic comedy piece. The dialog (and the internal monologue) is vibrant and witty, the pace is just right, and the character voices are spot-on.

Good to see you around again.

10/17/2007 08:00 am
A lot of funny parts but some are very insulting. Well, that's your belief.

10/17/2007 03:55 am
“If you’re not in a band, why is his hair that way?”

A very good question. LOL.

10/17/2007 03:17 am
Cute story, really made me smile. :D

10/17/2007 03:07 am
What a sweet little tale! Some choices bits of dialogue there, too - Faith as a metaphor, Spike admiring Satan's stick-with-it-ness, Giles sending Willow out for scotch.

Thanks for this!

Pam S
10/17/2007 01:20 am
Cute..made me laugh..