Drawn to the Fire by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: Chapter 25

01/07/2009 07:20 pm
So glad that you gave Spike his enhanced strength again - I always found the idea of The Slayer and the imposed life that comes with her duty having a normal human as consort unrealistic.  I think that The Slayer on some deep level would always be worried which could have dire consequences for her in battles.  And While the series clearly showed that human did help in the fights - Spike as her consort and now father brings things into a different level.  So, I am very pleased that he is more an equal with her now. 

01/03/2009 10:15 pm
Yes..!  Willow give Spike a boost ala Lindsey MacDonald (or something along those lines, yes?). Hope it works out form him.
(of course "magic & it's consequences." Hmm... what might they be this time..?)

I am liking this story; All the voices (Spike, Buffy & yes {scowls at mentioning him} Angel) are dead on.

Eagerly awaiting more.