Green-Eyed Monster by ya_lublyu_tebya
Chapter: Three

10/26/2013 10:18 pm
Go Spike!  What a way to break down defences!

08/23/2008 04:34 pm
more, more, more, please ? :)

08/20/2008 09:25 am

08/20/2008 04:41 am

08/19/2008 11:32 pm
Oh, nice. I'm glad the Scoobies got to see the truth while there was still time to rescue the relationship. Glad Spike didn't shag Anya either. Even though they were both drunk I always thought it was out of character for both of them.
Yeah, shagging not good. Did NOT want to repeat that. Thanks for reading!

08/19/2008 10:54 pm
Well said. I do wonder what the kids back home are making of this.

08/19/2008 10:52 pm
Ooooh, lips of Spike.
mmmmmmm, lips of Spike :-)

08/19/2008 10:00 pm
love it please update soon

08/19/2008 09:25 pm
Wonderful chapter- loved their communication-however tentative. Hoping for more soon.
It was about time they started communicating. If there had been more of that, Seeing Red would never have happened - in my humble opinion. More to come soon.