Sunsets by Abby
Chapter: Epilogue

10/06/2013 02:28 pm
Every time I read this I cry. It's beautiful.

10/16/2012 02:55 am

You made me cry...could there maybe be an epilogue of an epilogue? Of Spike finally getting to heaven and Buffy there to great him?

09/08/2011 06:00 am
So glad you enjoyed it.  Thank *you*.

Incredible writing. Thank you! :-)
04/25/2010 04:56 am
Thanks so much!  I appreciate it!

From heat to tears in a morning.
04/25/2010 04:55 am
Thanks bunches!!

07/03/2009 12:45 am
Other reviewers have called this "sweet", and I have to echo the word.  It is sweet, gentle, sad yet happy because they had such a full life together.  You did a great job setting the mood!
Thank you so much!  This is exactly what I hoped to convey with this story.  So glad that you enjoyed and thanks for reviewing.

06/14/2009 12:49 am
So sweet. I can`t wait to read more of your work!
Thank you!  I can't wait to bring you more!  In the meantime, I do have some other stories here on BSV :)

06/13/2009 02:23 am
Lovely way to end this. 
Thank you!  I'm so glad I decided to add the extra chapter.  Thanks for your lovely words.

06/12/2009 09:43 pm
Somehow I feel each generation will need Spike to help them along.  Very nice to have a long lived link to a past generation.
That's exactly it!  Who better to tell them stories about those who came before than someone who was actually there?

06/11/2009 03:05 am
beautiful read, thank you.
And thanks for reviewing! 

06/10/2009 03:01 pm
Okay, the first one was just beautiful - truely.  But this one made me cry.  Thank goodness I opted for no mascara today!  Fantastic work.
No mascara was a good choice!  I'm glad that you liked this story, but sorry for the tears! *hands over some tissues*  Thank you so much for reviewing.