After the Fall by BuffyXenaDQFan
Chapter: Waiting and Hoping

03/03/2009 01:39 pm
 I can't read this chapter. No matter what I do ,I only get the review window. I am so sad. Can someone check if there is a problem onthe website. Thanks.
I'm not sure WHAT'S going on, but you can read it either at Elysian Fields, The Spuffy Realm, or on :)

03/03/2009 04:42 am
No story although there is a word count???

That's weird!  I'm not sure what's going on.  I can't get into any story right now. Hmm...

03/02/2009 06:15 pm
this is so weird. you're story isn't here. Er, I mean, the word of the chapter are not here, all i'm getting is the review box...
I think it's that way for everyone.  Must be a site glitch?