Drawn to the Fire by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: Chapter 2

11/10/2011 10:13 pm

why cant i read this fanfic,can u sent me a copy to petergalecarty@aol.com

02/25/2010 05:35 am

12/13/2009 01:54 pm

08/22/2009 08:28 pm
Gran historia

12/22/2008 03:03 am
Good Spike. 

12/02/2008 03:46 am
Ah.I love it! what a great chappy! I can hear Spike talk through your writting. I love your understatements "and he never had perfected the art of acting cool as a cucumber" no really? off to read the next chappy
Haha, thank you!  :) 

11/30/2008 06:22 pm
Looking forward to next chapter! Lots of possibilities...
Thank you, Joyce!  I hope you enjoy Chapter 3!