After the Fall by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: Back to Basics

02/21/2009 04:25 am
Oh, poor Anya.  I wish Xander would just get his act together.  Everyone would be much happier!

Very good chappie!  I can't wait for the next installment and to see what happens when Buffy and Xander talk.
Thanks Katherine!  The Anya/Xander stuff is gonna get pushed a bit behind the scenes, but they'll still be around.  Lots more to come soon!

02/21/2009 02:58 am
First and most important....{{{{{hugs}}}}}} and hope you are well soon!

Xander is so thick skulled.  I am glad Anya is not taking his nonsense in this story.  I have to wonder how sincere he will be at this point.  I think he is only sorry that Anya is angry with him and gave his ring back to him.  I'm not sure what it will take.  I also can't remember when he
" saw Spike rip the throats out of innocent people. He tried to kill us who knows how many times. "  Can't remember Xander witnessing the kills (although Spike DID indeed drain many a person in his time).  As for the try to one time Xander SHOULD have been killed by Spike (Lovers Walk) he was merely clocked and knocked out then carried and placed on a mattress!  Killing Xander in front of Willow would have been quite effective in scaring her into helping so there was no percentage in keeping Xander alive.  *end rant*

Excellent update.  Please take care of yourself....we'll be here when you are up to writing again!
Thanks Kathleen!  You're right...Xander never really witnessed that, though of course there's embellishment and also the in between the episodes we didn't get to see.  :)  We know how Xander likes to make Spike look worse than he already is.  I wouldn't worry though...I'm trying to get Xander back in the loop.  He does want to try to make things work with Buffy, and Anya's giving him back the ring just kinda set it in motion. 

I'm feeling a little better, but it comes and goes, so I'm writing a bit right now. :)
