Pause by Aisalynn
Chapter: Pause

07/21/2009 08:27 am
Loved it!

05/12/2009 12:10 am
loved it. thank you. would make an excellent starting point...

05/08/2009 11:51 pm
Great start and also glad that for once Willow had nothing to do with dimensional thingie.

05/07/2009 05:08 pm
This was just lovely!  Buffy's delayed realization to the fact that Spike is actually there was perfect, and the whole thing about the Spikebot . . . very sweet reunion.

05/06/2009 09:48 pm
nice reunion :-)

05/06/2009 07:49 am
Just wonderful!  Would hope this is to continue because of the others reactions if no other reason.

You are such a wonderful addition to fandom!  A gifted storyteller with a strong grasp on the character voices.  This story is yet another in your string of perfectly pitched tales.


05/05/2009 10:55 pm
Very well written little ficlet. Really sweet, liked it alot.

05/05/2009 01:41 pm
<I> “It was your fault!” she snapped, starting to pace back and forth. “If you hadn’t fought with me so much and just let me do my job rather than use to me to get your violence kick in, then word wouldn’t have traveled that the Slayer always fought with William the Bloody at her side.” She turned on him suddenly, brandishing the sword at him. “They wouldn’t take me seriously! Everyone I fought thought I was weaker simply because you weren’t there.”  </I>

ROFLMAO!   XD  That's a fabulous reason to be forced to have a Spikebot.  LOL 

I really enjoyed this whole story, but that part just made me grin madly.