Something Old by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: Sunday best, and all that, right?

01/20/2012 06:51 pm
I really liked this. I read the other story and Buffy well her plans really bit her in the ass didn't they. She was selfish in the companion story. She wanted the big gesture from Spike, so what does she do? She sends him an invitation to her wedding, hedging her bets. That way if Spike doesn't come to sweep her off her feet she has a back up plan. Well he came and shot her down. And it was beautiful! You don't invite the man you love who loves you to your wedding to someone else and expect a happy ending!
Thanks so much :)

I've always viewed their (Buffy and Spike) from Spike's POV, since emotionally, I'd identify with him more than Buffy.  Anywho, I actually continued this story as a Spangel fic on my LJ, if you're interested.

Thanks again!

Buffy Convert
07/02/2009 01:55 am
    Oh, please, please, please, please, please, please! Write a sequel: Spike hides out in "Mayberry" ( really Prestonsburg, KY) and meets an incredibly loving middle-aged Hillbilly who will NEVER kick him in the head or threaten to stake him. I could help with the plot, yeah?   I loved this.  But don't do it again!
I actually did--but it was a Spangel :P  You can find it on my LJ.  Though I do like your version, lol.

Thanks, and I don't plan on it :P  Got it all out of my system, lol.

01/17/2009 03:48 am
it is "good."  it is "damn good."  thank you for the fun read.
LMAO--thanks so much :D  I'm glad you liked it.

Also, I'm continuing it as a Spangel on my LJ...

01/06/2009 05:00 am
Wooooo hell yeah Spike with backbone. I'm a Spike/Buffy fan but only some times, I like Spike to have a backbone and shit and I hate Angel to.
Lol.  I like Spike with a backbone, too :P

Thanks for reviewing, and I'm glad you liked it :D

01/03/2009 11:06 pm
NICE - it's good to have a not happy Spuffy ending at times - and to have all the hurt and rage find expression in works -
Yeah, this is true.  I reevaluated my work, and I only had one other non hopeful ending, even though it was a fanwank of canon ( "Use Me Up" ).  Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for reviewing :D

01/03/2009 10:29 pm
This was an excellent folow up to Buffy's thinking that Spike would come for her. He did, in a way, just not the way she thought he would. ;)  Now someone needs to write where Buffy charges after Spike and they have a big blowout in front of the new hubby, the Scoobies, and everyone else. Could be a real eye opener???
Yeah, I was just sick of "begging for scraps" Spike, but I stayed true to him all the same.  A lot of time has passed since "Chosen..."  If I were to do a follow up...I don't think I'd do that.  At least not immediately after.  Either way, it definitely wouldn't end up a Spuffy, but a Spangel.  If I do ever write more (and I've been seriously pondering this), I'll definitely post it on my LJ, which can be found on my author page :D

01/01/2009 10:04 pm
As much as I hate to say this, being a Spuffy fan and all....YAY for Spike getting his stones back!
Lol--Yay!!  Thanks for reviewing :D

01/01/2009 02:07 pm
Great piece S and EVIL.  Maybe he could burn the church down for good measure.
LOL--thanks :D  Groveling, teary eyed Spike is dead (here).  Spike twists the knife better with words than with physical violence, so I got this.  No worries though--he's still got Angel :P

01/01/2009 11:20 am
This Buffy doesn't seem to be expecting Spike to sweep her off feet - no disappointment then!  At least he got to say his piece.
Oh, from my point of view she did, until he started talking :P  Thanks for reviewing.

01/01/2009 07:58 am
I adore Buffy with all of my heart, so I can say this without the least bit of schadenfreude, and you'll know that it's not coming from a "Buffy deserves to be punished for what she did to St. Spike, that bitch!" kind of place at all: that was glorious.  And I love it as a companion to Eowyn fic more than I can say.

Also, I love the fact that Angel's there for him.  Yay for Angel.
I'm not 100% sure what "schadenfreude" means, but I'm digging the "glorious" part of that review, lol :D

Thank you terribly for reviewing.

(side note: If I were to add to this, it would totally be a Spangel, and posted on my LJ)

01/01/2009 05:05 am
Ah, so this is your idea of what would have happened had he shown? Hee! Drunk, I can see, but he sounds a little harsh to me.  Of course, we don't know what happened before they split, so maybe she did do all that stuff.  Somehow I doubt that he'd feel good right now, though... Bet he gets a lot drunker before the night is over...                       
<small> whisper - you might want to check your verbs in the veil-lifting sentence.</small>

*gg* Yeah--I viewed as the invite being salt in the wound ( "Come see my happy day!" ), and came up with this.  Thanks for reviewing :)

(Thanks for the catch--this wasn't betaed.)

01/01/2009 05:01 am
Whoo! Bet that felt good to get off his chest. He'll pay for it tomorrow, though. ;)
Lol, yeah.  Helluva hangover, methinks.  Thanks for reviewing :D

01/01/2009 04:43 am
Excellent response fic.  Poor baby, hurting terribly with only Angel for comfort but Buffy has dug her own grave this time.

Yeah, that was kind of a tardy thing to do.  He can't read minds--he isn't Willow :P  Thanks so much for reviewing.

01/01/2009 04:28 am
Oh my gosh! I had read the story that this is a companion to and it made me so sad. I'm glad you took it up, and I hope for some more chapters, I'd love to see where this can lead!
I'm glad you liked it :D  Unfortunately, if I were to finish it, it wouldn't be a Spike/Buffy pairing.

Thanks for reviewing :)