After the Fall by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: Birthday Plans

02/25/2009 04:56 am
Ohhhhh!!!  Buffy's got a bitty Spike in the oven!!!  I was really hoping you'd decide to incorporate a pregnancy into the story.  I love Spike as a daddy!  Good job!  Can't wait for the next update! :-)

02/25/2009 04:56 am
Ohhhhh!!!  Buffy's got a bitty Spike in the oven!!!  I was really hoping you'd decide to incorporate a pregnancy into the story.  I love Spike as a daddy!  Good job!  Can't wait for the next update! :-)
:) Thanks Katherine!  I wasn't sure if I wanted to a pregnancy in this story, because I did a pregnancy in my very first Spuffy story, but I had to do felt wrong not to! :)  Glad you're enjoying!

02/25/2009 02:50 am
EEEEEEEEKK!!! I KNEW it! Hooray! I just hope nothing happens to make her lose it. Dana, demon, or the council! I know she'll probably be in denial about it and Spike will probably find a home test in the trash. This is exciting! Spike would make an excellent dad! Can't wait for the next chapter!
LOL, I actually have a funny little scene planned....well, I don't want to give anything away!  But it'll be cute! :)


02/25/2009 01:45 am
Not good, but I had a feeling that's what was wrong. She'll probably be in denial for a while, until she realizes that she is in fact pregnant, then hopefully she'll tell Spike and the others.  I'm worried about their reactions, though, especially Spike's.  I was planning on making Buffy pregnant in the story I'm working on now, but I always worry about doing that when Spike is a vampire.  It's nice to know that others have done it, too.
Thanks Tammy!  Oh, there are always ways to explain vampire/human conceptions.  That's what I love about writing fantasy...anything can happen!  :)  Lots more to come soon!