After the Fall by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: The Wedding

03/01/2009 11:11 am
Awwwwwwwwww  She said it and made him believe it.  Nice.

Yes he'd worry especially about all the things he won't be able to do as a daddy but every family is different and lots of fathers "work" at night and aren't up in the daylight with the kids.

Lovely update.  Glad you had Xander marry Anya. ... I always hated how he did that to her (doing it AND the way he did it).

:) Thank you! You're right.  Plenty of dads have reasons they can't spend time with the kids in the day.  It's just that it'll be a constant kind of thing and not just a work thing. 

03/01/2009 05:16 am
I almost cried when I thought Spike was leaving!  I will admit, my eyes did mist up.  But that just made it soooo much sweeter when he stayed!  Great job!
Aw, thanks!  I've gotten that "almost cried" response from a lot of people, so I guess I wrote it right! :)