Mending Walls by Scarlet Ibis
Chapter: ...My shame is yours...

02/13/2010 01:46 am
This was so very bittersweet.
I don't know how you managed it, but while Xander or Buffy haven't been mentioned in this entire piece, it still has a little taste of Spuffy (and Xanya I guess but I really don't like Xander that much). That moment of healing I think was needed for both demons, and I never liked how Josh showed it like a betrayal when it clearly wasn't.
I enjoyed this.

09/30/2009 02:47 am
Such a well of emotion described beautifully. You put us in the moment. This is a scene that I would have preferred not to have happened but you put it in its place for me. Thanks!
Thank you!  I'm glad that my interpretation of what happened in that scene worked for you :)

05/19/2009 08:09 pm
A tale that says why we READ about thoughtless sex, but don't do it.
Too real, too tender. Reminds me of why Anya was.
I wouldn't describe it as "thoughtless sex"...

At any rate, I think it was definitely something necessary for the both of them at the time. 

Thanks for reviewing :)

01/29/2009 09:23 am
Beautiful - Excellent  - Powerful

Fine Piece of work - beautiful banner too.
Thank you so much :D  Those are three of my favorite review words, lol.

The artist of the banner can be found on LJ under the name buffy_the_vamp6.

01/28/2009 06:51 am
beautiful read, thank you.
*blushes*  Thank you--I'm glad you liked it :D

01/26/2009 01:13 am
The feeling of loss and emptiness leapt upon her instantly, spreading through her like a disease.

Good imagery :-)
Thank you--I'm glad you liked it :D

01/25/2009 08:45 am
I just loved this. Beautifully written.

I always hated how Buffy and Xander made Spike and Anya feel so low about what had happened.
Yeah--a moral high ground from those two was just utterly ridiculous.

Thank you :D

01/25/2009 12:03 am
Not sure if I commented on this on LJ. Another nicely done look at a moment in time. Very believable.
No, you didn't, so thanks.  I always look forward to your thoughts :D