The Writing on the Wall by Holly
Chapter: Chapter Twenty-six

07/13/2009 09:02 pm
Nooooooooooooo! Please update soon. I'm on tenterhooks. Lovely chapter.

07/13/2009 05:00 am
aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh sexual frustration!!!!

07/12/2009 12:15 am
beautiful read, thank you.

07/10/2009 03:46 am
wow....very touching chapter. And I love that song.

07/10/2009 02:27 am
This chapter was very well done, and beautiful without losing the roughness of Spike's character. I'd forgotten about those papers, and Buffy writing such a letter after she'd been imprisoned and lived out years of 'life' to gain experience as seh reflected on the past was so real and perfect for the moment. You bring the two people together wonderfully, and the dance to Cheek to Cheek was just the cherry on top.
I find myself wondering what Buffy's friends will do when they get to know this much older, more experienced Buffy at Spike's side. I really enjoy this story, and I hope it doesn't end with escaping Hell, but shows us a little of readjusting to the outside world.