Never Saw That Coming by TammyDevil666
Chapter: Never Saw That Coming

Buffy Convert
07/08/2009 10:00 pm
     o.k. Your Angel I like. Your Spike, I like. But Buffy? She is one evil woman. I guess she has PTSS:  passionately ticked off at Spike syndrome.   I liked tho.Well, you know, except for the last paragraph!

02/08/2009 04:49 pm
Arggh!  What's up with that ending? Say it isn't so!

01/11/2009 02:55 am
ROFL!!! Buffy and Andrew?Are you off your bird? I loved it!

01/10/2009 03:10 pm
Get behind me, "She-devil."   You are one "sick, twisted and perverse meanie."  How could you!   OMG... Lips of Andrew!!!!  Calling Doctor Bombay err Willow come right away.  I'm gonna have nightmares until she does a forgetting spell! 

And they say, "Spike was evil."   Bad, bad writer.  Don't you dare end it there.  Instead maybe make it some wicked dream sequel in which all of the characters wake up in unison going, "Ewwww!" <g>

01/10/2009 12:28 am
Woah! That has to be the silliest thing I've read in a long time! Have to admit, it put a grin on my face. And I never did see that coming!!! LOL!

01/10/2009 12:11 am
that was too funny, i really enjoyed it.