Things That Go Bump in the Night by slaymesoftly
Chapter: Seven

04/28/2012 04:07 pm
Oh wow!  Vamp ghosty!  Why did Buffy trigger this when the other slayers didn't, I wonder? Probably because he didn't know about that aspect?  This is getting more intriguing with each chapter.
LOL - not sure what happened in this chapter, so can't answer your question, but given his visceral reaction to Dawn's almost-sex with her boyfriend, I'd guess there are some deeply buried memories in there somewhere...

08/28/2008 02:24 am
even buffy's unconscious (or conscious)  censoring  does not seem to make things more difficult. very good read, thank you.

08/21/2008 04:39 pm
Well done

08/17/2008 11:30 am

I tried to review when you first put this up, but it didn't go through.

LOL that she didn't think twice about grabbing one of HIS new shirts to sleep in. And yeah, a definite intentional slip to leave out the love nature of Spike/Dru. Deep down, she doesn't want to think about him loving someone else for over 100 years.

Spike really isn't different at all, despite the complete loss of memories.

Nice bit about her not entirely believing that Angel would ever spend time homeless and eating rats. She never did truly understand the guilt and self-loathing he contained.

Thanks for the thoughtful reviews.  I'm sorry the site was being cranky the first time. It does that sometimes.  And, no, Spike is still very much Spike - even if he doesn't remember the things that made him that way.:)

08/17/2008 07:26 am
Indeed, very telling that Buffy would completely forget to qualify the real past relationship between Spike and Dru. Freudian omission? Really, you can't update this story fast enough to satisfy my curiosity. I'm really hooked.
Hee! Freudian omission - could be. That's carrying denial to extremes, but hey, our girl can do it. :) Thanks for reading.