Don't Stop by NautiBitz
Chapter: Hold On To The Feeling

09/16/2009 01:28 am
Loved your "dead zone" as a place where no live folk need apply (except as dinner)!
Underpants on the rearview mirror?  Eww!  What if the cops pull him over and  - oh, right. Sunnydale.  Cops no see-um vampire.

03/22/2009 10:36 pm
Really a shame that the gang interrupted the shenanigans and so glad that Spike didn't get dusted.

10/30/2008 12:30 am
OMG!! I just found this....WONDERFULL story!! I can't wait for the epilogue!

10/29/2008 05:41 am

10/28/2008 10:45 am
There are a lot of classic lines from this chapter but my favorite...

"Night night, cowgirl." He returned to his hiding spot. "We'll always have Journey." hahaha
The tone reminds me of their conversation in season 7 referencing the classic Ghostbusters tag... "Who you gonna call?"

10/27/2008 12:51 am
Another casualty of the night, I expect. - Too funny Nautibitz as always and no way this can be the end or even the epilogue.  Get cracking.

10/26/2008 10:22 pm
Fantastic as always.  Sad to see it on the way out.  Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

10/26/2008 07:14 pm
I just caught up on this again, and I loved all of it!  The sex was, of course, spectacular, but I'm sure you've heard that already.  :)  Highlights I liked in this chapter were Spike's offer to take care of her 'friend problem,' and the line "Could have been a little awkward if they'd arrived, say, during the anal sex."  And him hanging her panties on the rearview mirror was priceless!

10/26/2008 04:26 pm
I am so glad your writting a Epilogue..Great up date I looked everyday to see if you had posted it.I love playful Spike.As for me I would have went to the

10/26/2008 06:26 am
What an awesome ride (literyally!)...ghost town hijinks and kinky smut...i loved it!

10/26/2008 02:39 am
Aw...and there's that hint of more that makes it so much more than just laugh-out-loud funny smut. :)

10/26/2008 01:20 am
Heeee, hee heee!!! Aw, man, Scoobies ruin everything!
How can you hate Spike when he keeps being more adorable. :D
Can't wait for the rematch.

10/25/2008 10:20 pm
Smooth getaway for the ravished slayer.  This would make a great film!