Not Dead by Herself
Chapter: 14

02/17/2009 01:21 am
It's beginning to look as if it will work. which means something's going to go wrong. Looking forward to the next chapter...

02/17/2009 12:14 am

Good on Buffy, she is really seeing Spike's devotion at last.

02/16/2009 11:51 pm
fine chapter, thank you.getting them out of angel's will be a step in the right direction. seeing dawn sad, but accepting, makes things easier.

02/15/2009 11:23 pm
Ah, lovely resolution to this sticky situation. Generous Spike, willing to do what's best for her (what's REALLY best, not what he thinks is best), shaming Angel by making him admit that Buffy was worth the risk of letting her rise. Love that Buffy is realizing what Spike could be to her and what he's willing to do to make her happy.

02/15/2009 06:37 pm
Thanks for another wonderful chapter. Interesting conversation between Spike and Angel. Of course Spike had it right. Lovely to see how unwavering Buffy is in her choice to remain with Spike.

02/15/2009 06:21 pm
It was nice that you considered the possibility of Buffy staying on with the team. However, I think it would not have been a good move seeing as she's so new and all. Plus it opens up more Spuffiness.