Closure by Eowyn315
Chapter: Chapter 24

Good read. Thanks. :-)
05/10/2010 04:45 pm

01/30/2009 03:12 am

Wonderful story. It was really well written and I thought it could have seemlessly fit into the series. I laughed when I read your author's note about watching Veronica Mars, because I just finished watching the series, and I immediately thought of it when I read the story summary. :)

12/17/2008 08:51 am
Very nice. I loved your focus on forgiveness - this is something people rarely talk about, let alone do...
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

11/12/2008 09:58 am
Great job on taking a very scary situation and incorporating it into Buffyverse.  You did a great job of going through the difficulties of coping and still made it a Spuffy fic.  Really excellent writing, this seemed like it could have actually been incorporated into the series.  Thanks for sharing your fic.
Thank you for the review! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :)

10/23/2008 06:42 am
I loved every single second I spent reading this story!  Congrats on your marvelous characters--you could have written for the show because you had the dialog so perfect for Willow and Xander. These are two characters whose voices most writers seem to struggle with, but you nailed them!
You also taught all of us a lot psychologically about what a rape victim goes through emotionally.  So this was educational as well as fun and fulfilling.
Aww, thank you!! I think I got just as much of an education as the rest of you, since I had no first-hand experience on what it was like. That all came from much research and wonderful, brave readers who shared their own experiences in the comments. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story! Thanks for the review!

10/22/2008 08:47 pm
Don't know how I missed the last few chapters of this one.  Love this story. Such a beautiful story about the power of love & forgiveness.
Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

10/18/2008 11:31 am
I liked it.  Lots of drama, too many f words but a good plot and many twists and turns.  It must have been hard to write at times dealing with such a painful topic... even imagining it brings such (all I can think of is) mourning and loss inside.  But it was entirely heart felt and it made me like the characters even more, even Riley wasn't the jerk that people usually write him to be.  Thanks.
Thanks for the review! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

10/18/2008 04:58 am
I loved this story.  It was done so well.  Thanks for the entertaining read.
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :)

10/17/2008 01:51 pm

I think that was a great way to end a wonderful story, this one will always be one of my favorites.

Thanks for the review! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!

10/16/2008 05:03 pm
Nice ending.  I enjoyed the story very much.
Thanks! Glad you liked it!

sister cuervo
10/16/2008 03:00 pm
 Devastating and poignant with a great touch of reality.  Excellent writing.
Aww, thank you! I'm so glad you liked it. :)

10/16/2008 06:58 am
Well done. =D
Thank you!

10/16/2008 12:35 am
Beautiful!  Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

10/15/2008 09:34 pm
that was usch a perfect ending.  Just as it was about to go all sugary, Buffy decides to go kill something.  GREAT!!!
I really loved this story, even though I got confused and a little mad in the middle. 
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. :)

not amused
10/15/2008 09:18 pm
Ahhh, that really was a gem, thank you for sharing. Good to learn I was right to trust  in  you putting up a storyline that deserves the title closure. Weird that mixing a coming-of-age novel with an adventure story can turn out to be something harmonious and captivating.
This is the final curtain for the makeshift penname I felt compelled to use when some haters tried to bash you. Karma will get them eventually, but it is funny how they turned me from silent freeloader into open admirer - certainly not what they went for.

not amused
10/15/2008 09:18 pm
Ahhh, that really was a gem, thank you for sharing. Good to learn I was right to trust  in  you putting up a storyline that deserves the title closure. Weird that mixing a coming-of-age novel with an adventure story can turn out to be something harmonious and captivating.
This is the final curtain for the makeshift penname I felt compelled to use when some haters tried to bash you. Karma will get them eventually, but it is funny how they turned me from silent freeloader into open admirer - certainly not what they went for.
Aww, thanks! Glad to see I've earned readers' trust (just like Spike will earn Buffy's!). I'm certainly happy that you've come out of the woodwork, so at least the trolls did something good, right?

10/15/2008 07:38 pm


That was a great story! It's late and I was just looking for something to pass the time, didn't expected the new and LAST chap! Wonderful story with a wonderful and truthfull end! I'm eager for your next fic!

Thanks for the review! I'm so glad that you enjoyed it. No new fic in the works, but feel free to read this one over again while you're waiting, lol. ;)

10/15/2008 06:44 pm
Can't have been all Spike's fault on the tape then!  That's good to know.  I like to think things work out between them after such a rocky start.  They've got a lot to get over.
Yeah, it happened pretty much the way we saw it in the flashback, meaning a lot of it was Buffy coming on to a hesitant Spike, so she certainly can't blame it entirely on him. Thanks for the review!

