God Only Knows by Niamh
Chapter: God Only Knows

03/11/2012 06:21 am
That's a mite disturbin' it is.


03/24/2010 11:02 am
A very sweet yet sobering fic. Thanks!

01/16/2009 05:47 am
you do a beautiful job with them. thank you.

12/27/2008 06:42 pm
Lovely little glimpse into the differences between what was and what could have been.  So happy that your Spike and Buffy got the better version of events. :)

12/27/2008 01:39 pm
Beautiful; simply beautiful.  What a lovely Christmas present; the depth of their love rocks me to the core.  Thank you so much!

12/27/2008 01:05 pm
A beautiful idea, how much difference that chance divergence can make.  Certainly works for me!  All good wishes for the season to you.

12/27/2008 08:41 am
Good stuff Niamh, Happy Holidays.

12/27/2008 04:25 am
Beautifully done. And I love the insight into the inner working of the canon Buffy and Spike.