Where in the World is Buffy Summers? by missus_grace
Chapter: 5

10/16/2008 04:35 pm
love it please update soon
An new chapter is up now!

10/16/2008 01:44 pm
At least Spike has all the time in the world to search for Buffy - it looks like he's going to need it.  There had better be serious payback for what Giles and Angel are doing.  Despiscable.
You're gonna love the payback.  Stay tuned!

10/15/2008 04:23 pm
"Giles could feel the multitude of sins he was perpetrating against Buffy weighing on his soul"
But not weighing nearly heavily enough! Bad Giles!
So... it's off to Cleveland...
Bad Giles indeed!  And yep, Cleveland is coming!

10/15/2008 03:32 pm
So Angel is having twinges of guilt....GOOD!  I doubt it will be enough for him to be honest with anyone but I am glad he is "suffering" at least a bit.

Giles is also feeling guilty and in his case he may crack.  I hope he does and soon. 

Excellent update.

It will be a lovely mess when it all comes crashing down!