10/15/2008 04:24 pm
are u wrting an epilogue????

great great story by the way!!! dont pay attentions to those haters, they have no idea what they are talking aboutl.. they want fluffy fluffy spuffy, and we know how boring that is :)
Nope, no epilogue. What you see is what you get. :) Glad you enjoyed it!

10/15/2008 04:01 pm
And who says Slayers have no romance in their souls. I mean, what an incredibly romantic line "You wanna go kill something?"
LOL, it's certainly the way to Spike's heart. :)

10/15/2008 09:56 am
Aww. A good end to a great story! You finished it very well without it being all corny and too "puppy dogs and Christmas" lol.
Although I would have really like to have read Buffy watching the tape and her reactions but I guess you had to do it like that to build the tension to the big finish. I'm just sad its over!! :( Well Done!
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. The reason I went with a fade to black on Buffy watching the tape is because we already know what happened - we saw it all in the flashback. The only reaction of Buffy's that really matters is that watching the tape gave her a sense of closure and brought her to a place of forgiveness, and I think all that comes through in her conversation with Spike. I started out writing Buffy's reaction to the tape, but it wasn't really revealing anything new.

10/15/2008 08:59 am
Aww, it's the end :-( But what a lovely end. I'm glad she found the strength to forgive him and very glad she finally got some closure. A brilliant story from you once again, Eowyn, and I'll be waiting anxiously for the next one from you.
I know, I'm a little sad to see it end, too... don't have anything else in the works right now, but I'm happy to hear that you enjoyed this one! Thanks for the review. :)

10/15/2008 08:08 am
Great ending - Taking it slow is probably best, but I'm glad she gave Spike a chance.
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

10/15/2008 04:55 am

The End - and I like your ending so much , gives all your readers the opportunity to talk over with themselves how she comes to her choice and understanding  from seeing that tape.   Bring able to forgive transgressions and pain caused by the very people who you love and trust is probably the greatest  expression of a deep and abiding love. 

I also liked very much how you ended her relationship with Riley - it felt good to see that both could step away with a sense of being able to move beyond all their problems - he does "come through" for her when she needed him.   I always think it's better to try and forgive people, to gain knowledge from a terrible experience -

Spike better be damn sure that he knows just what a great gift Buffy has given him - willing to let him back into her life and her in his - that big.

Thank you so very much for bringing us this wonderful story - it was really great reading such a different Spuffy perspective - Well Done! 

You know, initially, I thought I would write the whole scene of Buffy watching the tape, what she was thinking, how she was reacting to each development. But in the end, that seemed unnecessary - we know what happened from the flashback, and all we really need to know about Buffy's reaction, we can glean from her conversation with Spike.

As for Riley, I wanted him to come out of this as a good guy. Both in the fic and on the show, I think he's a decent, upstanding guy who makes some mistakes. But in this kind of situation, I can't see him doing anything other than the right thing. Plus, it's good for Buffy to have one relationship (besides Spike) where the guy doesn't abandon her.

Thanks for the review! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!

Mark Evans
10/15/2008 04:30 am
Thank you so much for sharing this story with us :) .  I've enjoyed every chapter, even the rough ones, lol.  Again, thanks.
Thanks for the review! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

10/15/2008 02:33 am
I really enjoyed this story.  It was so well written and developed.  I love that you took one of the most interesting VM storylines and really tailored it to "Buffy."  I think my favorite twist is this last part - that Buffy actually got to see what happened that night between her and Spike whereas Veronica only ever had Duncan's word (not that he was lying, but she would never know for herself and those doubts would always be there).  Thanks for posting.
Thanks! I think as the story went on, it drifted further away from VM, but who wants to read the same plot over again anyway? The whole experience seems to have had a much different effect on Buffy than it did on Veronica, but ultimately, I think Buffy will be a better and stronger person for it, so maybe that's for the best.

10/15/2008 02:19 am
The tentative forgiveness and recognition of healing still to come while they mend their relationship makes a very fitting ending. Thank you.
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

10/15/2008 01:35 am
Thanks for sharing such a fabulous story! I was worried at times, but you came through in the end with a beautiful, believable happy end for our couple!
Thank you! I'm glad you stuck with it, and glad you enjoyed it!